Tangelo, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

general description

Tangelo is a citrus sweet fruit that has been bred by
artificial hybridization of tangerine and grapefruit.
The ripe fruit has a bright orange color. The size of the tangelo can
be like a ripe orange
or grapefruit. Usually the tangelo ass is slightly extended in relation to
to a general round shape. Inside the fruit is a juicy sweet and sour
the flesh is yellow or orange with a few seeds.
The peel is thin enough and easily peels off when cleaning.

Tangelo was first grown in 1897 in the USA on the territory of greenhouses
Department of Agriculture. Currently tangelo for
exports are grown in Florida, Israel, Turkey. Based on tangelo
several varieties were bred: mineola, simenol, clementine, orlando,
angles, Thornton and aluminum.

How to choose

When choosing a tangelo, several quality criteria should be considered

  • the peel should be bright, without different color spots and plaque;
  • the fruit should not show any damage to the skin, easily squeezed
    places and cracks;
  • the weight of the fruit must correspond to the size, excessive lightness
    may indicate the beginning of the processes of drying out of the pulp.

How to store

The best way to store tangelo is in the refrigerator in the fruit drawer.
but not more than two weeks. At room temperature the maximum
the fruit retains its freshness for 2-3 days. If you cut a tangelo
so that the pulp does not dry out, the fruit should be wrapped in cling film
and place in the refrigerator.

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Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Caloric value, kcal 0,8 0,2 6,2 0,5 87,5 36

Useful properties of tangelo

Composition and presence of nutrients

Tangelo, due to its belonging to the citrus family, not a drop
is not inferior to them in the content of vitamins (C,
minerals (potassium,
and organic acids.

Useful and healing properties

During a period of lack of nutrients or with manifestations of vitamin deficiency
freshly squeezed juice of tangelo (1 pc.), grapefruit (0,5
pcs.) and lemon
(0,5 pcs.). Drinking such a drink in the morning can get you charged
vitamins for the whole day, which will give energy, strength and vigor. This
the mixture is especially useful for pregnant women during a period of severe toxicosis
and on the eve of epidemics of colds.

The high potassium content of tangelo contributes to the reduction of arterial
pressure, therefore, the fruit is especially useful for people suffering from hypertension.
Tangelo substances, like grapefruit, contribute to the breakdown and excretion
bad cholesterol from the body, thereby cleansing blood vessels from fat
plaques and getting rid of extra pounds. Essential oils secreted
from the peel of tangelo when peeling it, stimulate appetite, secretion
gastric juice, and the pulp itself, when consumed, improves work
gastrointestinal tract.

Use in cooking

Tangelo is widely used in cooking, especially often it can be
found in American and European recipes. Out of him
prepare jams, preserves, confitures. Flesh cleaned from white streaks
used for the preparation of fruit and berry salads, salads with
seafood, and also used as an addition to cold desserts
and as a filling for baked goods. Tangelo peel due to its rich
flavor is dried and added to tea mixtures.

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In cosmetology

On an industrial scale, essential oil is obtained from the peel, which
used for the production of shampoos, scrubs, soaps, shower gels
and other cosmetics.

Dangerous properties of tangelo

Tangelo is not recommended to be consumed due to its rather high acidity.
people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract accompanied by increased
acidity, as well as during exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers.

The presence of a large amount of sugar in the fruit makes it unusable.
for use by patients with diabetes. Tangelo is not worth eating for people
especially citrus fruits.

In our video you can see how this rare grows in our
country fruit. This citrus is a cross between grapefruit
and tangerine, and the taste pleasantly combines the bitterness of grapefruit and sweetness

See also properties of other citrus fruits:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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