Sturgeon is a genus of fish of the sturgeon family. Freshwater and anadromous
fish, in length up to 3 m, and weighing up to 200 kg (Baltic
sturgeon). There are 16-18 species, of which some
listed in the Red Book. The sturgeon is characterized by the following
signs: the longitudinal rows of bony scutes do not merge
among themselves on the tail; there are splash holes,
rays of the caudal fin bend around the end of the tail.
Most of the species are anadromous fish, emerging in spring
from seas to rivers for spawning, some species also
and in the fall, in order to spend the winter here in hibernation.
Sturgeon is common in Europe, Asia and sowing. America.
Sturgeons keep mainly at the bottom, feed on fish,
mollusks, worms, etc. The amount of eggs is very large
and is 1/6, 1/5 of the body weight; therefore, the number of eggs in
large fish can reach up to several million.
Despite such enormous fertility, the number
fish belonging to this genus have already greatly decreased,
due to merciless and imprudent fishing.
Meat of all types of sturgeon is very tasty, due to
which they are caught everywhere and eaten in fresh, salted
or smoked. The ancient peoples held sturgeon in high esteem.
The rich Romans used to decorate this fish, serving it to the table.
flowers. In Greece, her meat was considered the noblest
food, in China they kept it for the emperor’s table;
in England and France, the right to eat sturgeon belonged to
only to the sovereign and the richest nobles; … meat
sturgeon is also highly regarded. However, sturgeon is caught
more because of their caviar and swim bladder than their meat. They cook them from eggs,
as you know, caviar, and from the bubble is the finest glue.
Useful properties of sturgeon
Sturgeon meat contains easily digestible protein and fats. Protein
sturgeon meat is complete, contains all amino acids and
assimilated by the human body by 98%.
fat in meat ranges from 10 to 15% and is highly nutritious
product. Sturgeon is an excellent source of potassium, phosphorus,
it also contains calcium, magnesium,
sodium, chlorine,
iron, chrome,
fluorine, molybdenum,
Sturgeon is rich in vitamins B1, B2,
C, PP.
Sturgeon contains a large amount of beneficial fatty acids,
which help lower blood cholesterol. Exactly
therefore, their regular use significantly reduces
the risk of developing myocardial infarction. Saltwater fish, contains
a large amount of iodine,
necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.
In almost all types of fish, especially sturgeon
and herring,
also contains fluorine in large quantities, which
promotes bone growth. That is why, by the way, earlier
children were given fish oil to drink to prevent rickets.
Record holders for sodium
Dangerous properties of sturgeon
It is not advised to eat sturgeon in large quantities when
diabetes and obesity,
and it is worth completely abandoning it in case of individual intolerance.
It is also worth noting that pathogens live in the intestines of sturgeons
botulism, easily
falling into the body or eggs of fish, if not cut alive. it
possibly in specialized factories that operate in a modern
equipment. That is why you should not buy caviar from your hands, because poachers
cannot comply with all the conditions of its production. Caviar poisoning
occurs quite often.
The lucky ones in Canada managed to catch such a 180 kg sturgeon, as much as 2,71 cm long.