Quinoa, Calories, benefits and harms, Benefits

This is an annual plant of the Marev family that grows
in South America, on the slopes of the Andes.

This ancient culture can reach the height of a person’s height. On the
high stem of light green color grows rounded leaves and collected
into large bunches of fruit. Quinoa grains resemble buckwheat, but differ
coloring. So, according to the color of quinoa, there are three types: beige, red
and black.

Quinoa has ancient origins and was the most important food for the Indians.
Among the Incas, this plant was used as food along with potatoes.
and corn. She was even called “gold
“, And not only because of the high place of growth,
but also thanks to the rich composition and benefits brought to the body.

When the crop failed, it was quinoa that could replace bread for the Incas,
potatoes and rice. Later, this culture began to grow in other
mountain ranges. So, when quinoa was approved by the Dalai Lama, they began to cultivate it.
in Tibet and the Himalayas. Quinoa also takes root well on marine
coasts and former jungle lands.

Today, quinoa is grown in Bolivia, Uruguay and Peru. Almost 90%
the harvest is delivered to the States, and only a little of the valuable product gets
to other countries.

The uniqueness of this culture was also appreciated in the countries of Asia, Europe, Northern
America, Canada. It is considered one of the few herbal products
characterized by natural purity: genetic experiments are prohibited
with cereals even to protect against pests and increase

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But in fact, quinoa cannot be called a cereal, like buckwheat. The nearest
vegetables such as spinach are considered relatives of this plant
and beets. Of
seeds of the culture receive flour and cereals, and shoots and young leaves
sometimes used as vegetables.

How to choose

Quinoa, like any grain crop, is sold by weight or already
in packages. If you choose a packaged product, it is best that
it was transparent and you were able to view the item. So, quinoa is not
must have foreign impurities, have a uniform color and texture.
The bulk product must be dry and clean.

How to store

Quinoa should not be stored in a purchased package. Better to put the product
in a glass or ceramic jar with a ground-in lid.

In cooking

Quinoa is now commonly found in the diet of vegetarians. It is boiled
and used as a side dish, or added to first courses.
There are three rules to keep in mind to make quinoa:

  1. 1rinse it (otherwise the finished dish will have a bitter taste);
  2. 2do not digest (quinoa will turn sour);
  3. 3stir the cooked porridge (in order to avoid sticking).

Cooked quinoa tastes like brown rice.

And this culture is prepared in the same way as rice: for part of the cereal they take
2 parts water or any broth and cook until the water is completely absorbed
about 15-20 minutes, which is 2-3 times faster than cooking time
rice. A properly cooked quinoa has a fetus that looks like a spiral.
with a degree of readiness and cook until pasta is (dense center).

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In addition, like rice, quinoa goes well with many foods:
meat, vegetables, fish, nuts, sauces, honey, fruits. therefore
this culture can replace rice in your favorite dishes – and get
unusual, but no less tasty dish.

To add value to the movie, it can be germinated. Then it activates
enzymes that facilitate digestion and increase the vitamin content.
Unlike other cereals, it only takes 2-4 to germinate quinoa.
hours. The raw sprouted product is added to salads and used,
as a side dish for a variety of cold dishes.

The flour obtained from the grains is used for baking bread, making
a wide variety of pasta and other dishes. When adding water
and any sugar makes a wonderful soft drink. But
remember that the grains can be used after soaking the contained
they contain saponins.

Quinoa seeds produce a nutritious product similar to walnut oil,
and together with passion fruit juice
– delicious thick nectar.

Inca and Aztec cooking has hundreds of recipes with whole and processed
grains. Almost all dishes were created on the basis of this vegetable
product. Even now, chefs from different countries prepare unique
according to the taste and value of dishes that are classified as national:

In Spain quinoa
used to make paella instead of rice;

In Italy, boiled
the grains are seasoned with olive oil and spicy pepper and
sun-dried tomatoes;

Greece cooks
black or red grain salad with soft, low-fat tomatoes
cheese and spices.

In addition, quinoa is widely used as a bedding material in a variety of
first courses, added to the mass for stuffing vegetables and poultry,
in light side dishes and warm salads. Also, this culture gives a special
airy texture of sweet and fresh baked goods.

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Note that for soups and side dishes, it is advised to use cream
grains, and red and black varieties look better in salads.

Caloric value

100 grams of quinoa contains an average of 368 kcal. Most
doctors say that it is this culture that can save the planet
from obesity. After all, quinoa is not only low in calories – 120
kcal per 100 g of ready meal, but also a low glycemic index. Have
cooked «al dente“Quinoa is 35, and flour has
– 40.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Caloric value, kcal 14.12 6.07 57.16 2.38 13.28 368

Health benefits of quinoa

Composition and presence of nutrients

The main benefit of culture is that it is excellent
a source of plant-based whole protein (there is more of it here than in
buckwheat), while it is well absorbed. In raw grains on average
contains 16,2% protein, and in a number of varieties – more than 20% (for comparison:
11-14% in wheat, 10 – in millet, 7,5 – in rice, 3,5 – in corn).
It is this protein content that made quinoa simply irreplaceable.
product for pregnant women, children, athletes and people involved in
physical or mental labor.

This product, like no other protein source, contains
all valuable amino acids:
arginine, valine, isoleucine, histidine, lysine, leucine, methionine,
cysteine ​​+ methionine, tryptophan, threonine, phenylalanine, tyrosine + phenylalanine.

Due to the fact that the culture contains lysine,
the body absorbs calcium better, and the healing of damaged tissues
is faster and more efficient. Also lysine helps to improve
growth and has a good effect on bone formation.

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Quinoa also contains almost all the nonessential amino acids: alanine,
aspartic acid, glycine, glutamic acid, serine, proline,
cysteine, tyrosine.

In addition to unique proteins, quinoa also contains fats (with high
content of lecithic acid), carbohydrates, minerals, fiber
and vitamins B. Quinoa contains more folates (4 mg), riboflavin (0,1
mg) and fiber
(2,8 g) than in barley, wheat and lynx.

Yes, quinoa is high in fiber (2,8 g in 100 grams of finished product),
thanks to which it is simply necessary for everyone who suffers from diseases
heart, diabetes,
is overweight. Fiber helps to remove from the body
toxins and other harmful substances, cholesterol. In addition, the product
rich in phytic acid, which can reduce
cholesterol levels and prevent the development of cancer

Many in quinoa and various minerals: magnesium (64 mg per 100 grams
finished product), potassium (172 mg), iron (1,4 mg), calcium (17
mg), zinc (1,09 mg). Quinoa is also rich in phosphorus (152 mg). So,
it is three times more than that of the highest quality rice,
and the same as many types of fish.

Useful and healing properties

The healing properties of the culture were discovered by the Indians, for whom
the seeds of the plant were one of the components of the diet. She has
beneficial effect on the heart and vascular system, as
due to the availability
magnesium relieves tension in blood vessels. However, people suffering
migraine headaches, including quinoa in the diet, can get rid of pain
for good.

Due to its composition, this product is, first of all, necessary
for the formation of a healthy and strong body, starting from the bones
and ending with internal organs. Continuous use will help
to strengthen bones, which means to get rid of many diseases, to
for example, arthritis,
which is important for the elderly.

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Consuming quinoa regularly will lower blood sugar levels, prevent
the development of cardiovascular diseases, will help protect against

Experts recommend using quinoa to feed pregnant women
and nursing. When breastfeeding, it is recommended to introduce the product
into the diet with caution, observing the child’s reaction.

But above all, quinoa is a powerful tonic,
what is so necessary for people who have survived operations or complex illnesses,
as well as those who spend a lot of strength and energy every day.

Use in cosmetology

Beauticians consider ground quinoa seeds to be an excellent scrub.
helping with cellulite.
They perfectly drain and exfoliate the skin. In cosmetology, often
use a variety of preparations with this herbal product.
Many of them are believed to have an excellent lifting effect.

Dangerous properties of quinoa

Since this product contains a lot of protein and oxalates,
before use, you should consult a doctor that
who have kidney problems (oxalic acid diathesis), gout.

This cereal must be introduced carefully into the diet of babies and lactating women.
and gradually, as the fetus and one-year-old children may be sensitive
to the product.

Looking for interesting vegetarian recipes? Make Vegetable Quinoa!

See also the properties of other cereals:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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