Trace element molybdenum. Functions. Signs of Deficiency and Excess – Hydroponics

Very little is known about this trace element. It is possible that molybdenum is contained in the form of impurities to the main nutrients used to prepare the nutrient solution. It has been shown to be essential for the formation of nodules in legumes. Laboratory experiments have shown that it must be included in the legume nutrient solution.


Examples of symptoms of molybdenum deficiency

From left to right:Β deficiency of molybdenum in cauliflower, cane, wheat.

cabbageΒ Β 



Sources of

  1. IPNI Crop Nutrient Deficiency Image Collection.
  2. Bentley M. Industrial hydroponics. – M .: Publishing house Kolos, 1965 .– 819 p.

Anna Evans

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