Amaranth benefits, properties, calorie content, useful properties and harm

axamitnik, squid, cockscombs, velvet

A plant that has small red flowers in long, dense
spike-paniculate inflorescences, at least two hundred juicy green
leaves and can reach a height of more than three meters. Refers to
to the annuals of the Shchiritsev family. Amaranth seeds are like black,
and pink, yellow or greenish.

Amaranth for a long time is able to maintain a fresh look of unfading
flowers that decorate the house wonderfully in winter.

Amaranth story

This plant was known to mankind for 6 thousand years before
AD – it was grown on a par with corn
in South America, making amarita (a drink of immortality) from amaranth seeds.
The Aztecs and Incas worshiped amaranth as a deity and included it in
ritual sacrifices. But after the arrival of the conquistadors who
destroyed this “devil’s flower” everywhere, the volume of its cultivation
decreased significantly. In the XNUMXth century, amaranth was introduced to Europe
and in Sweden, in 1653, they even established the order of the amaranth knights.

… this culture was also considered the source of immortality, because
the name of the plant contains the phrase that denies death
“A + MARANT” (“A” is a particle of negation, Mara is the name of the Slavic goddess
of death). Since ancient times, the Slavs made bread from amaranth and believed that
amazing longevity, up to 300 years, is given by this particular plant. His
were given to babies and taken on a hike as they believed that amaranth seeds
were a unique source of strength and health. But the reforms of Peter I were banned
eat amaranth, so now this culture in our
the country is an ornamental plant, its wild-growing subspecies
used as feed for livestock.

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In the modern world, amaranth grows on almost all continents.
planets other than Antarctica.

Useful properties of amaranth

Composition and presence of nutrients

Fresh amaranth leaves contain (in 100 g):

Calories 23 Kcal

Vitamin C 43,3 Potassium, K 611 Vitamin
B3 0,658 Calcium, Ca 215 Vitamin
B6 0,192 Magnesium, Mg 55 Vitamin
B2 0,158 Phosphorus,
P 50 Vitamin B5 0,064 Sodium,
On 20

Full composition

  • vitamins – A (beta-carotene), V1 (thiamine), V2 (riboflavin), niacin
    (vitamin PP or vitamin B3), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 ​​(pyridoxine),
    B9 (folic acid), C (ascorbic acid), E (tocopherol),
    B4 (choline);
  • macronutrients – potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus;
  • trace elements – iron, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc.

Amaranth grains are of particular value as they contain 20-23
% protein with increased
the ratio of lysine, polyunsaturated fatty acids, starch,
sterols and flavonoids.

A unique constituent of amaranth is squalene, which
can “capture” oxygen and saturate tissues and organs with it.
He, being a powerful immunostimulant, is able to penetrate
skin and thus affect the entire body.

Amaranth use

In many countries of the world (South America, China, India, Pakistan)
amaranth is used as a vegetable, cereal, medicinal
agent and fodder plant. UN officials make predictions
that this plant will become one of the most common cereals
cultures in the world in the XXI century. Since it does not require special conditions
cultivation, has increased nutritional value and a high level of

In cooking, amaranth grains, which have a nutty aroma and taste,
used for the manufacture of drinks, confectionery and flour products.
Young shoots and leaves are added to salads, side dishes, fish dishes,
blanch, fry, cook
for a couple.

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The use of amaranth in medicine

When germinating, amaranth seeds enhance their tonic
properties for the human body, therefore they are also widely used
when preparing medicines. In Chinese medicine, oil
amaranth seed is a proven anti-aging agent, in the fight against
with tumors during radiotherapy, during wound healing and recovery
tissues of damaged internal organs and skin.

Amaranth has a tonic effect on the cardiovascular system,
raises immunity in case of colds, normalizes work
central nervous system, maintains skin health and traps
free radicals.

In modern medicine, amaranth is also used in the treatment of hemorrhoids,
inflammation of the genitourinary system, vitamin deficiency, anemia, diabetes, decline
forces, neuroses, obesity, burns, periodontitis, stomatitis, ulcerative
diseases of the duodenum and stomach, atherosclerosis.

Use in cosmetology

In cosmetology, amaranth oil is used (extracted from seeds
by cold pressing) and oil extraction from stems, leaves
and amaranth flowers.

8% squalene in amaranth oil makes it a unique product
to restore the skin as squalene is one of the
the main components of human skin. It performs a number of such functions:
prevents the growth and development of cancer cells; provides protection
skin and its moisture; “Fills” cells with oxygen and “catches”
free radicals; slows down the aging process. In addition to squalene, amaranth
the oil contains the most active form of vitamin E, which contributes to
prevention of premature aging of the skin.

Creams, masks and other cosmetic products based on amaranth
oils help restore and rejuvenate the skin, lift it
tone, nourish and soften rough skin. And also provide
antibacterial protection and improve the quality of treatment for psoriasis,
eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatitis, allergic dermatoses, trophic
ulcers and herpes virus.

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Dangerous properties of amaranth

It is not recommended to use amaranth and medications,
in which it is included, with celiac enteropathy, individual
product intolerance, cholecystitis, pancreatitis,
cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.

In this video, you will learn how amaranth was used in ancient times, historical discoveries and laboratory research.

See also properties of other products:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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