Pasta, noodles – Useful and dangerous properties of pasta and noodles, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Pasta is a product made from dried wheat
dough mixed with water. In Russian, the term “pasta
products “comes from the Italian name” maccheroni “
– pasta, i.e. tubular “paste”.

Pasta is another name for pasta, common
in European languages. The word “pasta” means
both pasta in general and dishes made from them –
pasta with sauce.

Flour is used to make pasta
the highest grades, rich in protein substances.

The best varieties of pasta are made from granular
durum wheat flour.

Classification of pasta.

According to the composition of the dough, pasta is divided:

  • for products made only from durum wheat flour;
  • for products made from dough with the addition of eggs.

Depending on the shape and size, pasta is divided
for the following types:

  • pasta;
  • horns and feathers;
  • vermicelli;
  • noodles;
  • curly products – ears, shells, stars, rings, shells,
    bows, spirals, tubes and others.

The origin of pasta is also attributed to Etruscan times.
– 500 years earlier than the appearance of Chinese noodles. But the evidence
this is also not convincing enough. Some researchers
believe that neither the Greeks nor the Romans, and even more so the Etruscans,
were not familiar with durum wheat and it was for this
reason could not invent pasta.

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Palermo can be considered the first official capital of pasta.
It was here that historical sources were first found,
which talked about making dry pasta
products on an industrial scale. In 1150, Arabic
the geographer Al-Idrizi writes in his report that in the villages
Palermo in Sicily
threads, and then sent on ships to the Muslim
and Christian countries ”.

Useful properties of pasta, noodles

Low-calorie pasta – 190 calories per
50 g of dry product. What is especially interesting (and contradicting
generally accepted opinion), pasta contains the necessary
the amount of proteins – 13 g per 100 g of product, which contributes to
losing weight, because when consumed, it “melts”
fat, not muscle.

In addition, the nutritional value of pasta is determined
also the starch contained in them (70%), which is very
well absorbed. A dish made from 100 g of this
product, provides 10% of our daily need
in proteins and carbohydrates.

Contains pasta and so-called slow sugars,
burning out almost in full, but gradually.
Experts note that these sugars are the best “fuel”
for athletes: they replenish muscle glycogen stores.

In addition, pasta is rich in vitamin B, which reduces fatigue.
70 percent of pasta is carbohydrates, which is
– a complete source of energy, fat content in pasta
without additives it is extremely small – only about 1,8 percent.

And the necessary mineral
there are plenty of substances and vitamins in pasta.

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In the record holders for the presence of copper

Dangerous properties of pasta, noodles

Many people are adherents of the pasta diet. Since this
flour and a fairly high-calorie product, such a diet is contraindicated
during pregnancy and lactation, sugar
diabetes, acute inflammatory diseases, kidney pathology,
cardiovascular diseases and liver diseases, as well as in
childhood and old age.

Making pasta, as well as a wide range of types of pasta.

See also properties of other products:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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