Sloe, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Blackthorn or blackthorn is a shrub or small tree tall
1,5-3 (large species up to 4-8) meters with numerous thorny branches.
The branches grow horizontally and end in a sharp, thick thorn.
Young branches are pubescent.

The leaves are elliptical or obovate. Young
pubescent leaves, turn dark green with age, with a matte
low tide, leathery.

Very beautiful thorn in spring, with white flowers at five
petals, in the fall he pleases with tart fruits.

The blackthorn begins to bloom in April-May. The flowers are small,
white, single or two, on short peduncles,
five-petal. Blossom before leaves, cover
all branches and have the smell of bitter almonds.

Thorns bear fruit from 2-3 years of age. Fruits are monostable,
mostly rounded, small (10-15 mm in
diameter), black and blue with a waxy coating. Pulp
green. The seeds are not separated from the pulp. The fruits ripen
in August-September and stay on the tree all winter until
spring. The fruits are tart-sour to taste, ripen late,
but the plant bears fruit annually and abundantly. After the first
frost astringency decreases, and the fruits become
more or less edible.

Wild blackthorn grows in Asia Minor, Western Europe,
Mediterranean, European part., Caucasus
and in Western Siberia.

Useful properties of blackthorn

The turn contains:

See also  Salt, Calories, benefits and harms, Benefits

Calories 54 Kcal

Blackthorn fruits contain 5,5-8,8% sugars (glucose
and fructose), malic acid, fiber, pectin, carbohydrates,
steroids, triterpenoids, nitrogen-containing compounds,
vitamins C, E,
carotene, coumarins, tannins, catechins, flavonoids,
higher alcohols, prunazine glycoside, mineral salts,
as well as fatty oils: linoleic, palmitic, stearic,
oleic, and eleostearin.

The leaves contain vitamins C and E, phenolcarbon
acids, flavanoids, anthocyanins.

The seeds contain a poisonous glycoside that cleaves off the cyanide

The roots contain tannins and dyes.

Blackthorn fruits (fresh, processed into jelly, compote, jam
and tinctures, in the form of a decoction or extract) have an astringent effect
and are recommended for use in case of stomach and intestinal disorders
(ulcerative colitis, dysentery,
food toxicoinfections and candidiasis. Healing drink for
intestinal infectious diseases are considered and thorn wine.

The astringent pleasant fruits of thorns are used as an astringent,
antiseptic, diuretic and fixing agent.
They can also be used to increase appetite. Flowers
thorns are used as a diuretic, laxative, diaphoretic.
They can stop vomiting and nausea, improve metabolism
substances to calm the nervous system. Young leaves
thorns are brewed like tea. They also have good
diuretic and laxative properties, and also heal
wounds. The bark and roots are used as an antipyretic.

The fruits are used for nonspecific colitis, dysentery,
food poisoning and toxic infections.

Blackthorn is used to treat stomach, intestines,
liver, kidneys. Helps with various neuralgias, disorders
metabolism, vitamin deficiencies.

It can also be used as a diaphoretic and
antipyretic agent.

Blackthorn preparations are astringent, anti-inflammatory,
diuretic, laxative, expectorant and antibacterial
action. They relax the smooth muscles of the internal
organs and reduce vascular permeability.

Both fruits and flowers improve metabolism and are shown
with gastritis, spasmodic colitis, cystitis, edema,
kidney stone disease. Help with rheumatism, boils,
pustular skin diseases.

Thorn flowers have a positive effect on metabolism in
the body, and therefore treat those skin diseases,
which depend on the violation of this exchange, regulate
intestinal motility and contraction of the hepatic ducts,
have a mild laxative effect.

Fresh juice helps with jaundice. Flower preparations
thorns act, unlike fruits, as a laxative
remedy for constipation, including in children. These drugs
regulate intestinal motility, act as a diuretic,
diaphoretic and antihypertensive agent.

Blackthorn fruit juice has antibacterial activity
in relation to lamblia and other protozoa, therefore
it is recommended to be taken for gastrointestinal disorders
and giardiasis. The juice is also effective in the form of lotions and
compresses for skin diseases.

Decoctions of thorn flowers are used for inflammation of the mucous membranes
the membranes of the mouth, throat and esophagus.

Blackthorn tea is a mild laxative;
increases urine output. They drink it for chronic constipation, cystitis,
prostate adenoma. Blackthorn tea is good for people
leading a sedentary lifestyle.

See also  Orange benefits, properties, calorie content, useful properties and harm

Blackthorn leaves are excellent diuretic and laxative
remedy for chronic constipation. An infusion of leaves is recommended
for rinsing with inflammation of the oral cavity. Decoction of leaves
used for skin diseases, chronic constipation,
nephritis, cystitis. A decoction of leaves in vinegar is used
for lubricating old purulent wounds and ulcers. Infusion of leaves
and flowers is used for inflammation of the kidneys and urinary
bladder and dermatoses.

Infusion of flowers is used as a diuretic and diaphoretic
remedy for hypertension. A decoction of flowers reduces permeability
vessels, has an anti-inflammatory effect and
therefore it is recommended for metabolic disorders,
prostate adenoma, as an expectorant and diaphoretic,
from neuralgia, nausea and shortness of breath. The broth is also used
with constipation, liver disease, furunculosis and pustular
skin diseases.

Roots, bark and even young wood have a diaphoretic
and antipyretic action. A decoction of the bark is used for
diarrhea and malaria, as well as at elevated temperatures
body. The broth is also used for erysipelas.
skin and for douching with leucorrhoea.

The upper layer of the bark is recommended for erysipelas.
fresh as a lotion or in the form of a decoction as a compress.

Dangerous properties of blackthorn

One of the contraindications to the use of thorns is increased
human sensitivity to these fruits.

It is also important to know that ripe fruits can only eat their pulp.
You can not use bones, as they contain a very strong
poison. Therefore, all canned food with seeds cannot be stored more than one
years, since gradually harmful substances from the bones will pass
in product.

See also  Blueberries, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

If you have fresh berries and pitted meals, then
you will not harm.

Sloe is quite sour and tart, so it can harm people,
in which the acidity of the stomach is increased, gastritis
or ulcer.
In addition, the fruit is intensely colored, which can even cause
allergic reactions.

Also, do not overuse the amount. After all, sweet foods
“Processing” of thorns will lead to gaining unwanted weight, and fresh
berries in large quantities will lead to indigestion.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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