Scallops, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties


Scallops belong to the family of bivalve marine molluscs.
The scallops are able to move in the water column due to the creation of a reactive
traction by frequent flapping of the shutters. These molluscs are found in all oceans.
Scallop shell unequal with ears – large areas
behind and in front of the top. Their size can be different, for example,
Japanese very large, but Galician и scottish
reach medium size. Red Chilean scallops
very tasty and appreciated in the Western Hemisphere, even though they are small.

An interesting feature of scallops is that
along the edge of the mantle in two rows there are many small eyes
(up to 100 pieces). The distance they see is quite enough
in order to react to the approach of the enemy.

How to choose

Scallops are sold both peeled and shell-on. Fresh
the shellfish must have the smell of the sea. Strongly large scallops
older and have fewer nutrients than young people.
Fresh clam meat should be in the shape of a column, pinkish-cream
or grayish in color.

If you plan to consume raw scallops, then you should buy them
alive. In live molluscs, removed from water, the valves should be
closed, or closed at the slightest touch with a finger. Only such
scallops are eaten raw.

How to store

Frozen scallops are not stored in the freezer.
more than three months. Keep fresh in the refrigerator.
more than three days, after placing them in a container filled with ice.

How to defrost and clean

Frozen scallops should be thawed at room temperature.
Do not thaw shellfish in hot water or with
using a microwave oven. Immediately after defrosting
they should start to cook.

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Before cooking, the scallops must be rinsed in cold water,
and, if desired, remove the white formation on one of the sides. If a
there is a small coral pouch in the sink – do not throw it away
him as it is caviar and it is delicious.

Reflection in culture

The scallop shell is used as the emblem of the Way
Saint James traversing Western Europe, as well as pilgrims
coming to the tomb of St. James. And the bivalve shell of the molluscs
has long been considered a symbol of the feminine water principle.

Calorie content of scallops

Scallops, in addition to other positive qualities, have
one more – low calorie content, which is only 88 kcal
in 100 grams of meat. This allows shellfish to be considered a dietary product,
and include in the diet of various diets.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal 17,5 2 – – 70 88

Useful properties of scallops

Composition and presence of nutrients

Scallops have a very rich and varied composition, so
how their meat contains a large amount of protein, as well as minerals:
magnesium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt. Also
contains polyunsaturated omega acids and multivitamin
complex. Scallop meat is considered dietary due to the fact that
it is low in calories, low in fat and low in carbohydrates.

Scallops are rich
for vitamin B12, thiamine, riboflavin, it is also the best source
calcium. Biocalcium is non-toxic and has no harmful effects
on the human body, so it is useful to give scallops to children,
who have a lack of calcium.

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Useful and healing properties

Scallop meat reduces blood cholesterol levels, normalizes
metabolism, improves the functioning of the nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular
systems, increases the general tone of the human body. Big
the amount of iodine in the scallops, as well as a high biological
value allows us to recommend them as a necessary food product
patients with atherosclerosis.

The scallop in Asian culture ascends to one of the irreplaceable
means for increasing potency in men. Scientists have proven that
regular consumption of scallops contributes to the
only to restore sexual function, but also to maintain it for a long time
time at a high level.

The most valuable in the combs are the mantle and the closure muscle.
The scallop is a source of valuable natural minerals, and
it is impossible to overestimate its benefits. Also in the meat is present
vitamin PP, which is part of the enzymes that provide
cellular respiration. It also has a positive effect on
normal functioning of the pancreas and stomach.

In cooking

Scallop meat is used to prepare a variety of
dishes: soups, salads, cabbage rolls, cutlets and many others. It is very
delicate and sweetish taste. French cuisine is especially rich
various recipes including scallops.

The methods for preparing scallops are very varied. They are baked
boil, pickle, stew,
and together with the sink they cook in champagne. Also some foodies
they are eaten raw, sprinkled with olive oil and lemon juice.

In cosmetology

The scallop is undoubtedly beneficial for people who suffer
especially with manifestations of atherosclerotic vascular lesions.
Dishes with this dietary seafood, due to the low calorie content,
recommended by many dietitians.

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More recently, scallop extract has begun to be used in
various face creams. Since the rich mineral composition of shellfish
has an excellent effect on the skin.

Dangerous properties of scallops

If there is a possibility of allergic
reactions, then the scallops should be treated with caution. By
for the same reason, women during pregnancy and lactation are not recommended
taste this delicacy.

For hyperthyroidism, scallops should also be avoided.
due to the high content of iodine in their composition.

By watching the video, you will learn how to properly cut scallops.

See also properties of other seafood:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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