Astragalus wool-flowered benefits, properties, calorie content, useful properties and harm

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On astragalus woolly flowered draw
attention to those who think about the eternal (or at least very
long) life. Legends claim that the ruling elite regularly
turned to woolly Astragalus in search of a way to prolong
life. The plant can really solve a number of problems with
health, if you know how to use it and be careful.

Useful properties of woolly Astragalus

Composition and nutrients

Astragalus is rich in organic acids, flavonoids, tannins
substances, amino acids,
vitamins, steroids, essential oils. There was also a great
content of magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, manganese, calcium, silicon,
cobalt, chromium. It has been noticed that astragalus can accumulate selenium.

Astragalus preparations and infusions have a diuretic, tonic,
astringent, hemostatic, sedative, hypotensive properties.

Thanks to this, the plant is successfully used to stop bleeding,
in the treatment of hypertension, sugar
diabetes, atherosclerosis,
diseases of the kidneys, heart, intestines, some cancers.

Traditional recipes

  • Treatment of hypertension: to reduce and normalize
    pressure, it is recommended to undergo a 3-week course of treatment with
    infusion of astragalus. For its preparation, 1 tsp is used. dry
    herbs that are poured with one glass of hot water. Capacity with
    the medicine is covered with a towel and infused for 3 hours. Accepted
    infusion is strictly according to the schedule – a week of admission, a week off. During
    it is recommended to do this 2 times for a year.
  • liver disease: you need to take 20 gr. dry
    Astragalus herbs and pour it ½ cup boiling water (100 ml). Then the received
    boil the medicine in a water bath for 10 minutes. For cleansing
    and restore the liver, you need to use it in 1 tbsp. l. up to 5 times
    a day.
  • For gynecological diseases recommended
    douching with an infusion of 2 tbsp. l. astragalus and 2 glasses of boiling water.
    It needs to be soaked for 10 minutes in a water bath and insisted for
    1 hour. The procedure is carried out using 1 glass of cooled
    decoction 2 times a day.
  • In the treatment of stomach ulcers, cancer of the esophagus, throat,
    stomach, liver, intestines prepare Astragalus tincture from milk
    and honey. To do this, you need to roast for 30 minutes in a slightly preheated
    oven 20 gr. herbs and 0,5 l. milk diluted in a ceramic
    or glass container. Add 400 gr. honey and heat further, stirring,
    10 minutes more. After cooking, wrap for 30 minutes. Cooled
    strain the infusion. It should be stored in glass containers. Accept
    before meals for 1 tbsp. l.
  • Nervous system the following broth will help calm down:
    pour 1 tbsp into a thermos. l. astragalus and pour a glass of boiling water.
    12 hours will be enough for the medicine to be ready. Strained
    drink infusion during the next day for 3 times.
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In cosmetology

As noted in antiquity, astragalus has a rejuvenating
effect on the body, therefore it is successfully used in cosmetology.
On the basis of the decoctions and tinctures prepared from it, compresses are made
and masks that help smooth out wrinkles and give the skin elasticity.

Dangerous properties of woolly Astragalus and contraindications

It is not recommended to take astragalus medicines for people who have
allergic to it, suffering from chronic heart disease,
kidneys. Also, you need to carefully use the herb during pregnancy.

Botanical description

It is a herbaceous perennial plant of the legume family and numerous
genus Astragalus, which has almost 2000 species.

Astragalus woolly-flowered has a reclining or rising
brownish-gray stem, the height of which ranges from 35-40
see Leaves are stalks on which close each
12-14 pairs of small oblong leaves are located to a friend,
pubescent on both sides with white hairs. Long pedicels
are located yellow flowers collected in spherical inflorescences, which
also pubescent.

Flowering is observed from June to July, and the appearance of fruits occurs
from late July to September.

The plant is rarely found in nature. Mostly it can be found
in Moldova, Hungary, Ukraine, as well as in the countries of the Balkan Peninsula.
… it grows in the Volga-Don basin and in the south of the European

Most of all astragalus are suitable for steppe, open areas, glades,
edges, mounds. It does not really need moisture, but it loves light.

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Origin of the name

It is believed,
that its name comes from the Greek word “astragalos».
This was the name of a dice made from lamb’s ankles, the shape
which has an external resemblance to the shape of the seeds of the plant. Astragalus
woolly has many popular names – cat peas,
enumeration Polish, centaury, Scythian herb of life
. because of
its popularity in traditional medicine has recently become rare
occur in nature, therefore it is listed in the Red Book.


Woolly-flowered astragalus was known to the ancient Scythians. They are
worshiped this plant, believed that it can cure any
disease and called him “the grass of immortality“Or”royal
“. However, it was used only to treat the ruling
nobility. According to the laws of that time, ordinary people were prohibited
to use it, and violation was punishable by death.

In the twentieth century, the attending physician became interested in the “Scythian grass of life”
Adolf Hitler Gerhard Madaus, who compiled a catalog of medicinal
plants and found references to it in the writings of the Greeks living on
the territory of Crimea. Even then, the world leaders thought about the eternal
life and tried by any means to achieve it.

In the 50s of the twentieth century, Stalin became interested in the same issue.
He became very ill, and since pharmacology did not have a modern
level of development, herbs were mainly used for treatment.
The doctors again remembered about “the grass of immortality“And carried out the necessary
research. After confirming the beneficial effects of the plant
on human health, Stalin began to use it as a medicine.

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Some sources claim that subsequent Kremlin leaders
also tried to prolong their life with the help of woolly Astragalus.


There are several legends about the origin
astragalus. The first legend tells of the tribes of the Gauls, lovely,
kind people who came down from the mountains and decided to spend the night with their
foot. However, even before the sun rose, they woke up from an inexplicable
music that poured from the golden-streaming plains. Scared
Gauls, thought that they had reached the end of the earth and reached the sky, on which
the stars glittered. And they called these shining lights “astra-galos»
which means the stars of the Gauls. In fact, the plain was covered
blooming astragals, which ancient people confused with the stars.

According to another story, Astragalus flowers are of extraterrestrial origin.

Once upon a time, many centuries ago, the Goddess Selena fell in love with a mortal youth,
the beautiful Endymion, Prince of Caria. But they could not be eternal
love. Selena turned to the supreme ruler Zeus for help with
pleading for help, but he could not disturb the order and grant eternal
life to a mortal. However, he took pity on the inconsolable goddess and granted
her beloved eternal sleep, during which his body and youth
will remain incorrupt. Since then, every night, Selena admires her lover
and whispers words of love to him, but Endymion’s sleep is deep, he does not hear
confessions of a loved one. That is why Selena is always in sorrow, sometimes from a wreath
flowers fall from her head, and, reaching the surface of the earth, immediately
grow. They are called astragals.

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Peculiarities of growing

Since the woolly astragalus is an endangered species,
then they began to domesticate and grow it in artificial conditions.
Although the plant is considered drought tolerant, during its development
needs sufficient hydration. Propagated by seeds that

It is necessary to sow astragalus in early spring in a carefully weed-free
and fertilized soil. The plant emerges slowly, the first
shoots appear above the ground only after 2 or 3 weeks.
Germinating weeds must be removed immediately.

Seeds can only be harvested in the second year of the growing season.

Collection and Procurement

The ground part of the plant is mainly used for medicinal purposes.
The collection of grass takes place during its flowering period. Cut off the stems with flowers
and leaves need at a short distance from the surface of the earth, but
no more than 5-7 cm.

The harvested parts of the plant are dried in attics under a slate roof
or under a canopy with good air circulation, spreading them on
fabric, paper or wire mesh in a layer 5-7 cm thick. Store dry raw materials
can be packaged for 1,5 years.


The plot shows a selection of photographs that will help distinguish the healthy astragalus woolly flowered from other types of astragalus that cannot be used for treatment.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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