Luffa, Calories, benefits and harms, Benefits

General information

Absolutely all loofahs are plants from the humid tropics. There are
about 50 species of this culture, but the most common are
cylindrical and sharp-toothed . These are the most common species, the rest are not so significant
and practically no one is engaged in their cultivation, since it is impractical.

If we compare these two varieties, it should immediately be noted that
the fruits of the sharp-toothed luffa are rather small than those of the cylindrical one.
It is cold-resistant and early maturing.

This plant is a herbaceous vine that is not picky at all, which is
why caring for it is so easy. Luffa has one feature – a
long growing season. This culture, like the cucumber,
does not like transplanting, therefore, for its cultivation, a
less traumatic method of transplanting seedlings should be chosen . Seedling care is the
same as for pumpkin seedlings .

It should be noted that over time, mankind began to give
preference to environmentally friendly materials and products. In
bathrooms, bright sponges and washcloths, which
are created from synthetic materials , are less and less common . Previously, synthetics admired,
but now people have become wiser and pushed it to second place. The leader
is materials donated by nature, such as luffa.

The luffa plant belongs to the pumpkin family,
whose habitat is Africa. India, China or Crimea. Outwardly, the fruits of the luffa
resemble an ordinary cucumber, but of a much larger size. They are green
and corrugated, and can grow up to 7 meters in length. In this
regard, the people began to call the fruits of this plant “mad cucumber”.
It becomes such only after ripening. During this period
, a hole appears on the surface of the fetus, and mucus accumulates inside.
Further, the inexplicable process of transforming the luffa into a kind of
cannon that shoots with seeds takes place .

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The ripe plant is plucked and hung to dry. Then the
peel is separated by dipping the loofah in boiling water for a few minutes. Now
it can be washed in soapy water and dried. This is how an
environmentally friendly washcloth is born. Unripe fruits are used,
because the products made from them are softer
and more tender.

The loofah washcloth has its advantages:

  • stimulation of blood circulation;
  • hypoallergenic, non-irritating;
  • skin cleansing;
  • the sponge has a lymphatic drainage effect;
  • fight against cellulite
    and stretch marks.

Such countries as the Caucasus,
China, Crimea, Central Asia, Thailand, Indonesia, Japan, America and
India are engaged in the production of this culture . Most countries do this solely for commercial

Many designers claim that this plant is underestimated, despite
the fact that it is a true work of nature. The well-known
Mexican designer Lappos combines the fruits of this
culture with ceramics and wood in his works , after which eco-collections appear that are
ideal for the office and home. These are very original things,
for example: furniture parts, coughs, vases or screens. Glasses made
of luffa can keep warm for a long time without scalding
your hands. From the plant, wonderful shades for floor lamps are obtained,
with the help of which the light is softerly distributed throughout the room. For
many designers, loofah is the same as the vine, which is seamless
material. If this culture grows in the country, then this is
an excellent occasion for the manifestation of your creative abilities.

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How to choose

When buying, you should pay special attention to the appearance of the loofah.
There should be no damage to the fruit.

How to store

Like any other plant, luffa is not durable, so it needs to be
frozen if you use it for cooking. A washcloth
made from this plant is suitable for only six months. In order for it to
serve all this time, you need to take care of it: rinse with running
water and dry well.

In cooking

In Asian cuisine, unripe fruits are used to prepare
many dishes.

Young fruits, buds, ovary and luffa flowers are edible and,
most importantly, low in calories.

It is used to prepare a variety of soups, sauces, stews,
salads. Luffa can be fried, stewed in the same way as zucchini.

In culture

Many people mistakenly believe that only washcloths are made from loofah, but
this is not the case. It is known that in the 20th century, ripe cylindrical fruits were
used for the manufacture of technical parts: air and fuel
filters. Recently, synthetic
materials have been used for these purposes .

Useful properties of luffa fruits

Composition and presence of nutrients

Raw luffa contains (in 100 g):

Calories 20 Kcal

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Luffa fruits contain fiber, vitamins A,
potassium and phosphorus salts, triterpenoids, folic acid, iron and carotene.

Useful and healing properties

This plant is a wonderful doctor. With the help of luffa juice,
you can cure conjunctivitis, as well as get rid of problems with oily
skin. For anemia
, the fruits and ovary of mad cucumber are used. It is very useful for
diseases of the respiratory system, but in addition, luffa has a
strengthening effect. Many medicines are made from this plant
. These medicines are used for joint pain.
Infusions made from the fruits of “cucumber” are prescribed for people with chronic
diseases of the nose.

Luffa porridge helps relieve chest coughs.

This plant has an antipyretic effect, therefore, in oriental
medicine, patients with a high temperature must be given a loofah.

Young mothers also need this plant, as it
can help increase lactation.

Dangerous properties of the luffa fruit

It should be noted that at the moment there have been no contraindications
for use, except for individual intolerance.

Nature never ceases to amaze us with its masterpieces, one of which is Luffa. Dishes from this plant not only satisfy the appetite, but also heal. The washcloth also brings tremendous benefits to our body.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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