Rapeseed oil, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

This product is obtained from rapeseed. Oil predominantly
food, but it is also used in some industrial sectors – leather,
textile, soap-making, metallurgical.

Scientists believe that this oil was first made in the Mediterranean.
and ancient India. In these areas, in the Middle East and in the Middle Kingdom
rapeseed has been cultivated since the 4th century BC. From the 15th century, it appeared on
fields of Belgium and Holland, later spread to Germany, France,
Denmark, Poland, Sweden and Russia, since its cultivation is cost-effective,
since the seed is almost 50% oil.

However, until the middle of the last century, due to the contained in rapeseed
oil thioglucosides и erucic acidThat
considered unsafe for health, it was used exclusively
in industry. So, they got drying oil from it, made soap, used
in the leather and textile industries. Industrial revolution
and the use of rapeseed oil occurred in 1961, when in Canada
a new variety was bred under the name “Canola»Low
content of toxic substances. And in 1985 safety was recognized
of this variety for humans. Now Canada remains, along with China,
the leader in the production of edible oil from rapeseed. Among manufacturers
of this product in Europe, Poland and the Czech Republic are leading, followed by
Britain, France, Finland and Denmark.

This oil ranks third in world production, giving
and cotton.
The product is obtained by extraction or pressing with further processing.
The first unrefined product is intended for supply and sale through retail chains.
and non-deodorized refined varieties. For food purposes, allow
product, the content of erucic acid in which does not exceed 5%,
and thioglucosides – 3%.

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Rapeseed oil has a specific pleasant taste and aroma, and
this product is not inferior to even olive in its taste.
That is why this herbal product was quickly able to gain popularity.
in the States, Europe, Asia and Australia. Especially the oil is appreciated for its ability
maintain transparency for a long time and do not change your aroma, like this
happens with soy and sunflower.

Common plant seed oil continues to be used
in industrial chemical, leather, metallurgical, soap making,
dyeing, textile and other industries. Widely used
it is also in mechanical engineering. It becomes more and more popular every year
environmentally friendly type of biofuel based on rapeseed oil.

How to choose

If you would like to try using rapeseed oil,
you need to learn how to choose it correctly. First of all, study
label: you will see the content on it erucic acid
– 0,3-0,6% is considered the norm. It may also be indicated that the product
hydrogenated – if so, not worth buying.

The smell of rapeseed oil should be pleasant enough, and the shade
– light yellow or just yellowish, and it is better if the bottle does not
sediment – this means that the product is oxidized and rancid.

How to store

The beneficial qualities of rapeseed oil are better preserved in glass
containers. Even if you purchased the product in a plastic bottle,
at home, it is better to pour it into a jar and close it tightly.

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It is advised to store the oil in a dark, cool enough place, protecting
from the rays of the sun. Of course, it is unlikely to happen to the product.
something scary, but it can become cloudy and lose its delicate flavor.
Also vitamin
E retains its properties best of all in a place inaccessible to light.

In cooking

Rapeseed oil has been used in cooking since recent times. Previously
it is mainly used in industry.

Thanks to the rapeseed variety with a low content of erucic acid, you can
use its beneficial properties without harming the body.

This product is great for pickles, salads, cooking
mayonnaise. At the same time, frying on it is not advised, since at 180 ° C
it starts to burn and forms carcinogenic substances.

Therefore, it is best to use rapeseed oil raw. Most popular
the dish with this product is carrot salad
with prunes and dried apricots. Carrots need to be grated, chopped
dried fruits prepared in advance – rinse, pour hot water
and wait until it cools down – mix them with carrots, add oil,
salt, add fresh lemon juice, dill seeds
or caraway seeds and stir.

Caloric value

The calorie content of rapeseed oil reaches 899 kcal. But since
no one eats this product in large quantities, then be afraid of it
no harm to the figure.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal – 99,9 – – 0,1 899

Useful properties of rapeseed oil

Composition and presence of nutrients

The composition of rapeseed oil is very little studied: it is only known that
fats, which are almost 100% in the product, contain unsaturated
and saturated
fatty acid. Of the monounsaturated, the presence of oleic
– there is more of it than others – eicosene and erucic, from polyunsaturated
– linoleic and alpha-linolenic.

Among other things, rapeseed oil contains a lot of useful vitamins.
E and the phosphorus necessary for our body, carotenoids. Also in seeds
rapeseed, many vitamins B, zinc, magnesium, copper, calcium and others

Useful and healing properties

It is because of the high content of unsaturated fatty acids that this
oil began to be recommended to be added to the diet of patients with ailments
Gastrointestinal tract and circulatory system: the use of this product warns
thrombus formation.

Rapeseed oil has a good effect on metabolism, accelerates regeneration
in cells and even promotes weight loss, since it reduces
the amount of cholesterol. Specially refined oil
contains a greater amount of a wide variety of fatty acids,
and therefore healthier than expensive olive oil of the highest

Today, rapeseed oil is increasingly used in healthy diets, replacing
them the rest of the vegetable oils, whose quality is lower, and the digestibility
– worse.

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Essential acids, which play an essential role in our body,
rapeseed oil contains more than olive oil: these substances
needed for cell membranes, have strong antioxidant
properties, and also guarantee the synthesis of prostaglandins, which
perform many important functions in the body, including the function

This product softens, moisturizes, nourishes and perfectly restores
skin, therefore it is used in dermatology. Sterile oil is used
and in pharmacology, preparing solutions for injection with it.

The properties of rapeseed oil are considered very interesting, useful
women. So, it has been proven that it is able to prevent breast cancer,
since it contains a plant analogue of estradiol, a female
sex hormone. It is he who is considered the main hormone of health.
women, as it is responsible for the readiness to conceive, and this is the most important

A couple of years ago, scientists from the United States conducted a survey in San Francisco:
it turned out that among women who use rapeseed when cooking
and olive oils, several times lower the risk of morbidity
breast cancer than those who bought other herbal
foods, especially hydrogenated fats.

If you evaluate vegetable oils in terms of the content required for normal
work of the heart of fatty acids, then olive oil will be on the first
place, and on the second – rapeseed.

Use in cosmetology

Food grade rapeseed oil is used as a base for ointments,
hair and skin care products.

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And body baths with this product soften the skin and allow you to make
her tender. For such a bath, you will need a glass of milk, a quarter
a glass of sea salt, a tablespoon of baking soda, a teaspoon of corn
starch, 2 tablespoons of rapeseed oil, a couple of drops of oil
lavender, a handful of lavender flowers
and half a teaspoon of linden extract. This tool is used in
cosmetology, as an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and soothing
component. It is advised to mix everything thoroughly and add to the bath.
It takes 15-20 minutes to take such a bath.

Dangerous properties of rapeseed oil

This oil is contraindicated in exacerbations of gallstone disease.
and chronic hepatitis,
diarrhea, as well as individual intolerance.

Remember that when preparing food,
and strong heating, all properties of the oil are lost, they are replaced
toxic compounds. Therefore, in order to avoid the harm of rapeseed oil,
it should be used exclusively cold as a dressing,
avoiding temperatures over 160ºC.

Video about the production of rapeseed oil ..

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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