How to deal with aphids on pepper

Each gardener is concerned about the pest situation when growing vegetables. Even if the plant is resistant to disease, there is a chance of infection. Pepper aphids are a common occurrence in gardening. These insects suck out juice from vegetables, which slows its growth.

  1. Popular methods of struggle
  2. Laundry soap
  3. Ash <
  4. Fir needles
  5. Soda
  6. Ammonia
  7. Ammonia <
  8. Hydrogen peroxide
  9. Mustard powder
  10. Garlic infusion
  11. Hot red pepper
  12. Biological methods
  13. Chemicals
  14. Karbofos <
  15. Fufanon
  16. Aktara
  17. Fury
  18. Intavir
  19. Atellik
  20. Prevention
  21. Conclusion

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Aphids on pepper

The reason for the appearance of aphids is ants. They are carriers of pests. You can understand that a plant is infected with these insects by leaf condition They twist, dry and fall. On the back side they become sticky, aphid larvae are visible on the surface. The fight is carried out by chemical, biological methods. Folk remedies will also help.

Folk control methods

Effective if the pest is found at the initial stage and just began to spread through the bushes. The advantage of folk methods of struggle – improvised means are used. Also, this method is the most economical.

Laundry soap

A soap solution is made on its basis. You can use tar soap.

Method of preparation:

  1. Take 1/3 of the bar of soap.
  2. Rub it on a fine grater.
  3. Pour shavings into 1 liter of water and wait for it to dissolve completely.
  4. Add about 30 g (approximately 1 tbsp) of vegetable oil.
  5. Mix thoroughly.

Set up the solution for at least 2 hours. Then strain.

Watering is carried out using the drip irrigation method. Only infected sheets are sprayed. For prevention purposes, gently and in a small concentration, spray the leaves on adjacent bushes.

You need to process the plant at least 4 times. Frequency – every day or every other day. Depends on the degree of spread of aphids.


In the fight against aphids on pepper, an ash infusion is effective. To do this, take 2 cups of the substance and dilute in 10 liters of water. You can add 100-150 g of soap solution.

The infusion is best used immediately. After 24 hours, it is no longer suitable.

Another recipe is a mixture of ash and a tobacco saw. It will take 50-70 g of each component. They are mixed in 2 liters of water. You can process the stem, leaves and fruits.

Fir needles

Spruce essence will help get rid of harmful insects on the pepper in the greenhouse. Enough 500 ml of needles. Stir in 2 l of liquid. Insisting time – a week, no less.In the opposite case, the desired effect will not be.

Before applying 40 g of spruce essence diluted in 1 liter of water. This is enough for 5-7 bushes of pepper. You can spray not only the leaves, but the whole plant. If the aphid eats leaves further, repeat the procedure.


The safest way to combat aphids on pepper. It is not used in its pure form, but in conjunction with liquid or laundry soap.

It is very difficult to get rid of aphids


  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of soda;
  • 50 g of soap.

The advantage of the solution is that it does not need to be infused. It can be used immediately after preparation. In order to completely get rid of the pest, it is necessary to carry out a minimum of 2 treatments. Frequency – once every 4 days.


Processing it is effective because ammonia causes paralysis of the lungs in pests.

To prepare this national funds needed 2 tbsp. tablespoons ammonia, 1 tbsp. spoon dishwashing detergent and a bucket (10 l) of water. The solution is applied only to infected leaves.


Acts due to the evaporation of a specific smell. He repels aphids. It has another useful effect – it fertilizes the soil and restores its fertility.

It is better to use a mixture of ammonia and tar soap.Proportions – 50 g of soap chips, 50 g of ammonia, a bucket of water. Mix everything and let it brew for 1-2 hours. With the resulting mixture, water only the soil near bushes that are infected with aphids.

Hydrogen Peroxide

It will help if the plant is grown on a windowsill or in a greenhouse. If pepper grows in open ground, it is better to choose another remedy.

To prepare the solution you need:

  • 55-60 ml of hydrogen peroxide; tablespoons of alcohol;
  • 3 drops of liquid soap;
  • 1 liter of water.

The main rule is that the mixture is prepared only before use. The order of mixing the components is unimportant.

Mustard powder

40 g of mustard are poured into 0.5 l of boiling water. Mix thoroughly and leave to infuse for 3 days.

Before using the product in the fight against aphids, the infusion is diluted in 10 l of liquid. Only the soil around the bush is watered.

Garlic infusion

Chop the garlic. As a result, its smell will be pronounced and will deter pests.

Pour the crushed product with boiling water. For 1 head you need 3 liters of water. Infusion time is one day. For the best effect, you can add 40 g of liquid soap. Dilute the concentrated infusion in 7 l of liquid.

Hot red pepper

There are 2 ways to use it as a decoction or infusion. For infusion, you need 1 kg of crushed pods of hot pepper. Mix them with 10 liters of liquid. Insist 10 days.

The resulting infusion should be used in a proportion of 100 g to 1 bucket of water. This is enough for 7 m2 of land.

Recipe for the broth:

  1. Take 100 g of crushed pods of red pepper.
  2. Boil them in 1 liter of water for about 1 hour.
  3. Insist 2 days in a glass bowl.

To spray 10-13 bushes of pepper you will need 50 g of infusion diluted in 1 bucket of water. If after 1 application it was not possible to get rid of aphids, repeat the procedure.

Biological methods

Some insects eat aphids

When insects appeared, biological control methods will help. Birds and insects that will kill aphids:

  • sparrows;
  • tits;
  • ladybugs;
  • wasps.

The aphids also eat aphids. Care must be taken to ensure that birds and insects do not harm other plants in the greenhouse.

Lure them into the greenhouse with food and drink.


Use when folk remedies did not help or the degree of infection is high. The main thing is to apply in strictness with the instructions. Due to its high toxicity, it is not always possible to use chemicals at home.


It is a potent insecticide. The main purpose – the fight against harmful insects, especially with aphids.

On its basis make a solution.You will need a bucket of water and 30-50 g of the drug. This amount is enough to process 8-10 bushes of pepper. Watering is carried out by the drip irrigation method. It is advisable that the product does not fall into the fruit.


Helps to quickly remove aphids. 1-2 watering is enough. The main advantage is harmless to humans.


  • 1 ampoule of the product (it contains 5 ml of the chemical);
  • 1-1.5 l of water .

Used for plants planted in open ground. It is desirable that the weather be calm and dry.


The product is intended to treat peppers from aphids at the beginning of the growing season. Frequency of spraying – once a week, not more often. The main advantage is the speed of exposure. Starts the fight with insects in 15 minutes. They refuse food, as a result of which they die the next day.

The substance is toxic, therefore, 1 package (1.4 g) is enough for the solution. Dilute it in 1 bucket of water. 5 l of working solution is enough for 1 hundred square meters of land.


It does not allow to fight aphids on pepper during flowering of the bush. In other periods, its use allows you to quickly remove pests.

The drug has a low consumption rate – 1 ml per 10 liters of water. It is harmless to humans and the environment. Its effects last for 10 days. If after this time the aphid continues to eat pepper leaves, reuse in the same dose.For the season, no more than 2 treatments of the drug are allowed.


Sold in tablet form. For 10 l of water, 1-1.5 tablets of the drug are taken. Its feature is effective in the fight against aphids not only in greenhouses or open ground, but also when grown as a houseplant.

When using, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • maximum number of treatments ” Intavir “3;
  • can be used before and during fruiting;
  • the repetition rate of the procedure is once every 10-14 days.

It can be used in parallel with other chemicals. Belongs to hazard class 3, which is why it does not pose a threat to humans.


Aphids begin to die immediately after contact with a chemical. The agent infects the intestines of pests.

1 ampoule is designed for 2 liters of water. In the fight against aphids, this amount is enough for 10 m2.

Effectively affects pests at home. The temperature in the room should not be less than 15 ° C. If it is above 28 ° C, it is better not to bring the treatment with Actellic, because the product belongs to hazard class 2 and can adversely affect human health.


so that immediately identify aphids, regularly inspect the plant. Especially the back of the leaves. If fruits have already formed on the bush, they also need to be examined.

The second preventive measure is to plant crops with a pungent smell near the pepper.This is garlic and onion. This will create an ecological balance and repel not only aphids, but also other pests.

Regularly inspect the soil for insects and bugs. Especially look for ant nests. You can fight them with the help of kerosene, which is poured into the nest. Another effective way is to pour boiling water.

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The appearance of aphids on pepper bushes is a common occurrence in horticulture. The first signs are yellowed and fallen leaves. It is important to begin the fight against pests immediately after detection.

Initially, you should try folk remedies. They will help get rid of aphids when it first appeared. If this does not help, use chemicals. If you follow all the instructions from the manual, you won’t cause serious harm to the fruits and people. You can also try biological methods.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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