Coconuts, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Coconut is a large round coconut fruit with a hard, fleecy
shell, thin brown skin, white flesh, eaten
fresh or dried, flaked or grated.

Kakos, a plant of the Palm family (Arecaceae) and the only
species of the genus Cocos.

One of the features of these trees is that they willingly
live in close proximity to sea water, although at all
don’t need her. This is due to the ease with which the shallow
the roots of palm trees absorb moisture from the abundantly irrigated soil on the sea

Coconut skin is not damaged in salt water. It means that
a nut that has fallen into the waves of the sea can be carried out into the open sea
and after long wanderings thrown to some distant shore,
where after a while a young palm tree will be born.

How to choose a coconut?

Coconuts are often pricked during transportation, therefore
milk is poured out of them and they themselves rot. So that
if you see even a small crack on the coconut, don’t buy it.
Milk must splash in a good coconut,
you can hear it well.

The pulp of the coconut should not only be easily separated from the shell,
but also from the thin layer, (between the white and the most stupid).
If not, then the nut was removed in green. And the pulp should
be soft. It is usually used as a shallow staple.

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Coconut cooking

Use coconuts in fruit salads, desserts, pies,
soups and sometimes main courses.

Coconut oil is a vegetable fatty oil obtained
from copra. It is made by hot pressing fresh
dried coconut pulp. Mainly applied
fashion in soap making, for the manufacture of cosmetic
means for the preparation of cooling fillings in waffle
cakes and in the production of margarine.

With the popularity of Asian cuisine, coconut pulp is completely
has recently been used in European recipes.

How to open a coconut

On top of each coconut there are 3 indentations, shaped like
isosceles triangle. First you need to pierce
(screwdriver, narrow knife, scissors) the hole that
located closest to the apex. From one nut
you can drain up to two-thirds of the glass.

Next, a hammer comes in handy 🙂 holding a coconut in one hand you need
turning it, tapping on the so-called golden ratio
coconut (about a third from the end with black eyes), and it is on
a crack will appear rather unexpectedly on this line – this is the line of natural
break. It is enough to stick the edge of a knife into it and press a little, as
the coconut will split by itself. Although if you open a coconut from the supermarket,
and it is not the first freshness, having a hammer will come in handy again.

Palm tree with coconuts

Useful properties of coconuts

Raw coconut contains (in 100 g):

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Calories 354 Kcal

B4 12,1 Калий, К 356 Витамин С 3,3 Фосфор,
P 113 Vitamin
B3 0,54 Магний, Mg 32 Витамин B5 0,3 Натрий,
Na 20 Витамин
B1 0,066 Кальций, Ca 14

Full composition

Coconut contains many medicinal substances, natural
oils and antioxidants.

Coconut contains potassium, calcium,
magnesium, phosphorus,
vitamin E, C,
folate and fiber.

Coconut pulp improves digestion and vision, restores
strength, increases immunity, prevents the occurrence
cardiovascular and oncological diseases.

Coconut has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial

Coconut milk has a pleasant smell and sweet taste,
it is very good for the skin and contains about 27% fat,
6% carbohydrates and 4% protein. Milk refreshes perfectly
and tones the skin, restores the elasticity of aging
and flabby skin. It can be especially successfully used to treat
acne and allergic rashes, soothe
and dry out the inflamed skin.

Coconut oil is composed of triglycerides and medium chain
saturated fatty acids, due to which it is absorbed
very fast, remarkably moisturizes and gives the skin
velvety. In particular, lauric acid is negatively
acts on a variety of pathogenic microorganisms,
bacteria, yeast, fungi and viruses. Also in coconut
oil contains capric acid (7% of fatty acid
composition), which stimulates antimicrobial activity.
Coconut oil is easy to digest and does not stress
on the liver. It is good for your stomach and helps
healthy intestinal flora.

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The benefits of coconut oil are that it
is not deposited in the body, but immediately turns into

Great for athletes who train intensely

It is not surprising that people in tropical countries believe
coconut is a “gift from heaven”.

chips of coconut

Dangerous properties of coconuts

Coconut is contraindicated in people with a tendency to overweight and diarrhea.

Coconuts are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance,
as well as with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, as they affect
the work of this body.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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