Ide, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Ide is a fish of the carp family, it has an external resemblance
to roach.
The fish is quite large in size, reaching 70
cm in length , weighing 2-3 kg; although there are also larger individuals.

Color – gray-silver, darker on the back than on the belly.
The fins are pink-orange in color.

Ide is a freshwater fish, but it can also live in the semi-fresh
water of sea bays. The ide diet consists of plant
and animal food (insects, mollusks, worms). Spawning
takes place in the second half of spring.

The ide is very “careful”, it keeps in flocks,
so sometimes they are caught in large numbers.
The ide is considered a non-predatory fish, in fact,
having reached a weight of 300 – 400 g, it already partially feeds on
small fish.

The ide is found in almost all rivers and rivers with clean
water, but the largest number of it is in deep rivers
with a moderate flow. It is also found in large reservoirs,
in flowing lakes and ponds. The ide keeps in rather
deep places with a silty-clayey, sandy or small-pebble
bottom and a middle course. It is collected from bridges, from sunken
snags, blocks of clay or stones; especially fond of whirlpools below
dams and pits below rifts. It stands near the coast under
trees and bushes hanging over the water, where it feasts
on caterpillars and insects that have fallen into the water. It gathers near the
city’s muddy drains, especially after rains, where
it stands on the border of muddy and clear water. The ide comes out at night
feed to shallow places, usually bordering a swift
or roll. At this time, it can be caught almost at the
very coast and on sandy shoals. He approaches the shores
during the day, but only after heavy rains.

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Ide is widespread in Europe and Asia. It is absent only in
some northern water bodies of Europe, in Central Asia, in the Caucasus and
Transcaucasia, as well as in the Crimea.

Calorie content of ide

High-calorie protein product, 100 g of which contains 116 kcal
(fresh ide). However, the calorie content of boiled ide is only 88 kcal. It
saturates the body well, but it should be consumed in moderation by
overweight people .

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal 19 4.5 75 – 1 116

Useful properties of ide

For a long time, freshwater fish – representatives of
carps, which include carp, bream,
tench, roach, crucian carp, carp,
asp, ide and silver carp – have been highly valued as a source of complete
protein and vitamins.

Egg meat contains 117 kcal., Rich in protein, potassium,
also contains calcium, magnesium,
sodium, chlorine,
iron, fluorine,
chromium, molybdenum,
as well as vitamin
PP, etc.

Ide is very easily and quickly absorbed. Boiled or
baked, it is an indispensable product for dietary
nutrition. Fish is especially useful for heart disease,
as well as for gastritis and gastric ulcer.

One of the main values ​​of Yaz is a protein with a unique
ratio of essential amino acids. The most valuable of
these are tryptophan, lysine, methionine and taurine.

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Ide meat contains very important minerals: calcium
and phosphorus. Its regular use protects against osteoporosis,
strengthens teeth and bones.

Ukha and aspic from freshwater fish are excellent dishes
for stimulating digestion. The
extractive substances of the broth increase the secretion of gastric juice and pancreatic
enzymes. Therefore, both ear and aspic are useful for gastritis
with low acidity.

Dangerous properties of ide

Salted and dried river fish is contraindicated for hypertensive
patients and patients with severe kidney disease.

The ide is a bony fish, accidentally swallowing fish bones
can damage the intestines.

The useful and dangerous properties of the ide depend on the purity of the
reservoir in which it was caught.

That’s how much positive Yayayaz, caught with his own hand, can bring!
The video shows a successful fisherman, sincerely rejoicing in the caught fish.
To date, this video has gained more than 7 million views
on YouTube, and its author, Viktor Nikolayevich Goncharenko, has become a living
legend of the Internet.

See also properties of other fish:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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