Baltic herring – snake fruit, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

A fast-growing, low-rise tropical palm with many
feathery-leaved trunks, the petioles and axes of which
are covered with thorns. Bunches of red-brown fruit grow
just above the ground at the base of the trunk. Scaly, rough,
prickly and snake-skinned herring fruits (hence the
name – snake fruit), similar to
small onions. The flesh is beige-yellow, sweet,
aromatic and has a specific taste.

This fruit grows on a palm tree and has many small thorns.
To clean it, you need to get used to it, or
you can easily chop off all your hands.

The homeland of the Baltic herring Southeast Asia – Thailand, Malaysia,
Indonesia, in other countries, it is very
rare. It is believed that the most delicious varieties grow in
Java near Yogyakarta and Bali.

Useful properties of herring – snake fruit

The taste of the fruit varies depending on the variety. Some
describe it as sweet and sour with a nutty flavor, some
say the taste resembles something like cherries, gooseberries and strawberries,
for others something like a mixture of banana and pineapple,
and there are those who describe it as cotton wool filled with
valerian or corvalol with the same smell and taste.

Unripe fruits are either very bitter or tart-sour.
Let us remind you that it all depends on the variety of herring. By the way,
and outwardly, they are different from round to almond-shaped
. But all one is brown. The pulp has
several or one segment and different intensity of beige
color. Again, it depends on the variety of herring.

See also  Juniper, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Baltic herring (snake fruit) contains tannin, which removes
all harmful substances from the body, has astringent
, hemostatic, antidiarrheal
and antihemorrhoidal properties .

Typically, the fruit is eaten raw,
but it can also be used boiled and candied
. Unripe fruits have a sour and astringent taste and are
pickled like pickles.

Dangerous properties of herring – snake fruit

Despite the fact that there are no special contraindications to the use of herring
, it is not necessary to lean on
it in large quantities at the first acquaintance with this fruit . For those who are not used to tropical fruits,
such “overeating” can be expressed in itching, rashes and
digestive upset – in other words, allergies.

In order to avoid diarrhea, you
should pay attention to the freshness of the herring when purchasing it.

The author of the video talks about how to peel herring. Also describes the taste of the snake fruit.

See also properties of other exotic fruits:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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