Oyster mushrooms in the wild usually grow on trees,
the cap of such a mushroom is one-sided or round, the plates
run down on the leg, as if growing to it. Distinguish oyster mushroom
from inedible mushrooms is easy – it has absolutely
a hat that is not skinny to the touch.
Oyster mushroom is a rather large mushroom, a hat of gray or
grayish brown from 5 to 20 centimeters in
diameter. The leg is very dense and due to its hardness in food
not used. This mushroom grows in a bouquet in which
sometimes there are up to 30 mushrooms with a total weight of 2-3 kilograms.
For cultivation, you need to prepare sections of trunks and branches
hardwood trees with a diameter of at least 15 centimeters,
length 25-30 centimeters. Thinner segments give
smaller harvest. These fungi thrive in a humid environment,
and the segments must be immersed in water for 1-2 days.
Mushrooms usually appear in August – September. They need
cut carefully. Upon first collection, you can receive up to
600 grams of excellent mushrooms. Segments are left to overwinter
at the same place. In the second and third years, the harvest should
reach 2-2,5 kilograms. After the third year, it all begins
first: you need a new mycelium and new segments, if
the old ones became soft and rotten. Mushroom must be ordered
in spring or early autumn, because it can be transported
only at positive temperatures.
For storing mushrooms, it is better to use glass, enameled
or plastic dishes. It is better to keep fresh mushrooms in the refrigerator,
not washed or chopped.
Calorie content of oyster mushrooms
Fresh oyster mushrooms contain 38 kcal. If processed and preserved,
then the nutritional value will decrease significantly and will be only 23 kcal.
Nutritional value per 100 grams:
Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Caloric value, kcal 3,3 0,4 4,2 1 88,8 38
Useful properties of oyster mushrooms
Oyster mushroom contains everything the human body needs
substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals
salt. It has a low calorie content, but even in a small
quantity is able to satisfy hunger. Protein content
and amino acids this mushroom is close to vegetable
crops, and by the amount of fats and carbohydrates their
is superior.
The composition of vitamins oyster mushroom is similar to meat – pulp
these mushrooms contain B vitamins,
as well as C, E,
and D2. Vitamin content
PP oyster mushroom is considered the most valuable mushroom. Besides
Moreover, when eating these mushrooms, the body
gets enzymes that help break down fats
and glycogen. 7-8% oyster mushroom pulp consists of mineral
substances, including iron, potassium necessary for a person,
iodine, calcium, etc. It is believed that as a result of the use of oyster mushrooms
in food, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, and juice
this fungus inhibits the development of Escherichia coli.
Oyster mushroom is eaten fried, boiled or
stewed types, in addition, these mushrooms are suitable for pickling.
Oyster mushroom in Western and Southern European cuisines
added to the main course to give it a special
Oyster mushroom has bactericidal properties, promotes
removal of radioactive elements from the human body.
Dry mushroom powder is increasingly used in medicine
as one of the means to lower cholesterol, triglycerides
and products of peroxidation in blood, liver, kidneys.
Oyster mushroom can also reduce the harmful effects of radiation
physiotherapy and increases in some cases resistance
organism in radiation.
Dangerous properties of oyster mushroom
When preparing these mushrooms, it is imperative
heat treatment. Oyster mushrooms contain indigestible chitin
the human body. In order to remove it,
mushrooms should be finely chopped and cooked at high temperature.
The taste of ready-made mushrooms is something in between
between russula and porcini mushroom, and the smell is somewhat similar
with the aroma of rye bread.
The disadvantages of oyster mushrooms are the fragility of the fruiting bodies.
and as a result – poor transportability, except
Moreover, it has a faint mushroom aroma. Oyster mushroom spores,
getting into the lungs can cause allergies. In addition
oyster mushroom is susceptible to viral diseases.
A short video will tell you how oyster mushrooms are grown.
The video describes the cultivation technology, the subtleties of care and collection of this
type of mushrooms.