Salad, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

An annual plant, over the summer it manages to ascend, grow
and give seeds. The salad is consumed mainly fresh
form with vinegar and oil or in combination with other types
vegetables. Adding salad to meat, fish and potatoes
dishes not only improves their taste, but also significantly
increases their digestibility. There are many different vitamins in the salad,
mineral and organic substances.

Lettuce is an early ripening culture and is often the first to appear
on the table. By the terms of consumer ripeness salads
subdivided into spring, summer and autumn. Gardeners
mainly four types of salads are bred: leaf, cabbage,
romaine and asparagus.

The history of its culture goes back to the distant past. She is
was already known in antiquity to the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians.
In European countries, salad appeared in the culture in the middle
XVI century.

The birthplace of the plant is unknown, but it is currently
is widely cultivated in vegetable gardens. Still origin
cultural forms of lettuce is not exactly established, as not
its existing variety has also been established.

The emergence of a huge number of salad varieties is
the result of crossing between its main varieties,
which come from different countries.

Useful properties of salad

Fresh green salad contains (in 100 g):

Calories 15 Kcal

B4 13,6 Potassium, K 194 Vitamin C 9,2 Calcium, Ca 36 Vitamin B5 0,134 Phosphorus,
P 29 Vitamin
B3 0,375 Sodium,
Na 28 Vitamin E 0,22 Magnesium, Mg 13

Full composition

Lettuce salad, rich in folic acid, which regulates
metabolism, participates in the work of the nervous and hematopoietic
systems. In terms of the total salt content, lettuce is second only to spinach.
It is also rich in trace elements: contains copper, zinc,
cobalt, manganese, molybdenum,
titanium, boron, iodine.

Lettuce leaves contain more than 38% potassium, 15% calcium,
more than 5% iron and about 5% magnesium, more than 9% phosphorus
and a lot of sulfur, which is part of hemoglobin and
plays the role of an oxidizing agent. Many nervous diseases arise
as a result of the intake of sulfur and phosphorus into the body in
inorganic form (for example, when eating meat
food and cereals). In combination with silicon (its in the leaves
lettuce contains more than 8%) sulfur and phosphorus are necessary
for the normal condition of the skin, tendons and hair growth.

Lettuce leaves contain alkaloids, bitterness, and resins. Possess
expectorant, antitussive, diuretic and sedative
property. Lettuce is also an excellent source of
vitamin A and C.

The cellular juice of the lettuce contains nitric acid, sulfate
and potassium hydrochloric acid salts, which have a beneficial effect on activity
kidney, liver, pancreas and circulatory

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The iron contained in lettuce leaves is the most
active element in the body, therefore it is important that
it has been updated more often than any other element. Liver
and the spleen are sites of iron accumulation; it
used by the body in case of sudden need
(for example, for the rapid formation of red blood cells
corpuscles with large blood loss), as well as in the event that
if the food does not contain the required amount
of this element in organic form.

And the magnesium contained in lettuce revitalizes muscle
tissues, brain and nerves. Organic magnesium salts serve
building material for cells – mainly
nervous system and lung tissue. They promote
also maintaining normal blood circulation and other
functions without which the correct metabolism is impossible.

As a product for baby and dietetic food lettuce
useful for diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, it improves
digestion, has a calming effect on the nervous system,
has a mild hypnotic effect. Recommended
for the elderly, for those who have suffered a severe
debilitating illness.

An aqueous infusion of crushed seeds increases the amount
milk from nursing mothers. Lettuce juice preparations
– an effective homeopathic remedy for diseases
hearts. In folk medicine, an infusion of fresh crushed
leaves are prescribed for increased emotional excitability
insomnia, chronic gastritis, scurvy, hypertension,
liver diseases.

Eating salad is also beneficial.
on fat metabolism, lowers blood cholesterol levels,
what prevents the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension,

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CRESS salad contains 15 essential vitamins and minerals,
large amounts of iron, calcium, folic acid
and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B17, C, D, E and K.
Watercress acts as a mild stimulant and is excellent
stimulates the appetite. It is a well-known source of phytochemicals
substances and antioxidants. Watercress has properties
a diuretic, expectorant and improves digestion.
In addition, watercress helps with colds, runny nose,
bronchial diseases, stress, back pain and
joints, arthritis, anemia, constipation and emphysema.

Watercress salad is one of the best sources of iodine,
necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.
Watercress leaves are used as a lotion for treatment
an enlarged prostate gland. Sulfur contained
in watercress, plays an important role in absorption processes
protein, blood purification and cell building, and
essential for healthy hair and skin. The watercress is famous for
its anticorbotic properties. Leaves or juice
watercress is also used for cosmetic purposes
– to cleanse the skin, eliminate acne and pimples.
Daily Watercress Consumption for Illness
cancer significantly reduces the level of DNA destruction and
increases the resistance of cells to further destruction
DNA under the influence of free radicals. Also, watercress
lowers blood triglyceride levels by an average of 10%.

Regular consumption of watercress can increase
blood levels of lutein and beta-carotene, which perform
functions of antioxidants by 100% and 33%, respectively.
High levels of these pigments reduce
the likelihood of developing eye diseases, such as cataracts
and age-related macular degeneration.

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Dangerous properties of lettuce

Salad is not recommended for patients with gout and urolithiasis
disease (with urate and oxalate stones).

Not recommended for acute and chronic colitis and enterocolitis,
accompanied by dyspeptic symptoms.

Contraindications to the use of salad are exacerbations of ulcers.
stomach and duodenum. With acute gastritis
lettuce leaves must be finely chopped before eating. Not
it is recommended to eat salad and with exacerbations of various intestinal diseases,
which are accompanied by diarrhea.

Also, you can not use lettuce leaves for phosphaturia (disease,
which is characterized by the presence of a precipitate of phosphate salts in the urine)
due to the large amount of alkaline substances. For the same reason lettuce
contraindicated in people with oxaluria.

Overuse of lettuce leaves can lead to gas production,
and also negatively affect the health status of patients with tuberculosis
and asthma.

Cute homemade video of a bunny greedily eating a leaf of lettuce

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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