Argan oil, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

A unique argan tree, whose fruits serve as raw materials for the manufacture
oil, grows only in one place – in the South-West of Morocco,
which is located in Northwest Africa. Unassuming to
conditions, perfectly adapted to tropical climates and drought
evergreen tree can reach 15 meters in height and is considered
rare “long-liver” in the Moroccan flora.

The seed of the yellow, bitter, fleshy fruit of the tree contains
2-3 almond-shaped nucleoli
nut. Cold Pressed Argan Oil
nucleoli contained in the fruit seeds, has long been considered one
of the most expensive herbal products.

The high cost of oil is due to the limited distribution area
wood, a large amount of raw materials required to obtain it,
and also due to the fact that the manufacture of this most valuable product
is a laborious and time-consuming process.

So, to obtain 1,5-2 liters of argan oil, almost
100 kg of fruits (harvest from 12-13 trees), containing 30 kg of seeds,
of which about 3 kg are obtained for the production of oil nucleoli.

Moroccan oil can be of 3 types: cold pressed from
roasted seed
(for culinary use only)
cold pressed from unroasted seed (due to high
concentration of substances beneficial to health, suitable for medicinal
application and use in cooking), cosmetic oil
from unroasted seeds

How to choose

Following the Berber tradition, the oil is still produced by women today.
manually. Remember that oil produced in this way cannot
be cheap. Therefore, pay attention to the price.

Be sure to find out the percentage of oil in the product. It
should be 100 percent. There should be no additives in the composition.
Also refrain from buying oil made in China or other
a country other than Morocco. Such a product may contain
many additives, chemical elements and fragrances, and the content of the
there may be very little oil.

Be sure to smell the oil. Moroccan product will never be
have a strong odor and contain synthetic fragrances. Natural
oil subtle nutty smell.

How to store

The most important rule is to keep the oil in a dark container. To follow
this rule is not difficult, because often argan oil is sold in dark
bottles. This makes it much easier to use. But in that case,
if manufacturers put argan oil in a transparent or light
bottle, it must be poured into a dark one. In the choice of containers, special attention
the neck must be given – it should not be too open
or wide. Drip-type bottles or bottles with a neck are great,
whose hole can only pass a pipette. But the experts are not
advise to purchase this product if this condition has not been met
at the manufacturing stage. This means that the product is in the wrong packaging.
it is better not to buy, as there is a high risk of getting counterfeit.

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In addition, it is important to remember that oil can be stored no longer than two
years. So you can check its authenticity. If the package says
longer shelf life, then, most likely, the oil contains
supplements that kill the beneficial properties. From a similar remedy
there will either be no benefit at all, or it will be negligible in comparison
with the benefit of natural.

In cooking

For the production of cooking oil, the pits from the argan fruit are preliminarily
fried to give the final product a pleasant nutty flavor,
the color can vary from dark yellow to red.
Edible argan oil tastes like pumpkin seed oil, but has
slightly spicy, tart aftertaste with hints of spices and nuts.

For culinary purposes, fried seed oil is most often used,
with a characteristic pleasant taste and smell. It is recommended
use in cooking in moderation (a few
drops to successfully emphasize the taste and aroma of the dish). It is worth noting,
that oil intended for use in cooking is not advised
use for
frying, since heat treatment may deteriorate
organoleptic as well as health benefits of the product.

For centuries, argan oil has been used in
cuisine of Morocco and the rest of Africa. Most often this product
Africans use for dressing fruit and vegetable salads, in
cooking desserts and dishes from fish or meat. So, tomato salad
seasoned with argan oil mixed with basil and salt, and when
added to fruit salad, this product is advised to be mixed with
lemon juice.
Oil is traditionally added to the dressing for meat dishes, previously
mixed with mustard.

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For breakfast in Morocco they cook amlu pastewhich represents
fried almonds mixed with honey and argan oil (this
the mass is wrapped in wheat cakes or spread on bread).

Caloric value

Like any oil, this herbal product has a very high
calorie content – 828 kcal. Therefore, when adding argan oil
in dishes it is not advised to be zealous with its quantity.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal – 100 – – – 828

Benefits of Argan Oil

Composition and presence of nutrients

Argan oil intended for medicinal use is made
by cold pressing unroasted seed, therefore
it is lighter in color than food grade and practically odorless.

The highest vitamin content in this product
E (in terms of its content, argan oil is three times higher than olive oil),
carotenoids, oleic (40-60%) and linoleic (28-36%) fatty acids.
In addition, the oil contains stearic (6-8%), palmitic
(13-16%), ferulic acids, polyphenols, triterpene alcohols,
phytosterols as well as squalene, a powerful antioxidant.

Useful and healing properties

In order to treat and prevent various diseases, it is better to use
raw seed oil – in it due to minimal processing of raw materials
there are more useful vitamins, biologically active and mineral
substances than edible oil.

Argan Oil May Reduce the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
and increases the effectiveness of their treatment. It promotes recovery
blood pressure and heart rate, decrease
cholesterol content, improves blood properties and is able to
prevent the development of inflammation in the heart and blood vessels. That’s why
eating oil is recommended for the prevention of atherosclerosis,
hypertension, ischemic disease, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, varicose veins.

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Increases this oil and the effectiveness of the treatment of infectious and inflammatory
diseases of fungal and bacterial etiology, since it has
anti-inflammatory properties and bactericidal action.

Consuming argan oil helps cleanse harmful
substances increasing
immunity, prevents aging, reduces the risk of developing cancer.

Argan oil can have a beneficial effect on the condition
the genitourinary system of men and the genital area of ​​women due to the content
vitamin E and carotenoids, which play an important role in the functioning
reproductive system (these substances are involved in spermatogenesis
and the synthesis of sex hormones).

Argan oil contributes to
improving vision. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the visual
apparatus, prevents the appearance of xerophthalmia, blepharitis, blepharoconjunctivitis,
“Night blindness”, cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy,
macular dystrophy.

This product also helps to improve glucose utilization,
functional state of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, increased insulin production.

When applied externally, the oil improves blood circulation and
blood circulation, has an anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates
healing of the skin, activates epithelization and granulation, promotes
elimination of pain in joints and muscles. That is why they recommend
use externally oil for massage for osteochondrosis, gout,
arthritis, arthrosis, make applications for the treatment of traumatic
damage and dermatological diseases. Beneficial effect
oil on the skin with regular use will help to avoid the formation of
scars and scars after cuts, burns, or after chickenpox.

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Use in cosmetology

Saturated with substances that have a good effect on the condition of the skin, hair
and nails, argan oil is traditionally used in cosmetology
as an independent tool and as an integral component.
So, it can be part of hand and face creams, balms
and masks for hair and skin, milk for removing makeup, lotions
after shave, lip balms and lipsticks, sunscreen and regenerating
skin “after sun” creams, as well as various hygiene products
(soaps, bath foams, shower gels, shampoos).

Quickly absorbed, leaving no sticky or shiny feeling
the oil has a fairly wide range of cosmetic effects.
So, it softens, nourishes, moisturizes and refreshes the skin, protects
her from peeling and drying. The oil also restores the damaged
due to the frequent use of soaps, shower gels, shampoos lipid
balance of the skin, enhances its barrier functions.

Argan oil can increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin,
evens out the relief, helping to smooth wrinkles and stimulating
the production of elastin and collagen. This product speeds up the process
regeneration of the skin, protects the skin from inflammation and irritation. Possessing
anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, normalizing
greasy work
glands oil is often used in the treatment of acne.

Also, this valuable product is suitable for gentle care of sensitive
and thin skin around the eyes, décolleté and bust skin. Improving
lymphatic drainage, blood microcirculation and blood circulation in the subcutaneous fat
fiber oil is often used as an integral component of massage
oils (including for anti-cellulite massage). Very effective
argan oil and in the fight against stretch marks that appear over time
pregnancy. In addition, argan oil is often used
as a base oil together with essential oils in aromatherapy.

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It should be noted that argan oil is also known to be effective
means for the care of brittle, damaged and split ends.
Oil that restores the structure of lifeless and dull hair,
gives them a healthy shine, silkiness and softness, protecting against
harmful influence of the external environment. Nourishing and moisturizing skin, improving
anti-inflammatory blood supply to the hair follicles,
antibacterial as well as antifungal effect, normalizing
the work of the sebaceous glands of the skin oil is used in the treatment of alopecia,
dandruff and seborrhea.

Dangerous properties of argan oil

Argan oil is not recommended to be consumed with possible individual
intolerance to the product. For the rest of the people, using it
in reasonable quantities, it is absolutely safe.

An interesting video about aragana trees, the process and methods of making this oil in Morocco.

Other popular oils:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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