What is considered unnatural honey – characteristics, preparation

Unnatural honey is an artificially created product that may have medicinal properties. It is made by feeding to bees for processing sugar syrup with a strength of 50-55% with the addition of various substances.

But this is not the same as fake (artificial) honey! Bees have nothing to do with falsification. And for a person, it does not bring any benefit.

The content of the article

  • 1 What you need to know
  • 2 Express
  • 3 Fruit
  • 4 Lactic
  • 5 About crystallization

What you need to know

Unnatural honey varieties can be perceived differently by buyers in the market. Someone demonstrates complete rejection of such a product. Other consumers are ready to combine it with medicines, including those created according to traditional medicine recipes.

But in any case, such a bee product cannot be called completely natural, although it does not harm health. Everyone decides for themselves whether to eat it, based on their own preferences.

The meaning of its manufacture lies in the fact that all medicinal additives lose their unpleasant taste, but at the same time their properties are well preserved.

Below are the main varieties of unnatural honey with their brief characteristics. They are made from sugar syrup with various additives.


This type of honey is made with the help of bees, which are given 50-55% syrup with the addition of medicinal components: vitamins, juices, medicines. This unique feed is being processed. The resulting product is pumped out of the honeycomb in a traditional way.


Such honey has not received wide recognition on the market, although it is produced by both domestic and foreign manufacturers.

When consumed, the product can be combined with medicines, decoctions and herbal infusions or tinctures, juices and even milk.

According to the express (accelerated) method, about 80 varieties are obtained. Each of them has an increased content of vitamins, nutrients and / or medicinal substances.

The most famous types:

  • hematogenous, containing animal blood (believers avoid its use, since it is forbidden to eat blood by the Holy Scriptures);
  • dairy, including milk and with increased nutritional characteristics;
  • ginseng, created on the basis of an extract or decoction from this plant, is recommended to increase immunity;
  • multivitamin, containing an increased dosage of vitamins (especially ascorbic acid), is used for vitamin deficiencies.



On the basis of fruit, vegetable juices, medicinal raw materials from various herbs, honey is obtained, which can be consumed if it is not possible to purchase a natural product.

For the production, the same express technique was used – feeding the bees with syrup. Such production is very profitable, since the same amount of honey is obtained from a kilogram of sugar. In addition, the bees themselves are enriched with vitamins and proteins.

Honey produced from fruit or vegetable juices with added sugar has a long shelf life.

Famous varieties:

  • On a decoction of cedar or pine shoots, a product is obtained with a shock dose of vitamins. It contains four times more vitamin C than lemon and seven times more than an apple. Vitamin A is 12 times more than milk. And the vitamin K content is twice that of pork liver.
  • Carrot honey (carrot juice) is also a real storehouse of vitamins. A high content of vitamin K, C, B, D is found here. The taste of this unnatural bee product is pleasant, the color is orange-yellow.


On the basis of cow’s milk, or rather milk syrup, another type of honey is obtained. It is enriched with various additives in the form of trace elements: zinc, copper, manganese and other substances.


To prepare food for bees, pasteurized or fresh milk is taken, which heats up to 38 degrees. Then granulated sugar dissolves in it. The approximate strength of such milk syrup is 50-55 percent.

After the sugar is completely dissolved, vitamin or mineral supplements are introduced. The syrup mixes well, cools down to room temperature and is handed out to bee colonies in the feeders.

This method of preparation is also express – ready-made honey can be pumped out of the honeycomb literally in a few days.

About crystallization

Unnatural types of honey are not candied for a long time, since they are based on sugar. The syrup, mixing with the saliva of the bee, contributes to the production of a product that is resistant to sugar (crystallization).

It should be borne in mind that some natural flower species are also in a liquid state for a long time. And this is not a sign of their “unnatural origin”, but only the properties of the product due to its chemical composition, degree of maturity and ambient temperature.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that, like any bee product, honey of unnatural origin requires a careful attitude towards itself. It is necessary to use it for medicinal purposes only after consulting a doctor.

For food, the product is used in moderation so as not to provoke allergies. In case of intolerance to certain additives and components, eating is prohibited!

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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