Microelement nickel. Functions. Signs of Deficiency and Excess – Hydroponics

Nickel (symbol for Ni) was added to the list of essential plant nutrients in the late 20th century. Nickel plays an important role in N metabolism as it is a component of the urease enzyme. Without the presence of Ni, the assimilation of urea is impossible. This element is required in very small quantities, about 0,1 mg / l.

Nickel is also needed to absorb iron.[1]


Nickel deficiency

Nickel deficiency is not observed under normal growing conditions, as most soils, substrates, irrigation water and fertilizers contain small amounts of nickel as impurities. In a laboratory setting, scientists have reproduced deficiency symptoms such as chlorosis of young leaves.


Sources of

  1. Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower’s Bible


Anna Evans

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