Rabbit, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Rabbits are the common name for several genera of mammals from the family
hares. Rabbits differ from hares in that their babies usually
are born blind and naked and raised in burrows. Rabbit lives
on average about 10 years.

Full-aged animals weigh an average of 4,5 kg with fluctuations
from 4 to 5 kg. Rabbits at birth usually weigh 45 g.
high energy of growth, their live weight at 2 months of age reaches
1,8-2,2 kg, at 3 months -2,7-3 kg

Rabbit breeding is a promising branch of animal husbandry.
High fertility and early maturity of rabbits allow
receive 30 or more rabbits per year from one rabbit,
about 60–70 kg of meat (in live weight), 25–30 skins, and
from rabbit downy breeds with offspring – about 1 kg of down.
Under well-established feeding and housing conditions
in farms only 1-3,3 are spent per 3,5 kg of growth
kg of feed.

Rabbit meat is exceptionally high in nutritional
merits. On chemical, morphobiochemical and technological
in qualities it exceeds the meat of other animals.

The color of rabbit meat is white with a slight pink tint,
almost no aftertaste, soft and dense in consistency,
not greasy, with fine-fibered muscles, thin bones,
not significant content of cholesterol and purines
formations that have a high ability to bind
water. Well fed rabbits have small
fatty layers that provide a delicate texture
and meat.

On average, a rabbit carcass contains 84-85% of muscle tissue, which
much more than horses (60-65%), cattle
(57-62%), sheep (50-60%), pigs (40-52%) and chickens – broilers (51-53%).

Calorie content of rabbit meat

Rabbit meat is considered one of the dietary types of meat, since
it has a low fat content. Its calorie content is 156 kcal per
100 g of product. In 100 g of fried rabbit – 155 kcal, and in 100 g of boiled
– 177 kcal. The calorie content of rabbit stewed in marinade is
195 kcal This product should not be consumed in moderation.
causes obesity.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal 21,5 11 – 1,2 66,5 156

Useful properties of rabbit meat

Rabbit meat contains complete protein, fat,
minerals and vitamins. Next to chicken and veal, it belongs to the so-called white
meat and is high in complete protein,
hard-to-digest collagens and elastin in it are relatively

Rabbit meat protein contains 19 amino acids, including
all irreplaceable. The valuable thing is that the heat treatment
does not change the qualitative composition of amino acids in meat, but
affects only their number. Most of all in rabbit meat
contains the essential amino acid Lysine – 10,43%,
methionine and tryptophan – 2,37 and 1,55%, respectively.
The age of the animal has little effect on the amino acid content.

Minerals in muscle tissue are 1-1,5%.
In terms of mineral and vitamin composition, rabbit meat surpasses
all other types of meat. It contains a lot of iron (almost twice as much as in pork),
phosphorus (220mg per 100g), magnesium
(25mg in 100g) and cobalt,
contains copper in sufficient quantity,
potassium, manganese,
fluorine, zinc.
There are relatively few sodium salts.

Rabbit meat is superior to meat in vitamin content
pigs and other animals. It contains a lot of vitamin
PP – nicotinoamide, C – Ascorbic acid,
B6 – pyrodoxin, B12 –
cobalamin and, as a result, rabbit meat is irreplaceable
in dietary nutrition. Compared to other types of fat
animals, rabbit – biologically more valuable, because
which is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, in particular
– scarce arachidonic acid. It is well absorbed by the body
and the quality is better than lamb, beef and pork.

Rabbit fat is healing, it is used as a medicinal
means. With bronchitis, it is taken internally, with
strong coughing coughs rub their chest with it, with stiffness
the skin of the hands is rubbed into the skin. Fat is used as in pure
form, and mixed with honey. The mixture is prepared in the ratio:
2: 1, that is, two to three parts of fat and one part of honey.
This mixture has great healing power, acts
quickly and radically, completely absorbed by the body.
Much larger assortments can be made from rabbit meat
dishes than from chickens – broilers and turkeys.

Given the high biological value, rabbit meat
recommend to include people of all ages in the menu, and
also widely used in health food. According to
nutritionists, regular consumption of rabbit meat
promotes the normalization of fat metabolism, support
the body has an optimal balance of nutrients.
In this regard, rabbit meat is prescribed to patients with a shortage
herbal juices, for diseases such as gastritis,
peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum,
colitis and enterocolitis, liver and biliary diseases
pathways, hypertension, atherosclerosis, diseases
heart, kidney, diabetes and others.

Very good healing effect for kidney disease
gives eating rabbit liver. Especially useful
rabbit meat for children, elderly people
and persons who are overweight because it
has a low calorie content. 100g of rabbit meat contains
only 168 kcal, calorie content of lamb 319 kcal, beef
274-335 and pork – 389 kcal.

Rabbit meat has excellent culinary properties,
much more dishes are prepared from it than from poultry meat.

In addition, rabbit meat combines well with other
types of meat and various products, preserves well
their taste and nutritional qualities in fresh, salted,
smoked and canned.

Among the record holders for the presence of sulfur

Dangerous properties of rabbit meat

The abuse of such meat is undesirable, since it contains
purine bases, which, entering the body, turn into
uric acid. It can accumulate in tendons and joints
and cause arthritis,
gout, neuro-arthric diathesis (in children).

Moreover, amino acids from rabbit meat, when digested in the intestines,
are converted to hydrocyanic acids, making the environment in the body so
way more acidic. For some diseases, especially gastrointestinal
path, this fact is of fundamental importance.

Cases of allergies are also known
on rabbit. Continuation of the article …

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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