Rosehip oil, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

The oil received the title of “the king of natural oils”, and its properties
very, very diverse. It exhibits anti-inflammatory,
antimicrobial, tonic, wound healing, emollient and vitaminizing

It is obtained from the seeds of the cinnamon or May rosehip, which
belongs to the Pink family.

This shrub has a height of 1,5-2 m and thin twig-like branches,
which are covered with curved rare spines, located in two
at the base of the leaves. Flowers single, large, with five petals
and multiple stamens. Fruits are juicy, oval or spherical,
smooth, orange-red.

This species is distributed from the North to the subtropics. Such a rosehip
grows in forests, in ravines, on forest edges, on slopes, along river banks.
They knew about its healing properties in ancient times. Avicenna
considered rose hips to be cleansing, anti-inflammatory and soothing
remedy and prescribed it for throat swellings, hiccups, inflammation of the tonsils,
nervous diseases and as an excellent antiemetic.

Rose hips were considered an expensive medicine and were valued as
very effective remedy. Rosehip is currently appreciated
as a storehouse of important biologically active substances, beautiful decorative
plant and source of the most delicate essential oil.

The unique properties of rosehip oil were used as early as the 17th century, exclusively
in traditional medicine recipes. Later it began to be widely used.
in the cosmetology field.

Rosehip oil, which is also called “liquid sun»
are made from rosehip seeds by means of plant extraction
fatty oils. The oil production process is quite laborious.
First, the seeds of the plant are dried, then they are crushed, and then
by hot extraction, a liquid is obtained with an oily
structure, specific aroma, different color (from golden
pink to orange and in some cases brown) and a few
bitter taste. Thanks to this technique, the oil completely retains
properties and healing qualities of the plant. It contains rich
and unsaturated
fatty acids, vitamin E, carotenoids. From the pulp of the fruit is obtained
oil extract of carotenoids – used similarly to rosehip oil

See also  Rhubarb, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

How to choose

It is worth choosing cold-pressed rosehip oil. It is more expensive
however, it is precisely this that does not lose its positive properties, in contrast to
from thermally processed.

How to store

Rosehip oil, like other vegetable oils, is easily oxidized,
therefore it must be closed tightly after each use.

Store oil in a cool, dark place, and best of all in
refrigerator to preserve all its beneficial properties. To be kept
this product can be used for about 6 months.

In cooking

In cooking, rosehip oil is used infrequently and in small quantities.
due to the characteristic sour taste. As a rule, it is applied
as a dressing for cereals, some salads, in desserts.

With prolonged heat treatment, rosehip oil loses its healing
effect, because it is not advised to add it to cooking dishes.

Caloric value

Like other vegetable oils, the calorie content of this product
very high, it reaches 898 kcal. But since in large quantities
rosehip oil is not used, you can not be afraid of it even by
who follows the figure.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal – 99,8 – – – 898

Useful properties of rosehip oil

Composition and presence of nutrients

The composition of rosehip vegetable oil is colossal
the amount of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, including
linoleic, stearic, oleic, palmitic and myristic.
In addition, the oil is rich in carotene and tocopherol (vitamin A and
E, respectively) and contains a sufficient amount of vitamins
F and C. Trace elements such as molybdenum, copper, strontium, and such
macronutrients like calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese as well
are included in rosehip oil.

See also  Pheasant eggs, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Useful and healing properties

First of all, this oil is an excellent choleretic agent. His
advise to use with
hepatitis, cholecystitis and other diseases due to which
the process of separation of bile is deteriorated.

The use of this oil has a positive effect on the secretion of the gastric
juice, which is why it is recommended for various forms of gastritis.
This product will also help in the treatment of ulcerative colitis,
in which the oil is injected with an enema of 50 ml every other day or daily.

Also, with regular use of rosehip oil occurs
blood cholesterol levels. This is good prevention.
cardiovascular ailments, and also helps in the fight

Rosehip oil is advised for patients with atherosclerosis,
because it strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents the formation
on them dangerous atherosclerotic plaques, contributing at the same time
resorption already observed.

In addition, both rosehip and products based on it
and drugs used as multivitamin and tonic
funds for vitamin deficiency, infectious diseases, bleeding,
frostbite and burns. In the last two cases, vegetable oil
can be easily used both internally and externally due to
its unique ability to speed up the healing of wounds, burns
and radiation injuries. Rosehip Oil May Help Nursing
moms with cracked nipples.

It should be remembered about the wound healing properties of this oil also
in cases of gingivitis and stomatitis. It not only contributes to
faster recovery, but also allows you to increase the protective
properties of the oral mucosa.

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In the case of external use, apply to the affected
areas of skin soaked in oil with gauze wipes. With dermatoses
together with local treatment, the product is taken orally twice a day
1 teaspoon each. To provide a greater effect in the treatment
dry eczema per 10 ml of rosehip oil, it is advised to add 5
droplets of lavender oil.

If there are scars and stretch marks, you can massage with oil twice
in a day. You will notice the first results already after 4 weeks, and significant
improvements can be expected after 3-6 months.

Rosehip oil is recommended for use as drops for
nose with pharyngitis, rhinitis and other diseases of the mucous throat
and nose. In some cases, instead of instillation, you can insert
in the nose for 5-7 minutes, gauze tampons that are soaked in oil,
repeating this procedure up to 5 times a day.

In addition to its pronounced healing effect, rosehip oil
is considered to be an effective antidepressant.
It can be included in the daily diet to combat nervous
disorders, to raise the mood and get rid of
lack of confidence in their abilities.

This oil is advised to be used in its pure form, but it is more often used.
in mixtures as an additive, no more than 10%. You can mix it with nut
oils, for example, hazelnut, and use this mixture as

Use in cosmetology

Despite other beneficial properties, the positive effect of rosehip
oil on the skin is considered, perhaps, its main feature. Worth
note that it is very light in texture and leaves almost no
on oily skin.

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Thanks to vitamins, fatty acids and trace elements, it has
rejuvenating and regenerating effect, increases elasticity
skin, improves
secretion of the sebaceous glands, eliminates irritation. With regular
application of the oil increases the protection of the epidermis, prevents the accumulation
decay products and enzymes, improves intracellular metabolism.

Rosehip oil is also a UV filter. This
the product is suitable for dry, aging skin and is excellent
anti-aging agent that helps in the fight against pigmentation
spots and fine wrinkles. With its help, the vessels are toned,
remove traces of fatigue and give the face and décolleté a healthy and even
color. It is perfect for eye and lip skin care, although you can
it is applied and completely all over the face.

Also, on the basis of rosehip oil, you can prepare a unique mask
for the face by adding the same amount to 10 drops of this product
drops of liquid vitamin B2 and twice as much olive oil,
a teaspoon of aloe juice and 40 g of baby cream, which will
fulfill the role of the basis. No less interesting is the recipe for skin cream
around the eyes with rosehip oil, along which to a tablespoon of the product
add three drops of vitamins E and A (in liquid form).

But remember that rosehip oil is not suitable for owners of prone
to acne
rashes and oily skin, as it can provoke new

Rosehip oil for face, décolleté and hair care
recommend to use in pure form and as part of traditional
cosmetics. They are advised to enrich shampoos, gels for
face washes, rinses, creams, masks, lotions and other products
in proportions 1:10.

See also  Grouse, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Rosehip oil is also often used as a base oil.
for the preparation of medicinal mixtures. It goes well with ethereal
ylang-ylang, orange, rose, lavender, bergamot, patchouli oils,
chamomile and neroli.

If used alone, three drops of oil are enough.
rose hips applied to the skin in the evening in order to prevent
early appearance of wrinkles and smooth out visible ones. Oil is applied
light patting movements that will not stretch

Possessing specific regenerating properties, rosehip
the oil can be used to relieve and prevent stretch marks.
Its application provides high results for solving this
problems, both with separate use and in combination with
oils of rosemary, petitgrain and neroli.

In addition, this product is widely used to reduce pigmentation,
as well as smoothing the surface of the skin. Its use is recommended
as a healing external remedy for such diseases
skin like eczema,
neurodermatitis and psoriasis.

Of course, the beneficial properties of rosehip oil are involved and
in taking care of the beauty of hair. After all, the rich composition of this vegetable
product – just a godsend for lifeless, dry, damaged
hair. It is advised to apply this oil by rubbing directly into the head
15-25 minutes before washing. You can also add this oil to any
shampoo at the rate of a tablespoon for ten tablespoons of shampoo.

In addition, you can prepare a stimulating hair mask,
adding to half a tablespoon of rosehip oil, a spoonful of juice
lemon and nettle infusion, as well as a teaspoon of calendula tincture.
This mass is applied to the hair roots about an hour before washing the hair.

See also  Apricot kernel oil, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Dangerous properties of rosehip oil

As for the external use of rosehip oil, then
it is better not to use this product for owners of oily skin
type and suffering from acne. This can only aggravate
problem. Owners of combination skin should avoid
applying this oil to the T-zone.

The high content of ascorbic acid in rosehip oil makes
its use is contraindicated in
ulcers of the stomach and duodenal ulcer, gastritis with high acidity.

And the content of vitamin K, which increases blood clotting, makes
the use of rosehip oil is contraindicated in heart failure
3rd degree, thrombophlebitis
and endocarditis.

Long-term use of rosehip oil in large doses can
cause depression of the insular apparatus of the pancreas and syndrome

Read also our article on rosehip properties.
Everything about its useful and dangerous properties, chemical composition, food
value, availability of vitamins and minerals, use in cooking
and cosmetology.

One of the programs of the cycle “Everything will be fine” tells about the popular among Hollywood stars means for rejuvenation – rosehip oil.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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