Arugula, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

This plant belongs to the cruciferous family.
It is distinguished by a mass of useful properties and the presence of a large amount of vitamins.
In the wild, arugula grows in northern Africa, Europe;
it can be found from Asia Minor to Central Asia and India. Also
arugula grows in Dagestan and the foothills of the Caucasus.

Currently, the arugula we eat is grown
in different places, especially in Venice, Italy. Also this
the plant has taken root in places with a rather harsh climate, for example,
in North America and North Europe.

Arugula is essentially an annual plant that grows
30-60 cm.Its slightly pubescent branched stem reaches 40 cm
in height. All arugula leaves are scattered hairy, somewhat fleshy,
rarely naked, with a specific odor. The lower leaves are lyre-pinnate
or dissected.

The inflorescence of the plant looks like a rare long brush. Arugula flowers
pale, less often bright yellow with purple veins. The fruit presents
an oval-oblong pod, slightly compressed, on short
thickened legs. The seeds of a plant 1,5-3 mm long are located in
two rows and are light brown or light brown. Blooms
arugula in May-July, and its fruits ripen in late spring or early

According to the testimony of the ancient Roman pharmacist, physician and botanist Dioscorides,
arugula seeds in ancient times were used as a seasoning for boiled
herbs. In addition, he noted that the arugula (and the green part of it,
and semen), when consumed in large enough quantities, caused
strong sex drive.

In the days of ancient Rome, arugula was considered a remedy with pain relievers.
properties. Those people who were going to punish with lashes,
they drank a glass of wine in advance, to which arugula was added. So pain
was easier to carry.

Today in Greece, arugula can be bought in stores all year round,
although it grows wild mainly in winter, until the very beginning
spring. The shops sell her garden look, which has less
bitter taste than wild.

Greeks often grow arugula from seed in pots on balconies.
In such cases, the plant can be plucked for consumption after 7-8
weeks after planting.

It is worth noting that almost all the ingredients of arugula have found use.
in life. Leaves and flowers are used in cooking, they are made from seeds
very healthy oil. Due to its specific taste, the plant is very
popular in cuisines such as Mediterranean and Italian,
whose dishes are famous all over the world.

Therefore, the fashion for arugula and dishes with its addition went, because of
which they began to actively grow both in the gardens and at home. Grow
arugula is easy, as it does not require special care and is sufficient

How to choose

The main thing when choosing a quality arugula is the freshness of the leaves, which
should be non-lethargic and completely green. Taste the product directly
depends on the size of the sheet. The smaller it is, the more bitterness it has,
so choose the size of the rocket for your personal taste.

How to store

To keep the arugula longer, you need to keep it in the refrigerator.
in any container with water. So she can keep fresh until 6-7
days. For longer storage, it must be frozen, previously
washing and drying.

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In cooking

Biologically, arugula is a cabbage, but it is used as a spice.
or salad greens. Leaves, flowers and seeds are used for food.
Oil is made from seeds, and leaves and flowers are added to various
salads and other dishes. In ancient Rome, arugula was used as a seasoning,
and still in the Mediterranean, the attitude towards this product is rather,
as a delicious spice than a regular salad vegetable.

The use of arugula in cooking is very diverse. She is represented
and as an independent dish, and as a side dish. She is great
goes well with meat, fish, legumes and seafood,
you can serve it with different types of cheese. Particularly popular with housewives
enjoys an unusual cheese salad with nuts and arugula.

In addition, large arugula leaves are an interesting side dish for fish
and meat dishes, decoration for sandwiches. With arugula you can also
stew vegetables, use as an ingredient for various sauces,
pizza, risotto and dessert dishes. And crushed leaves are advised
add to cottage cheese, cold snacks and boiled potatoes.

Sour-pungent aftertaste and delicate aroma of green juicy leaves are excellent
combined with other leafy vegetables (salad, spinach).

Arugula is useful for those who cannot tolerate boiled fish, but are forced to
use it to lose weight. This product is able to improve the taste
quality of fish dishes and almost completely discourages their characteristic

In Italy, arugula is often added to pastas, salads, pizza, pesto sauce
and in risotto. In England, it is used as a seasoning for various
hot dishes, in France they prepare snacks and light salads with it.
The Portuguese and Spaniards use arugula as a spice and call it
her persian mustard.

In Slovenia, arugula with cheese is often used as a filling for pies.
On the Italian island of Ischia, this product is used to prepare
rukolino, an unusual alcoholic beverage. They drink it in small
amounts after meals to improve digestion. In Egypt
arugula is part of a boiled bean snack dish full medames
or accompanying seafood.

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This plant is also included in the classic French salad mix.
mesclun originally from Nice, where, in addition to arugula, there are leaves
dandelion, common
and red chicory, young oak leaves, curly endive, radicchio,
chervil, purslane, swiss chard, sorrel,
salad and spinach. Sometimes the mixture is enriched with other herbs, and sometimes,
that the composition is compressed to 5 ingredients. Tucked in mexlene dressing
from a mixture of lemon and olive oil flavored with black pepper
and garlic. Serve the mix with toasted pieces of bread with baked
grilled with vegetables and cheese or with meat.

Do not forget that heat treatment can destroy
everything valuable in arugula, therefore it is advised to use it only fresh
form. If you add leaves to the dish, you need to tear them with your hands or put
whole, since the plant does not like contact with a knife.

Benefits of arugula

Composition and presence of nutrients

Fresh arugula contains (per 100 g):

Calories 25 Kcal

Arugula leaves are saturated with various trace elements (iodine, iron, calcium,
potassium and magnesium) and vitamins of groups C, B, A, K, E, T. In plant seeds
there is at least 30% of essential oils. Such content testifies
about the undoubted benefits of the product.

But arugula also contains quite a lot of sugar, which is
the only drawback, although the high content of vegetable proteins
character, minerals, fiber and vitamins is more than capable of this

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Useful and healing properties

Arugula has excellent lactogonic, expectorant and diuretic properties.
properties. Its most valuable property is the prevention of the development of cancer
cells. The content of anticancer substances in arugula is much higher,
than broccoli.

This plant has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and digestion processes.
due to the presence of biologically active substances that make up its composition.
Arugula has many different medicinal properties. She just
indispensable for those who are diagnosed with a stomach ulcer or gastritis.
In America, gastroenterologists have invented an effective way to help
in the treatment of peptic ulcers, based on the use of arugula,
since it can protect the gastric walls and perfectly strengthen

In addition, arugula fights skin ailments, promotes healing
wounds, inflammations due to the presence of vitamin K. From arugula seeds in folk
medicine make an infusion, and then use it to get rid of
skin diseases. The juice obtained from the plant helps in eliminating
ulcers, calluses and polyps.

The content of vitamin C in the plant supports immunity, saving
from infections and viruses. Due to the presence of vitamin A, arugula has
healing effect on the skin, hair and nails from the inside, therefore this green
is an excellent helper for women.

But the stronger sex also should not give up this miraculous
a herb that has particular health benefits for men. Our
ancestors used cooked as a natural aphrodisiac
from arugula “passion drink“. For him, 100 g of crushed
arugula leaves were added 10 g of honey and black pepper. Reception
of this remedy every morning, one teaspoonful gives a long
lasting effect.

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This product also has tonic properties. So, salad with her
adding to breakfast can invigorate as much as a couple of cups of coffee.
Arugula also strengthens the nervous system, making it easy
cope with any stress.

The plant also helps in the fight against excess weight. It is known to be diuretic
properties that allow you to regulate the water-salt balance,
and the ability to burn fat.
Besides the fact that arugula is low in calories and has a positive
influence on metabolism, it contains many substances that help
people who limit themselves in many products, do not lose their ability to work
and energy.

You can also note the ability of arugula to reduce
cholesterol and increase hemoglobin. And the presence of folic acid
makes the product very useful for women planning a pregnancy.

In addition, arugula is recommended for patients with venous
illness and suffering from high blood pressure.

Use in cosmetology

The presence of vitamins E and A in arugula has an excellent
rejuvenating effect on the entire body and, in particular, on our skin.
Therefore, its crushed leaves or juice are advised to be added to masks.
for face and hair, use to treat cuts and purulent wounds.

The plant contains substances that are simply irreplaceable in cosmetology.
This is, for example, diindolylmethane, which suppresses viruses that cause
the formation of warts and papillomas; sulfur that makes the skin of the face radiant,
giving it an even tone, healing skin, relieving acne
and boils; vitamin K, which relieves dark spots and rosacea,
relieves swelling; linoleic acid, moisturizing, softening, preventing
withering of the skin; oleic acid, restoring elasticity
skin, restoring elasticity.

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Use of arugula oil as a natural care product
hair provides adequate nutrition, strengthens the roots and favorably
affects the structure, stops hair loss and stimulates
growth, eliminates dandruff, restores the condition after the sun,
staining and chemistry.

With arugula, you can prepare interesting cosmetics at home

  • Anti-age spots and freckles oil. 200
    g of the crushed plant is poured with half a liter of olive oil and
    insist for 14 days in a dark place. Then the infusion is filtered
    and applied to the skin of the face and body.
  • Moisturizing face mask. To 2 tablespoons
    chopped arugula leaves add 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese
    and sour cream. Apply the mask for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water.
    A greater effect can be achieved when using tea leaves instead of water.
    green tea or parsley broth.
  • Firming mask… To the shredded beam
    arugula add whipped protein and a teaspoon of olive oil.
    This mask is applied to the face, neck and décolleté. As it dries
    apply new layers. After 30 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water.
  • Rejuvenating Whitening Mask… In a blender
    chop 200 g of olives, add 100 g of chopped arugula, mix
    and evenly apply to the face. After 20 minutes, the mask is washed off
    cold water. There is another recipe: for 4 tablespoons of arugula
    take a spoonful of olive
    oils and washed off with warm water 10-15 minutes after application.
  • Tonic… Chop a bunch of arugula, add a little
    water, bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat.
    The cooled solution is filtered and a few drops of oil are added
    rosemary. This tonic can be used to wipe your face in the morning and in the evening.
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Dangerous properties of arugula

Arugula, like any other plant rich in phytoncides, is capable of
cause a severe allergic reaction. Before applying
recipes containing these herbs, you need to make sure that there is no individual
intolerance. Most often, allergy sufferers can be those who are ill
transfers turnips
and rarely.

Also, do not overuse arugula dishes for those who have
colitis, liver disease, kidney disease, biliary dyskinesia.

This vegetable can provoke various reactions in pregnant women.
and nursing. Based on this, if the plant is not consumed by you
regularly, then introduce it into the diet during pregnancy or lactation
must be done with great care. Mustard herb can do harm
gout and other autoimmune diseases.

In addition, it is not advised to purchase arugula grown in ecologically
and radiation unfavorable areas, as well as in places where
the content of salts of heavy metals in the soil.

The most delicious Italian salad with arugula and shrimps from the chef.

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Anna Evans

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