Schisandra, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties
general description It is a large climbing liana shrub from the magnolia family. Its length reaches fifteen meters, and twisting around trees, lemongrass resembles a …
general description It is a large climbing liana shrub from the magnolia family. Its length reaches fifteen meters, and twisting around trees, lemongrass resembles a …
It is a fruit plant of the genus plum, of the pink family. Scientists it is believed that it has been known to man for …
Grapes (Latin Vitis) are usually called the fruits of the plant of the same name, family Grape. Cultivated these berries as early as 8000 years …
Among the people, blueberries are known primarily for their high price. and the ability to improve vision. But scientists by their research demonstrate the true …
Goji berry (common dereza) Or buckthorn is rude belongs to a group of plants with a common collective name “wolf berry“. By the way, not …
For residents of megalopolises, blackberries have been in the shadow for a long time more familiar raspberries, looking more like an exotic berry. And her …
People “tasted” the melon about 6 thousand years ago, appreciating the taste, the smell and ability of the fruit pulp to quench thirst and restore …
It is a woody flowering plant representing the family Adox. Latin name of the genus – Viburnum – according to one of versions are associated …
Dogwood is in most cases a shrub with a height 5-7 meters, sometimes a small tree. Dogwood with very long ago cultivated by mankind, historians …
It is customary to call a perennial herbaceous strawberry garden (forest) plant of the genus Strawberries, families pink. Although in some sources of popular science …
This is the name of a plant from the lingonberry family and its fruits. Cranberry is an evergreen shrub with thin and low shoots. Shoot …
Gooseberry is a perennial, multi-stemmed shrub with a long fruiting period and high yield – up to 20-25 kg from 1 bush. Gooseberry bushes reach …
Red currant, or Common currant, or Garden currant (Latin Ribes rubrum) – small deciduous perennial shrub of the Gooseberry family (Grossulariaceae). Unlike black currant bushes …
Deciduous semi-shrub Rubus idaeus, or Raspberry Ordinary distributed all over the world – from Alaska and Aleutian islands to Hawaii. Popularly, the fruits of raspberries …
Cloudberry is a small perennial herb with a creeping branchy rhizome. The stem is simple, erect. 10-15 cm in height, ends with a single white …
Juniper, tree or shrub from the cypress family, exists our planet is about 50 million years old. Evergreen, it looks like a small cypress. This …
If a person had heard little about sea buckthorn before and did not know anything about its beneficial properties, the very first close acquaintance with …
Olives (olives) – evergreen subtropical high tree of the genus Olive (Olea) of the Olive family (Oleaceae). The height of an adult cultivated olive tree …
Modern varietal mountain ash is devoid of the bitterness characteristic of wild-growing plants, but still no less effectively helps to get rid of high cholesterol, …
Blackthorn or blackthorn is a shrub or small tree tall 1,5-3 (large species up to 4-8) meters with numerous thorny branches. The branches grow horizontally …
Black currants are healthier, larger, and generally sweeter than red currants. Apparently, therefore, it is more popular with gardeners in our country and about the …
This fruit plant is the oldest form of cherry subgenus. It is believed that already 10 thousand years ago this tree was known in Anatolia, …
Overview This plant is affectionately called the beautiful bride by the people. it due to the fact that the bird cherry also wears a festive …
Chokeberry – a small shrub or tree, about 1,5 meters high, with leaves somewhat reminiscent cherry leaves. The berries are sweet, tasty, slightly tart, especially …
Blueberry perennial undersized shrub from the genus Vaccinium family Heather, 15-30 cm high. Stems are erect, branched, smooth. The rhizome is long, creeping. Leaves are …