Herring, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Herring is a genus of fish from the herring family (lat.Clupeidae).
Laterally compressed body with a serrated edge of the belly. Scales
moderate to large, rarely small. Upper jaw
does not appear as the bottom one. The mouth is moderate. Teeth, if any,
rudimentary and falling out. Anadromous fin of moderate
length and has less than 80 rays. Dorsal fin above the pelvic.
The caudal fin is bifurcated. This genus includes
more than 60 species common in the seas of temperate
and hot, and partly cold belt. Some species
purely marine and never enter fresh water, others
belong to anadromous fish and for spawning are included in
rivers. Herring feeds on various small animals,
especially small crustaceans.

It is recommended to store herring (salted and pickled)
in a dark, cold place. Under the influence of light, air
and moisture, herring fat acquires a rancid taste – it is oxidized.

Useful properties of herring

Herring is easier for the body to digest and is excellent
a source of protein, it also contains a large amount of phosphorus,
iodine, calcium,
potassium, sodium,
magnesium, zinc,
Only 100 g of fish contains up to half the daily value
squirrel. Fatty fish such as salmon or herring
give the body at least 2 times more calories,
than a white fish.

Unlike saturated animal fat,
unsaturated fats from fish are considered the healthiest.
According to scientists, it is the fatty acids of the Omega-3 family that
contained in fish, help prevent cardiovascular
diseases, reduce the risk of blood clots in blood vessels,
and also help to improve blood flow in the capillaries.
Sea fish is very useful for expectant mothers.

Ready ripe herring contains up to 25% fat, about
20% protein, vitamins B12, PP,
A and D.
Herring proteins contain essential amino acids.

There is evidence that eating herring relieves some of the symptoms.
psoriasis, improves vision and brain function. Saltwater fish contains
a complex of vitamins, in particular vitamin D. Fish oil is 5 times more effective
vegetable oils, it lowers blood cholesterol.
Fish liver fats are rich in vitamins A and D. Muscle
fish tissue contains vitamins
group B, which help the body to absorb proteins.

Research has shown that herring increases the content of
in the body of the so-called “good cholesterol” –
high density lipoproteins, which, unlike
“Bad cholesterol” significantly reduce the risk of atherosclerosis
and cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, Lindqvist discovered that herring fat
reduces the size of fat cells – adipocytes, which contributes to
reduce the risk of type . diabetes. Herring
also reduces the content of products in blood plasma
oxidation, that is, contains antioxidants.

More and more messages have been appearing lately,
where it is stated that eating oily fish
(salmon, mackerel,
herring, sardines and cod)
protects against asthma. This is due to the action of fatty
anti-inflammatory omega-3 acids,
and magnesium. It has been proven that people whose body is low
magnesium levels are most prone to asthma attacks.

A lack of omega-3 fats is often associated with diseases such as
like cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, weakness
immune system, etc. Herring contains niacin
and vitamin D, which are also an important factor
health of bones and nervous system and promote

Dangerous properties of herring

You need to use herring carefully, as this product
salty. One gram of table salt is able to bind
up to 100 milliliters of water. Therefore, one should not get carried away
herring for people with high blood pressure, edema, diseases
the kidneys.

So, young lightly salted herring contains 6,3 grams
salt, and in salted – 14,8 grams per 100 g of product.
When saturating tissues and blood vessels of the cooking
salt in the body creates an excess of water, which leads
to overload all organs. The heart starts to work
with greater stress, and the kidneys – intensively remove excess
the amount of water and salt. Therefore, you should not regularly abuse
herring even to healthy people.


Many people love light-salted herring, but not everyone knows how to cook it. Popular culinary expert Natalya Kim will tell you how to make this dish as quickly and tasty as possible.

See also properties of other fish:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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