Macadamia, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

general description

Macadamia is a high-calorie Australian nut. This kind of nuts
considered the most expensive in the world because it is difficult to grow,
it is susceptible to pest attacks, and the tree itself begins to bear fruit
only for 8-10 years. Macadamia ripens under the hot sun throughout
6-7 months.

Ripe walnut has a spherical shape and a diameter of 1,5-2 cm. The kernel is covered with
difficult to remove leathery shell of green-brown color. In the factory
conditions for removing the shell use an automatic line with two
rollers. The distance between the shafts is specially made less than
medium size of the nut, as a result, the shell breaks and crumbles,
while the kernels remain intact and move for further processing.

The family of wild nuts was first described by the botanist Ferdinand
von Müller over 150 years ago. The nut is named after its best
friend of John McAdam. The plant began to be cultivated in 1858.
was taken up by Professor Walter Hill, who began to massively distribute
seedlings among the local population and wrote a treatise on the beneficial properties
macadama. Initially, the collection of nuts was carried out by hand and was sufficient
long and laborious. In a day, one person could collect no more than 150
kg of nuts. The rise of technological progress led to invention in Australia
a machine for collecting nuts, which in 8 hours could collect up to 3 tons.
macadamia. In 1972, a record harvest of 70 thousand tons of nuts was harvested.
per year.

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Nine varieties of macadamia are now known. Of these, five grow exclusively
in Australia and the other two are cultivated in Hawaii, Brazil, California
and South Africa. The plant is not very picky and prefers
well-drained, oily soil with medium acidity. Not stable
to frost and the lowest possible temperature for it
+ 3 ° C.

Useful properties of macadamia

Composition and presence of nutrients

Raw macadamia nut contains (in 100 g):

Calories 567 Kcal

Macadamia is packed with nutrients. The main
are vitamins (groups B, E,
minerals (calcium,
organic acids and fats.

Useful and healing properties

Numerous health benefits are attributed to the nut. It is believed that systematic
eating nuts gives strength, relieves headaches caused by
migraine, eliminates skin problems, normalizes its color and oiliness.
Also, nut substances are able to remove accumulated excess cholesterol.
from the body, which is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular
diseases, help with diseases of the joints, bones, they are taken
in medical therapy for angina,
and arthrosis.

Nutritionists recommend replacing one meal for weight loss
on a handful of macadamia – this will fill the body with the missing energy.

An essential oil is produced industrially from macadamia.
treat second degree burns of various etymologies, remove toxins,
rejuvenate the skin, smooth out fine wrinkles. Macadamia oil by
its properties are very similar to the fat of the human sebaceous glands, therefore
it is used to stimulate subcutaneous microcirculation of blood, strengthen
hair follicles.

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In cooking

Macadamia due to its close taste with hazelnuts
widely used for making chocolate desserts, salads
or other seafood dishes. Some foodies believe that
to reveal the full flavor of the nut, it should be consumed with sherry
or strong coffee.

Dangerous properties of macadamia

Macadamia nut has no contraindications for use. maybe
only the manifestation of allergic
reactions in people with individual intolerance to the product. Caution
you need to eat nuts for those who are allergic to hazelnuts or peanuts.

Macadamia can cause serious poisoning in animals, in particular
in dogs with a rehabilitation period of more than 48 hours.

Do you want to plunge into the atmosphere of the places where macadamia nuts grow? Black sand, big turtles and parrots … Very beautiful places, watch the video.

See also the properties of other nuts:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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