Angelica, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Angelica officinalis is a plant whose homeland is considered to be the
north of Europe and Asia. An old legend says that
this plant was given to people from God. Seeing how they suffer
from the plague, God sent an angel to earth with an angelica root.
This explains the Latin name of the plant “archangel”:
“archangel” means the highest rank among the angels.

Angelica was brought from the Scandinavian countries in the XIV century
to Central Europe. The Slavic tribes called “Arkhan-Gelika” the
same as now, considering it a plant that
gives health and strength. In the Middle Ages, it was used
to remove poison from the human body (with a snakebite).

Now angelica grows wild in the European part
., In the Urals, in Western Siberia, in the North Caucasus.
Cultivated. very rare, mainly in the middle
lane. Other countries such as Belgium, Netherlands,
Germany are grown all over the place.

Angelica is a tall, up to 2 meters, plant with carved leaves
and a large umbrella of yellowish-greenish or white small
flowers. Angelica has a strong aroma and powerful root
system; the rhizome is short, thick, with numerous
roots and an aromatic odor. The stem is erect, branched,
hollow inside with a bluish bloom. Angelica leaves are large,
alternate, glabrous, double- and triple-pinnate, with cylindrical
petioles and swollen membranous sheaths. Blooms
in the 2nd year of life, in June-August. Angelica flowers are white,
small, collected in a spherical umbrella. The fruit is a
straw-yellow two -seed.

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Medicinal raw materials are rhizomes with angelica roots,
which have a pleasant refreshing scent. In the 1st year, the plants
are harvested in the fall, in the 2nd – in early spring. Angelica has a
fragrant smell.

Angelica officinalis should be distinguished from angelica wood,
which is not used in medical practice. So,
for example, the angelica officinalis has a spherical inflorescence,
while the angelica of the forest has a flat, thyroid, on the upper
part of the stem there are edges.

Angelica has other names as well: angelica, sweet trunk, angelica, angelica,
squeaker, angelica, bordanka, brudech, meadow oaks.

Angelica calorie content

Angelica contains less than 10 kcal in 100 g, so its consumption
will not lead to excess weight.

Useful properties of angelica

Angelica officinalis contains a lot of useful
substances, therefore it is often called a plant that gives
strength. Roots and other parts have essential oils (1%),
resins (6%), malic, acetic, angelic, valerian
and other acids, tannins, pectin substances, resins
, etc. The essential oil prepared from angelica contains
fatty oils , protein, proteins, fats, fiber, calcium,
ascorbic acid.

Angelica roots contain up to 1% essential oil, up to
6% resin, organic acids (malic, angelic,
valerian, acetic), bitter and tannins,
phytosterols, sugars, wax, pectin, carotene.
Angelica roots have a strong aromatic odor,
sweetish, spicy, pungent-bitter taste.
Angelica root essential oil is a spicy-burning liquid
with a musky scent. The main component of the oil is
felandren, and the characteristic smell is given to it by the lactone of hydroxypentadecylic
acid – ambrettolide.

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Angelica has been considered a medicinal plant since ancient times
that strengthens the heart, stimulates blood circulation
and has a positive effect on the immune system.

Angelica has a tonic effect on the cardiovascular
and central nervous systems, increases bile
secretion and the secretion of pancreatic juice. Angelica is used
for gout, rheumatism and lower back pain
; alcohol tinctures are used for rubbing; recommended for
cholelithiasis, kidney disease, is
part of the fees for alcoholism.

Angelica has an expectorant, diuretic, anti-inflammatory,
antimicrobial properties, enhances the motor and secretory
function of the endocrine glands, improves
blood microcirculation , soothes, lowers blood pressure. Angelica
contains a significant amount of vitamin
B12, has a cholesterol-lowering effect.

Angelica is used to treat infertility in anemic
women, with impaired blood circulation, with pallor
and dryness of the skin, prenatal and postnatal
weakness, bloody menstruation, dizziness.

As a uterotonic agent, angelica is used
to treat amenorrhea, algodisminorrhea, to normalize
blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

In Europe, angelica was used to treat bronchitis,
colds, coughs, indigestion, and to stimulate
appetite. Angelica has antiseptic properties, therefore it
is used for cystitis and rheumatic inflammatory
processes. In Chinese medicine, ten varieties of
angelica are known , which are attributed to the following properties: the fight
against infertility, strengthening the spirit, prevention of female
diseases. In terms of its merits, angelica is second only to

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At home, angelica is used for psoriasis,
skin fading, skin irritations. Helps with
stomach and intestinal cramps, as well as colds.

Angelica is highly valued as a perfume in cosmetics and perfumery,
especially in colognes and oriental perfumes.
It is also used as a flavoring agent for food products, alcoholic
and non-alcoholic beverages.

Method of preparation and use: 1 tablespoon
of angelica root pour 250 gr. boiling water, boil for 5 minutes,
drain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times daily before

Dangerous properties of angelica

Angelica is contraindicated during pregnancy and diabetes.
Individual plant intolerance is also possible.

The video tells how to choose, wash and harvest angelica roots correctly.

See also properties of other plants:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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