Description of Mexican Cucumber

Lovers of growing original varieties distinguish the Mexican cucumber from others, it really can become a decoration of the garden.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the plant
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Growing rules
  5. Care
  6. Diseases and parasites
  7. Recipes
  8. Conclusion

Описание Мексиканского огурца

Description of the Mexican cucumber

Characteristics of the variety

Mexican cucumber Chayot was bred in tropical regions. Mexico is considered to be the country of origin, it was she who gave the variety a name.

Name “Chayot” from ancient language but translated as “pumpkin with thorns.” The variety is suitable for cultivation in subtropical regions close to the sea. The main regions for cultivation on our continent are the Black Sea, Krasnodar and Georgia.

Description plants

Mexican cucumber is characterized by unusual stems resembling tropical creepers. The stem reaches a height of 20 m. It is not necessary to form the main stem, because antennae are formed on the lateral shoots, helping the plant to form and not deform properly.

According to the description, the Mexican cucumber has rounded leaves whose width reaches 25 cm. small bristles are located on their surfaces. The type of flowering can be either male or female.The color of the leaves is predominantly green, in rare cases, cream.

Flowering of plants occurs in early August. In warm regions where there is no frost, fruits can ripen until mid-winter.

Description of the fruit

Mexican cucumber is characterized by fruits of an unusual shape. Most often there are dark green fruits resembling a pear in shape. Depending on the choice of seeds, the fruits may also have a light green hue. The length of an individual ripened fruit can reach a mark of 25 cm, but the weight of Chayote cucumber exceeds the mark of 1000 g.

Each fruit is covered with a small number of thorns or completely smooth. The inside contains a solid yellow bone. The pulp is light green, pleasant, sweet in taste. A large amount of starch allows the vegetable to be considered nutritious and useful for the human body.

The fruits do not grow on the surface of the bush, but in the root system. About 10 fruits ripen in 1 bush, each 1 kg each.

Mexican cucumber is classified as a universal variety. It can be used for salads or preservation for the winter. It is also suitable for fresh consumption.

Growing rules

In the regions of Russia and Ukraine, cultivation should be carried out using seedlings. A full-fledged fruit should be placed in an indoor flower pot or container and placed in a warm, lit room. Depth of landing – 3 cm.The soil is prematurely fed with organic substances. It is recommended to use humus or bird droppings. Peat is also ideal.

The plant is best grown in place of potatoes

A Mexican cucumber is planted in open ground in early May. Residents in a warm region are allowed to land in April. Seeds are planted in open ground. For this, the seeds are placed at a distance of 100 cm from each other. For 1 square. m should be located no more than 1 plant. Seeds are immersed in the ground wide side down. Depth is measured in the bayonet of a shovel. That is, the seeds should be immersed in the hole for 1 bayonet.

Cultivation is carried out in places where soil drainage is located, because an excess of moisture negatively affects the plant. The best way to grow Mexican cucumbers in the beds, where before this was located potatoes or onions. Chayote is not planted where pumpkin was previously grown, otherwise the yield is reduced.


Mexican cucumber Chayote has no special care requirements. All events are standard and suitable even for a beginner in the field of agriculture. It is important to feed the soil in a timely manner. For these purposes, 100 g of mineral complex fertilizers or 100 g of humus are placed in each well. The plant is tall, so to maintain the stem put props.

  1. Planting areas should be well lit by the sun.
  2. Recommend the use of special shelters from strong gusts of wind that can destroy the crop.
  3. Watering is carried out every 10 days using warm water. This allows the root system to form better.

Diseases and parasites

There is no information on what diseases and parasites the Mexican cucumber Chayote is exposed to. As a prevention, you can use alternative recipes without the use of insecticides. To protect from powdery mildew or spotting, you should adjust the watering and ventilation of seedlings. You can protect yourself from the Colorado potato beetle or slugs by collecting insects with your hands.

Manganese solution or soap solution will help aphids or whiteflies. They process each bush. The processing interval is 10-12 days.


Mexican cucumbers are used in any form. Often, Chayote is prepared from Mexican cucumbers: lettuce is rubbed on a coarse grater, then greens are added to it. If desired, you can add an egg and the desired number of spices. The dish is seasoned with olive or sunflower oil.

How to grow a chayote (agricultural technique for growing Mexican cucumbers)
Mexican pepper or cucumber chayote care, cultivation, propagation #vk

Often Chayote stuffed. For this vosch cut into 2 pieces, taken out therefrom the seeds, after which the pulp was removed and extinguish it, together with other vegetables. Content is whipped in a blender and spread on the skin of cucumber. Next, put the molds in the oven and bake until rosy.

Mexican cucumber Chayote contains a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances, many use it fresh. It is especially important to pay attention to this culture to those who eat right and monitor their weight.


Growing a Mexican cucumber is a bit more complicated, typical for ordinary vegetables, but the effort is rewarded with a large harvest.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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