Orange, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

general description

It is also called Chinotto or Bigaradia – this is a woody evergreen
a plant belonging to the Rutaceae family, a species of the genus Citrus. His
considered a hybrid pomelo
and mandarin.

The plant is not a very tall tree, reaching
in rare cases, 10 meters high (usually up to 3 meters, and indoor
forms are even smaller – about a meter). The branches of the orange are sharp, thin
and long thorns.

The leaves of this plant are alternate, leathery and shiny. From above
they are green, below – light green with multiple
containers of essential oil.

The orange flower is white, 2-3 centimeters in diameter, very
fragrant. Flowers can be located both singly and in inflorescences
3-7 pieces. The plant blooms in April-May.

The fruit of an orange is a spherical, flattened
along the poles, having a diameter of about 6-7 centimeters. Fruit rind
thick, bright orange, bumpy and uneven, easy to peel off.
Oranges ripen only in November-December. The fruits are very similar
for tangerines of certain varieties. It is very difficult for an ignorant person
to distinguish them. But the orange smells stronger because it contains more
essential oil than mandarin.

The fruit pulp is divided into 10-12 slices. It tastes sour and even slightly bitter.

Its wild form has not yet been found. But the origin is known
this plant is Southeast Asia. For a long time, the orange has been cultivated
in the Mediterranean region, in the Caucasus, as well as on individual islands
in the West Indies. It can also be grown for decorative purposes as a houseplant.

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How to choose

First you need to inspect the peel – the color of the orange should be
bright and uniform, which indicates the ripeness of the fruit.

The skin of a good orange should be smooth and have little
red blotches.

When purchasing an orange from a supermarket or market, always probe
fruit – it should not be loose, soft or misshapen. Check
and storage conditions.

For those who plan to use the peel medicinally or
cooking, you should definitely rinse it thoroughly from possible
chemicals. Usually the peel looks shiny when used.
and polished.

How to store

Under normal conditions, at normal temperatures, the orange may persist.
during the week. In the refrigerator, the fruit can be kept for a little
longer – a few weeks, it all depends on his maturity. Can
store also in cold, dry rooms, such as a cellar.

From time to time it is necessary to control the condition of the fruit. If on the surface
orange there are soft spots – you can not store further. Watch out
so that moisture and condensation do not appear – in this case, wipe
the fruit with a towel.

You can also store dried orange peel, which after drying
can be poured into a jar with a lid and stored in a dark place.

In cooking

Fresh orange is considered inedible, and it is valued mainly
because of the zest. The peel is quite easily separated from the fruit, you just need
cut it into 4 pieces. It is worth drying the zest by spreading thin
layer on any flat plate, for 2-3 days at room
temperature, turning every day. It is considered ready then,
when it becomes fragile.

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Pomeranian zest is used for making desserts. Her also
often added to ice cream. For such a dessert, you need to take the zest
and orange juice, cream and sugar. All this needs to be whipped with a mixer and
send to freeze.

In addition, dried and crushed orange peels are added
in confectionery and various sweet dishes: muffins, Easter cakes,
cakes. Bitter-citrus flavor will give the zest to creams for
pastries and cakes, curd desserts.

It should be noted that when in contact with a white damp surface
products such as cottage cheese
or rice, zest
the fruit instantly paints it in a bright light yellow hue.

Candied rinds are also used as a decoration for sweet festive
dishes are either consumed as an independent dessert. Besides,
ground orange zest is often added to drinks (jelly, compotes)
or in jam.

As a flavoring agent, the rind is added to meat gravies to add
dishes of fresh citrus flavor. Ground zest goes well
with fish: it is added to fillings and fish dishes. Not bad citrus
the taste of orange goes well with various meat dishes, especially well
it is combined with a bird.

Remember that all types of zest are “weak” or “soft”
spices, which means that it can be eaten in several grams.

Essential oils are obtained from the leaves and flowers of orange today.
– petitgren and neroli, respectively, which are used for cooking
marmalades, flavoring of sweets and liqueurs.

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Caloric value

The calorie content of an orange is 53 kcal. Considering that in
food is consumed mainly only the peel of an orange, then such
the number of calories per 100 grams of the product does not harm in any way even
those who are on a diet.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Caloric value, kcal 0,81 0,31 11,54 0,5 82,5 53

Useful properties of orange

Composition and presence of nutrients

Orange fruits contain organic
acids (malic, citric, gallic, salicylic), carbohydrates,
glycosides (isoesperidin, hesperidin, etc.) related to substances
with P-vitamin activity.

In leaves, branches, as well as young stems, unripe orange fruits
contains petitgrain essential oil. The release of essential oil from flowers
-0,1-0,2%, leather – 1,2-2% (wet weight). The oil contains
camphene, dipentene, β-pinene, L-linalool, nerol, D-α-terpineol, sesquiterpene,

Peel oil is similar in smell to lemon, and in terms of properties and composition
– for orange. Α-limonene (97-98
%), ocimen, α-pinene, myrcene, D-camphene, terpineol, D-linalool, farnesol,
nerol, nerolidol and other compounds.

The essential oil obtained from flowers (neroli) has a very pleasant
smell. It contains esters of geraniol and linalool, limonene,
as well as anthranilic acid methyl ester, which gives the oil a delicate aroma.

The essential orange oil from the peel of a ripe fruit contains limonene,
myrcene, γ-terpinene, α- and β-pinene, fellandrene, camphene and other substances.

Essential oil obtained from unripe fruits, like the product from fresh
flowers, produced by steam distillation or method
enflerage (extraction with fatty oil). Essential oil from orange
the peels are obtained by pressing without heating.

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Useful and healing properties

Dried orange peel in the old days, before there was
known about artificial flavors, considered an exquisite delicacy,
which few could afford.

Now the crushed peel is insisted on vodka
or alcohol, thus obtaining a good means for increasing
appetite. In a number of countries, orange vodka is especially popular, which
does not cause a hangover.

The peel of the orange fruit is good for strengthening the muscles of the stomach and heart.
To do this, dry it and crush it in a mortar. 10 grams of this
the finished powder must be taken with water. Thanks to this medicine
arrhythmia and vomiting will pass.

The orange is also prized for its cleansing properties. It has strong
lymphatic drainage properties, eliminates the causes of atherosclerosis.
The antispasmodic properties of the fetus successfully cope with seizures
headache, migraine,
muscle cramps. For headaches, it is advised to prepare an ointment
based on orange. For this, the crushed peel is mixed with vinegar.
The finished ointment must be applied to the temples.

Also, orange has weak anticoagulant properties, reducing
blood clotting time and preventing the formation of blood clots.

Orange also has choleretic, antiseptic and pain relieving
action, providing anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic
effect on the human body. If you use orange, then
you can achieve faster regeneration of any tissue, strengthening
memory, cure dry cough. Anti-spasmodic have long been known,
diaphoretic and laxative properties of orange. The seeds of this plant
used for chest pain, in the treatment of testicular inflammation and hernia.

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The fruit is squeezed out of the orange juicewith excellent
bactericidal properties. They are advised to gargle with laryngitis,
and other colds. If the nose bleeds, then a tampon,
moistened with orange juice, stuffed shallowly into the nose.

The antifungal properties of fruits are also known. Orange oil
– one of the components in the treatment of fungi,
oral mucosa. As part of a toothpaste with a complex of extracts
herbs and fruits orange oil helps to kill bacteria,
and is also effective in the prevention of gum disease. It is used
and for the treatment of skin infections: fungal infections, mycosis
skin, ringworm.
This oil also successfully fights climatic dermatitis.
and hyperhidrosis.

Orange is also used to treat hypertension, as well as relieve
hangover syndrome remedy. The membranes that separate the lobules
fetus, used as a means to strengthen the heart muscle and nervous

Fruit seeds crushed into gruel and applied
to the site of a snake or poisonous insect bite.

Thanks to synephrine, which has a good adrenergic effect,
orange is included in weight loss formulations. Being
agonist of beta-adrenergic receptors and exerting a general stimulating effect
on the body, synephrine increases the pressure and heart rate,
enhances the thermal effect of food, and therefore should help
losing weight. True, the effectiveness of taking such drugs is still
not proven.

In Arab countries, for a long time, orange has been used as an antidepressant.
It was believed to tone, soothe, and improve mood.
The aromas of this fruit are especially recommended for women: the oil improves
psycho-emotional state, awakens sensuality.

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Orange oil is widely used to relieve increased nervous excitability,
attacks of neurasthenia and anxiety, with loss of appetite and sleep disturbances.

Prepared at
collection with orange flowers. For this
take 10 grams of valerian root,
the same amount of hop leaves and lemon balm.
Add 10 grams of orange flowers to the resulting mixture and mix.
Then they take about 2 teaspoons of this collection and pour in a glass
steep boiling water. This mass is put on fire for 5 minutes, covered with a lid.
You need to take such tea one cup at a time in the evening.
If desired, you can add a little honey to the tea.

A soothing collection of orange flowers is also considered effective.
To prepare it, you need to combine 20 grams of leaves
lemon balm with 10 grams of St. John’s wort,
add to them 10 grams of orange flowers and 5 – rose hips.
Then a tablespoon of the collection is poured with 100 grams of boiling water and put
for 5 minutes on fire. Having strained the tea, take it three times a day.
by the cup.

To prepare a herbal tea to increase appetite, you need to take
10 grams of orange peel, the same amount of wild rose and centaury grass.
1 teaspoon of this collection is scalded with a glass of boiling water. After
this is left to brew for at least 5 minutes and filtered. Accepted
tea warm before meals.

To get healthy orange vodka, you need to take a teaspoon
dried fruit peel and pour over it with two glasses of ordinary vodka.
This mixture must be infused for two weeks. Straining this
drink, it is used as a compress or rubbing in case of problems
with joints and injuries.

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Use in cosmetology

In the cosmetic industry, orange is used to make
lotions, creams, deodorants, as well as a variety of products for
hair and as a bath additive. In perfumery, the smell of this fruit
is the basis for a wide variety of perfumery products.

Shampoos and balms made with orange oil can
help eliminate problems with dandruff and hair loss, itching
and scalp irritation, dryness and weakness of hair after chemical
and heat exposure (dyeing, curling, prolonged exposure
rays of the sun).

Orange is used as a powerful anti-cellulite
means. Its dry extract helps to speed up the breakdown process
fat, improving microcirculation and metabolism in areas where there is
cellulite, as well as increasing the elasticity of the skin.

Restores orange and skin elasticity, tones, removes
acne, shrinks pores, actively fights blackheads.
The oil from these fruits is used in rejuvenation programs, as well as
practice the use of orange to care for damaged and dry

Dangerous properties of orange

When concentrated, essential oils and orange juice can be irritating
act on mucous membranes and skin.

It is also not recommended to use orange for hyperacid gastritis,
because it stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, diseases
organs of the digestive system during an exacerbation, individual
intolerance to the fetus. In addition, for those with allergies
for citrus fruits, you should also refuse to use this product.

See also properties of other products:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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