Bream, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Bream is a family fish. The walks of the bream always resemble a flock of wild
geese, led by an experienced leader.

Bream belongs to the carp family. The body of the bream is high; condensed
laterally, with long anal fins. On the belly between the anal
and with the pelvic fins, the keel is not covered with scales.
Glo exact teeth, single row, five on each side. Tail
the fin is rather strongly carved, the lower mouth is usually longer
top. The mouth is semi-lower.

The color of the bream is from lead to blackish,
usually with a greenish sheen. Whitish sides with pearl
shine. More mature individuals usually have a golden sheen.
All fins are gray. Average length 30-50 cm, maximum
– 75 cm. Reaches 8 kg and more.

Bream is very common thanks to artificial breeding.
Lives in the deep and quiet lower reaches of slow-flowing rivers
and heated water, in channels, creeks, deep
pits, flooded sand and gravel pits with soft
bottom. Inhabits all non-trout valley reservoirs.
Prefers deep areas, bends, places above
dams, bottom depressions and pits, always away from
the coast. In overgrown reservoirs, it occurs in the water zone

Useful properties of bream

Large feeding bream, especially the fall catch, contain
up to 9% fat, their meat is fatty, tender, soft. Despite
the fact that there are many small bones, large bream in the fish
deservedly considered a first-class fish product. Small
bream meat is lean, dryish, and an abundance of small bones
especially greatly reduces their quality. The best bream is considered
Azov autumn catch. This is usually the largest
well-fed fish.

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Bream is an excellent source of potassium, phosphorus,
omega-3 fatty acids, it also contains calcium,
magnesium, sodium,
chlorine, iron,
chrome, fluorine,
molybdenum, nickel,
vitamin B1, B2,
E, PP, A and others.

Bream turns out to be the fattest fish. He is fat
second only to the beluga.

Bream fat is most beneficial because it is not exposed to
no processing, cleanses blood vessels, and vitamin D contained
in fish strengthens bones well.

Fish oil is a unique product. It contains
omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. According to the Institute
nutrition, it is these acids that lower cholesterol levels
in the blood, dissolving plaque cholesterol, which reduces
risk of stroke, coronary artery disease, hypertension.

Fish oil has practically no contraindications, for
with the exception of individual intolerance, which
is extremely rare.

Who does not want to eat fish oil with spoons can cook
bream with lemon-orange sauce and olive oil.
This recipe helps keep all the fat in the fish.

Dill is taken, finely chopped. We fill the inside with it
bream. Then we take one orange.
Squeeze the juice out of it. Squeeze out the juice of half a lemon.
Mix the juices and pour them onto the bream. Let it brew
2-3 hours. Water 2-3 tbsp. l. olive oil on top
and inside, and then bake in foil or just in the oven.
You can still fill the fish with buckwheat
porridge, this is a great old recipe.

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Dangerous properties of bream

Individual intolerance to bream is extremely rare and
allergic reactions to it. It’s okay to eat this fish with them.
worth it.

Smoked bream can be quite harmful, since in the process
smoking, carcinogenic substances appear in it, which
negative impact on internal organs. Therefore, it is advised to use it
in limited quantities.

Want to watch bream feed underwater?

See also properties of other fish:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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