Useful and dangerous properties of soy, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Soy is the oldest plant cultivated by humans.
It comes from Southeast Asia, where it began to grow over
five thousand years ago. Currently, this culture is successful
cultivated everywhere, except, perhaps, the poles.

Soybeans, being a member of the legume family, are characterized by a rich
vegetable content
protein, therefore it is an excellent substitute for many foods
animal husbandry. This plant has a wide range of uses.
in cooking – soy is used as a meat substitute, also
is the main material for creating sauces, oils, sweets,
drinks, as well as special soy cheese “tofu”.

In the amazing ability of soybeans to turn into a fragrant pate,
delicious sausage, appetizing meat stew lies a special unique
property. It consists in the ability to absorb any aromas and tastes,
which, in the complete absence of its own taste and smell, allows
soybeans replace almost any product.

How to choose

Soy is sold in stores in the same way as ordinary beans.
or peas – packaged with beans. A similar principle
selection – the package should not contain broken fruits, various vegetable
debris, stems. Any color scheme of soy is acceptable, from light
to almost black, the color does not affect the quality of the beans.

In the departments of selling dietary products you can find okaru
– yellowish moist curd-like mass that forms after
boiling and grinding pre-soaked soybeans.
Okara is devoid of taste, smell, and is a ready-made basis for a large
the list of dishes, where there are not only cutlets and chops, but even
bread and a variety of desserts. An important plus will be the fact
that soybean mass is perfectly stored in the refrigerator, while not at all
without losing their useful qualities.

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There are also completely prepared soy-based products –
soy meat, ice cream, biscuits, butter, milk and sweets. Recommendation
when choosing such products, only one – a mark on the package is desirable,
informing about the absence of GMOs in the product. The fact is that
soy turned out to be a very convenient material for genetic research
and experiments, and since the results of the effects of GMOs on the human body
are still unknown, it is better to refrain from unjustified risks,
buying food made from modified beans. By the way, giving preference
domestic soybeans, or finished soy-based products,
you do not have to worry about this issue – the implementation of “engineering-improved”
soybeans are practiced by imported manufacturers.

Soy storage

For storing soybeans, it is convenient to use tight-fitting glass
banks. If you put them in the refrigerator, the soy will keep well whole.
six months.

Calorie content of soy

Although soy is a fairly high-calorie product, having as much as 380 kcal
100gr of product, it will not harm your figure. Thanks to soy, you
you can quickly get enough of healthy vegetable proteins, fats
and carbohydrates. And if you want to get more dietary and light
product – it is enough to germinate soybeans before use, reducing
in such a way, the calorie content is up to 141 kcal.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Caloric value, kcal 36,5 20 30 1,7 8,5 380

Useful properties of soy

Composition and presence of nutrients

Soy contains a lot of useful substances: vitamins of the B group (B1, B2,
PP, B4, B5, B6, B9) beta-carotene (vitamin A), vitamins C, E, H. Also
trace elements are widely represented: in soybeans in addition to sodium,
calcium, magnesium and potassium are contained
phosphorus, iron, iodine, boron, zinc.

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Useful and healing properties

For vegetarians, soy is a real boon due to its high
percentage of protein content. However, soybeans can bring
immensely beneficial for people suffering from a variety of diseases.
Products based on them are recommended for ulcers,
gastritis, diabetes,
heart disease, osteoporosis.

Soybeans contain stachyose and raffinose, substances that stimulate
the growth of bifidobacteria in the intestine, which minimizes the risk
intestinal cancer formation, dysbiosis.

The usefulness of soy in the fight against osteoporosis is explained by the presence in
the composition of soy isoflavones, compensating for a small amount of estrogen
in women during menopause. And a high calcium content is a pledge
strong, brittle bones.

People who want to lose weight through diet should turn
focus on soy products: beans contain lecithin, which optimizes
fat metabolism, which reduces cholesterol,
and has a choleretic effect.

In cooking

Dry soybeans require some preparation – the beans are soaked in
12-15 hours, washed, and boiled for about three hours, after
which become suitable for further use.

The list of prepared soy products includes: milk, cheese
Tofu, yoghurt, chocolate, bars, ice cream. All these products
are low in calories.

For dressing salads, frying,
baking uses soybean oil, which has a light nutty flavor.
When obtaining oil by the cold pressing method, it is considered acceptable
the presence of sediment in the bottle.

The food industry produces soy meat and is sold dried.
After soaking, soy meat semi-finished products acquire a given
the shape of schnitzels, meatballs, etc.

The well-known soy sauce is the result of fermentation of ground roasted
wheat and boiled soybeans.

See also  Goose egg, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Dangerous properties of soy

Eating soy also requires some caution. For example,
it is better not to use it for those who have urolithiasis, so
how oxalites in soybeans trigger the formation of
new stones.

Soy can also cause dermatitis, eczema,
conjunctivitis, Alzheimer’s disease.

Frequent consumption of soy can accelerate the aging process, and isoflaphones,
while being beneficial to the woman’s health, at the same time increase the likelihood
miscarriage and negatively affect the course of development of the brain of the embryo.

It is not recommended to include soy products in baby food due to
risk of thyroid disease and allergies.

See also properties of other products:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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