Hemp sap (hemp) as a melliferous plant

Hemp sap (or hemp) honey plant, which is a medicinal perennial low herbaceous or semi-shrub plant of the Compositae family.

It is also known by other names: poskon, water hemp, haberdog, fog, sedash, horse mane, petishnik, in English. “Evpatorium” or hemp burdock. It is considered a moderate honey plant.

The content of the article

  • 1 Distribution and Description
    • 1.1 Species of the plant
  • 2 Significance for agriculture
  • 3 Agrotechnics
  • 4 Honey productivity

Distribution and Description

Birchwood grows mainly in swampy areas, near small rivers and streams, in damp meadows. Widely distributed in the European part of our continent and North America. In the wild, there is also an annual species of dwarf shrub.

The stems of the plant are low-branched, erect, up to a meter high. Fluffy short-petiolate leaves are ovoid, opposite.

Pink small flowers are grouped in baskets of paniculate inflorescences at the top of each stem. After the main flowering period, inflorescences of some varieties of melliferous plants continue to emit small amounts of pollen and nectar. Panicles bloom alternately in mid-July and bloom en masse until late autumn.

Species of the plant

In total, there are about 600 types of stethoscope

They can be divided into three conditional groups:

  • European;
  • American;
  • and Asian.

As cultivated plants, only European and American varieties are grown by gardeners – hemp, purple, spotted, wrinkled.

Hemp or hemp is considered the most common type. On the basis of it, several decorative hybrids have been bred – album, paint splashes, flora captivity.

Important! All plants are poisonous – they can cause nausea and dizziness.

Significance for agriculture

This honey plant is mainly used as a medicinal plant used in folk medicine and homeopathy. Preparations based on it have anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties and help well in the treatment of rheumatism, bronchitis, gout.

Gardeners sometimes use it to decorate their backyards.


The hemp variety propagates by seed, other species by cuttings or dividing the bushes.

Vegetative propagation is considered more effective, since the seeds germinate for a long time and only after two years turn into a full-fledged, rather unpretentious plant.

Cutting is the easiest and most harmless way.

In summer, gardeners cut off young shoots (about 10-15 centimeters) with part of the rhizome and transplanted into prepared soil. Unlike traditional shrub division, this method is harmless to the plant.

Important! It is forbidden to often divide the bushes – this depletes and kills the shrub.

Only mature five-year-old bushes are used for separation. The rhizomes are divided with a sharp ax into several parts with three buds for reproduction and planted in the spring in a new place. In this case, abundant watering is required.

Before wintering, the bushes are thoroughly cut off, leaving only the largest stems, and the soil is insulated over the root system with fallen leaves.

Honey productivity

The honey from the stethosis has a dark amber hue, but it is rarely pumped out, since it is practically unsuitable for human consumption due to its specific smell.

But at the same time, all the collected nectar from the inflorescences of the plant serves as an excellent winter food for bee colonies.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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