How to grow cucumbers hydroponically at home

The influence of the external environment on the quality and productivity of agricultural crops is simply enormous. Every year it becomes more difficult to achieve high levels of environmental friendliness of crops. Even traditional agricultural practices and the use of chemical products do not guarantee positive results. Therefore, in recent years, progressive technologies for growing plants have begun to actively develop.

Hydroponics is one such method. It allows you to cultivate environmentally friendly cucumbers, tomatoes and other garden crops all year round.

What is hydroponics

If translated literally from ancient Greek, then the word is interpreted as “working solution”. Hydroponics means a defined system of growing plants throughout the year on a soilless basis. That is, this method makes it possible to get a crop without using traditional soil. All the necessary nutrients come from a specially balanced solution prepared for the required crop, in our case, cucumbers. There are no harmful elements in the chemical composition of the liquid that promotes the development and growth of fruits, so all products are safe.

Professional agronomists specializing in vegetable cultivation argue that hydroponic technology is simple and affordable even for novice gardeners. Using this method, you can grow tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, various greens and much more outdoors, at home, as well as in greenhouses.

Before the advent of this method of plant cultivation, scientists have done a tremendous job. In the course of the work, it was determined which elements are extracted from the solution by the root system in the first place, which affects the rapid growth and abundant fruiting, how the culture behaves with a deficiency of trace elements or minerals, etc.

The method of growing cucumbers and tomatoes using hydroponics

Unlike tomatoes, growing cucumber seedlings requires a special approach. The temperature regime (within 21-27 degrees) and the required air humidity must be strictly observed. Hydroponic varieties should be shade-tolerant and self-pollinated.

The very planting of cucumbers and their subsequent cultivation in the system consists of several steps:

  1. The first step is to plant seeds in wet plugs;

  2. Then, after a 10-day germination period, the cork is moved into a separate cube for the further development of the plant;

  3. The resulting seedlings are planted in a previously prepared substrate. An important point is the correct distance between the shoots – with a dense planting, the appearance of a fungus is possible;

  4. Saplings must be provided with 14 hours of daylight;

  5. Further, the technology for growing cucumbers is the same as for tomatoes;

  6. Ripe fruits must be removed in time so that they do not slow down the further development of the plant.

Pros and cons of technology

A hydroponic system can be made by hand. Such an installation has a huge number of advantages, among which are:

  • The plant is not susceptible to disease, has a thick and strong stem;
  • Increased productivity with excellent fruit quality indicators;
  • The time spent on cultivation is reduced significantly;
  • There is no need for regular watering;
  • Cucumbers do not contain nitrates and other harmful substances;
  • There are no pests and weeds;
  • There is no need to feed the plant, since there is no soil;
  • Plowing and hilling is also not required;
  • Hydroponics can be set up in a separate room or basement.

An important point is a constant temperature in the root zone, which should be within +22 degrees.

There are practically no drawbacks to this technique. However, the cucumber is completely dependent on the balance of biological and physical parameters in the nutrient solution and substrate. Successful cultivation is only possible with proper care.

How to make hydroponics with your own hands

To cultivate vegetables hydroponically at home, you need to build the system itself, install it correctly, and then plant the plants. It is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, even improvised items are enough.

Necessary materials

To make the simplest model, we need:

  • Capacious container made of plastic material, preferably black;
  • Foam sheet;
  • Cups or pots with many holes;
  • Pump (you can use a specialized or aquarium).

The plant itself must be kept in containers with a special substrate. It should be characterized by increased moisture capacity, to ensure continuous wetting of the root system, and friability, which gives oxygen access to the roots. Some of the best fillers are:

  • moss;
  • peat;
  • expanded clay;
  • fine crushed stone;
  • special gels for hydroponics;
  • mineral wool, etc.

It is better to use ready-made fertilizers for hydroponic installations as a liquid that will supply cucumbers with micro and macro elements. The dosage of a complex of nutrients is clearly observed in them. It is advisable to purchase solutions in specialized stores.

System assembly

When all the details of the structure are at hand, you can start installing the equipment. The installation itself is a plastic container filled with a nutrient fluid, on top of which a foam sheet is fixed, which holds the cups of substrate and plants.

If there is no black container, then any can be used, provided that it is painted in a dark color. If this is not done, then light will penetrate into it, contributing to the appearance of algae.

When the water base is ready, then a sheet of foam is laid on top, with pre-drilled holes. The number of the latter should be equal to the number of hydroponic pots. The size of the holes must be calculated in such a way that the pots are firmly fixed in them and do not fall into the water.

The root system of cucumbers is very demanding on oxygen. With its lack, the roots of seedlings can begin to rot and soon die. To eliminate this risk, you need to use an air compressor in your installation.

Growing plants hydroponically is very fun and affordable for almost everyone. With little effort, you can provide yourself and your family with organic vegetables at any time of the year.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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