Melon seeds, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

general description

Melon is a melon culture that belongs to the pumpkin family.
Melon fruit has
ball or cylindrical shape, usually yellow, white
and brown in color, with green stripes. Ripening period approx.
2-6 months.

The first information about the melon is found in the Bible. Cultivation
supposedly happened in North India, as well as in some
regions of Central Asia and Iran several centuries BC. Further
the cultivated melon began to spread to Asia Minor and Central,
China. In Europe, the melon began to be grown in the Middle Ages.

Melon is a very healthy product with excellent taste and medicinal
properties, but few know about the benefits of melon seeds. They too
have medicinal properties and are used in cosmetology.

Caloric content of melon seeds

Melon seeds are high in fat and protein.
100 g of such seeds contain 555 kcal, and excessive consumption
melon seeds in food can cause obesity.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Caloric value, kcal 17,6 47,3 14,6 6.6 7.9 555

Useful properties of melon seeds

Composition and presence of nutrients

Melon contains many vitamins, such as: A,
A and
folic acid, which is essential for improving memory, and
for the normal development of a woman’s fetus during pregnancy.

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Useful and healing properties

Melon seeds were considered a strong aphrodisiac that enhances male
potency and work of the prostate gland. Seeds can be crushed
in a coffee grinder and consume one teaspoon three times a day:
in the morning on an empty stomach, in the afternoon one hour after meals and at night.

According to traditional healers, seeds cleanse the intestines, kidneys,
even a chronic cough is treated; effective for bronchitis,
since well liquefy phlegm, eliminate the feeling of dry mouth
and quench your thirst.

With a strong cough, melon milk is great. To cook
its not difficult. Dried seeds must be crushed in a mortar and diluted
with warm water 1: 8 and grind to a state of milk. Then the received
strain the mixture and add sugar to taste. The resulting mixture
consume a quarter of a glass 5 times a day half an hour before taking

For problems with the prostate gland associated with urinary retention,
you can use a decoction of melon seeds, boiled in milk
(1 tablespoon seeds per glass of milk)

Seeds ground into flour are used to lower blood sugar.
melons. Pour a tablespoon of the powder with a glass of boiling water
and leave to cool. This infusion is recommended to be taken
3 times a day before meals.

With cholecystitis, you should use the following recipe. In a coffee grinder
grind a teaspoon of seeds and pour them with a glass of boiled milk,
then boil for another 3-4 minutes. The broth is drunk 3 times daily.
To obtain a therapeutic effect, the course should be at least
of the week.

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Melon seeds are an excellent cosmetic product recognized by all.
for skin rejuvenation. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction from the dining room.
tablespoons of seeds crushed in a coffee grinder and a glass of boiling water. Received
the mixture must be boiled over low heat for 3-5 minutes. After that,
as the broth cools down, it should be filtered. Regular rubbing
face with such a decoction helps to rejuvenate the skin of the face.

Dangerous properties of melon seeds

It is undesirable to consume melon seeds with alcohol, honey
and dairy products, because digestive disorders may occur

There are contraindications for people with ulcers
stomach and gastrointestinal problems, accompanied by increased secretion
gastric juice.

You should not eat seeds on an empty stomach, there are unripe fruits and
just do not eat them in large quantities to avoid spleen problems.

How to choose the right tasty and healthy melon, says a dietitian.

See also properties of other seeds and nuts:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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