Pregnancy and bee pollen

To read:

Contraindications to the intake of bee pollen

Be careful! Do not risk your health and the health of your baby. Be sure to consult with a specialist before using any folk remedies, including bee pollen and honey..


You can talk about the benefits of polishing for a very long time! Chemical analysis of pollen grains shows that they are rich in proteins, fats, and various carbohydrates.


What is contained in bee pollen?

At the same time, despite the constant presence of the same components, the composition of the pollen varies greatly depending on the sources of raw materials – flowering plants on which the bees have worked.

This is especially noticeable for vitamins and mineral elements. And visually, pollen of different varieties differs in color. For example, the cut from the poppy is black, from the sainfoin – brown, from the yellow sweet clover – golden.

The rich chemical composition makes the polish a fortifying agent. It has a positive effect on many systems of the body: on immunity, digestion, the work of the heart and blood vessels.

A daily dose of 20 grams covers the body’s need for essential (not synthesized by it) amino acids.

Vitamins and minerals, phytoncides, eliminate physical fatigue, stimulate the brain, increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. They normalize blood pressure, metabolic processes, the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

The pollen is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Helps with neuroses, stress, chronic fatigue.

Thanks to phenolic compounds – flavonoids and phenolic acids, it strengthens capillary vessels, has a mild choleretic and diuretic effect.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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