How to wash a rabbit

Rabbits are cute, beautiful creatures that are often brought up to please little children. However, acquiring a pet is a crucial step, as it involves taking responsibility for the life and health of the new occupant of the house. It is necessary to provide him with the necessary care at all levels. One of the questions you should ask yourself before letting the big-eared one into your house is how to wash the rabbit.

  1. Do I need to bathe
  2. Only delicate cleaning
  3. What detergents are best for washing the rabbit
  4. What to do after washing the pet
  5. To summarize

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How to wash and bathe the rabbit

Do I need to bathe

Decorative rabbits did not lose the animal instinct, so they are fairly clean, they are used to washing themselves, and they tend to change their coat several times a year. Newborn rabbits are not lovers of swimming and swimming in water, so it’s better not to clean the pet’s cover: water can wash off the protective layer of fat from the hairs, the hair will begin to lose attractiveness, and the pet will feel uncomfortable.

Many don’t know if bathe a rabbit and how to do it right .. A decorative rabbit is very different from its wild counterparts. Bathing can be a very serious and even fatal problem for him: if water gets into his ears, otitis media can form. But still you need to wash your pet, but only in special cases. So when exactly do you need to bathe a rabbit?

  1. with heavy pollution. When the pet got dirty on a walk and cannot wash himself, he simply needs help from the owner.
  2. With diarrhea.When you have diarrhea, you need to wash your pet so that he, trying to cleanse himself, does not eat enough feces.
  3. With the smell of urine. Bathing a rabbit at home will help remove the smell of urine.
  4. With heat stroke. To alleviate the pet’s condition, water procedures are carried out.

When carrying out water procedures, you do not need to bathe a dwarf decorative rabbit completely: it is enough to clean only a place that is very dirty, because fluffy can experience fluff during water procedures stress.

Only delicate cleaning

So how to bathe the rabbit so that the procedure does not harm the pet? First you need to reassure him, pet and treat him with your favorite treat. Also, bathing an animal alone is not worth it; it is better to ask someone to help, as the pet will break out and try to escape. The assistant will make sure that the rabbit’s ears do not get water during bathing.

To wash your pet at home, you will need:

  • basin;
  • special shampoo for animals;
  • 2-3 towels.

Bathing is carried out in special conditions. To begin with, it is worth closing all the windows in the house so that there are no drafts. You can’t wash the rabbit in the shower, you need to use a basin: a shower can scare him, and water drops can get into your ears. It is important to watch that the rabbit is not cold, the water temperature should be 36-40 ° C. The pet should be placed in a basin, soap the stain and massage it a little.

It is forbidden to wet the rabbit’s eyes, ears and nose. It is also important to ensure that the detergent does not remain on the hairs of the pet, because the animal will lick itself and can eat up chemicals. After the procedure, the baby should be wrapped in a towel.

What detergents are best for washing the rabbit

To bathe an animal, do not use shampoos for people: substances that are in them, spoil the hair of the pet. The necessary shampoo is easy to find in special stores for animals. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition of the selected shampoo: it should not include lauryl or sodium lauret.

There are also sprays for the skin of the animal. They facilitate combing and give the hair softness and shine. They must be carefully applied to the wool, rubbed with a cloth, and then gently comb the rabbit. Such sprays have a good effect: they relieve animals of various parasites, as well as relieve inflammation on the skin.

Of course, you can’t spray the rabbit with a spray, because it will not give a good result, unlike special shampoos, but it can help out in cases where you can’t completely wet the animal. You can also use dry shampoo. It will help remove dirt if there is no water at hand. This powder is applied to the rabbit’s hair, and then gently combed out. Be sure to ensure that the powder does not remain on the coat.

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After the bath is finished, it is important to caress your pet. Your rabbit can be offended for a long time due to the stress received, and therefore needs hanging care and attention. But it happens that over time they get used to the water and happily go to wash.

To summarize

So, is it possible to bathe decorative rabbits in apartment conditions, as well as ordinary rabbits? Bathing a rabbit is carried out only when he really needs it. It is also worth doing it correctly so as not to harm the health of the pet. It is not necessary to bathe the animal completely, just wash its paws and dirty spots on the coat. You can’t bring your pet to a stressful state - over time, he will get used to the water and wash with great pleasure.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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