Ramson, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Ramson (wild onion, chenzeli, levurda) – perennial spicy-aromatic
a plant belonging to the onion family.

It grows mainly in the wild, has an external resemblance to
lily of the valley when its leaves have not blossomed; by taste
resembles garlic.

Ramson reaches a height of 40 cm, has a bulb without
covering scales, that is, the petioles of the plant thicken downward,
forming a fleshy part. The leaves are pointed upwards. In
flowering time throws out a hemispherical umbrella with white
flowers. The fruit is a triangular capsule. Seeds are spherical,

It grows in flooded meadows, near rivers, streams, swamps,
in broadleaf, broadleaf-spruce, alder
forests, often forming thickets. Distributed in the Middle
and Southwest Europe, Mediterranean countries, Minor
Asia, Scandinavia. … – mainly in Siberia.

The stem, leaves and bulb of the plant are eaten.
Leaves of wild garlic are usually harvested in spring, before flowering.
The leaves of wild garlic taste like greens of garlic and onions,
they are rich in vitamin C. The collected herb is used in
fresh as a spice in salads, soups, vegetables, as
filling for pies. The herb is fermented, salted and pickled;
it is not recommended to dry it, because in this state
wild garlic loses some of its valuable qualities.

In the Caucasus, wild garlic is mainly used in hot dishes,
and raw onions, which are also harvested before flowering, are eaten with bread
and salt. In Germany, they also bake bread and pies with wild garlic, use
in hot dishes, added instead of basil
into a special kind of pesto.

Calorie content

A low-calorie dietary product that, in its raw form, contains
only 35 kcal. Boiled wild garlic with oil contains 124 kcal and not
recommended for obese people.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Caloric value, kcal 2,4 0,1 6,5 1,1 89 35

Useful properties of wild garlic

Ancient Romans and Egyptians called wild garlic – a miracle plant,
they believed that it helps to cleanse the blood and stomach,
improves the activity of the digestive tract, promotes
improving appetite and activity of gastric juices. Her
used for various purulent diseases, scurvy,
atherosclerosis, worms and intestinal infections. It is known
the same way that in ancient times it was actively used
for food during epidemics of cholera and plague.

Ramson contains a lot of vitamin
C, essential oil and other substances, has phytoncidal
properties. Has a strong garlic odor which is partially
removed if scalded before use
boiling water and pour vinegar. Possesses anti-scurvy general tonic

Ramson is good for the heart, it is able to lower
blood pressure and blocks the formation of cholesterol
plaques. Churemsha is recommended for vitamin deficiency, atherosclerosis
and hypertension. The ancient Greeks believed that
this plant has the ability to “maintain courage”.

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Leaves of wild garlic have strong bactericidal properties.
It is enough to chew a piece of chechemshi for two or three minutes, as
all harmful microflora of the oral cavity will be killed by the secreted
from plant tissues with volatile substances-phytoncides.
Phytoncides also improve the growth and development of human tissues.
and contributes to their recovery. In certain doses
phytoncides have a beneficial effect on strengthening the nervous system,
enhance the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract,
help to improve metabolism, stimulate the heart

Ramson is also an excellent remedy for prevention
and the treatment of colds.

The juice and crushed leaves were used externally when
various skin diseases, especially lichen and warts.

Folk healers infusion of wild garlic from 10-20 g of raw materials per 1
a glass of boiling water is prescribed for fever, it is rubbed
sore spots with rheumatism.

Alcohol tincture in the form of lotions and rubbing, and
also taken orally treat coughs of various origins.
Raw wild garlic is eaten for diseases of the thyroid gland,
hypo- and hyperthyroidism. Ramson, unlike many
drugs used in the treatment of atherosclerosis and
diseases of the thyroid gland, does not cause medication
hyperthyroidism, even with prolonged use. Likewise
raw use pickled or salted wild garlic and, except
Moreover, it is used as an appetite stimulant.

Dangerous properties of wild garlic

Ramson is contraindicated for pancreatitis,
cholecystitis, hepatitis, inflammation of the stomach and intestines due to excitatory
effects on digestion.

See also  Black cumin, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

It is also not recommended for pregnant women, as well as for people with gastritis,
stomach ulcers and epilepsy.

Do not abuse wild garlic infusions, as they are harmful
affect the cardiovascular system, and in addition, they can provoke
headaches, insomnia, indigestion.

You can learn about the benefits and dangers of wild garlic from a fragment of the broadcast of the cycle “About the most important thing.”

See also properties of other herbs and plants:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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