Nettle, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Despite the fact that in folk medicine
nettle leaves are more often used, rhizomes also have a healing effect,
and seeds and inflorescences. Substances from nettle roots, for example, can
found in pharmacy anticancer drugs, remedies for treatment
burns, choleretic drugs. However, a complete list of therapeutic
the possibilities of nettle are much wider.

Useful properties of nettle

Composition and nutrients .

Blanched * nettle contains (in 100 g):

Calories 42 Kcal

B4 17,4 Calcium, Ca 481 Vitamin
B3 0,388 Potassium, K 334 Vitamin
B6 0,103 Phosphorus,
P 71 Vitamin
B2 0,16 Magnesium, Mg 57 Vitamin
B1 0,008 Sodium,
On 4

Full composition

* This is a short-term treatment of the plant with boiling water or steam in order to get rid of the pungency.

Also, nettle contains phytoncides, sulfur, phenolic acids and tanning
substances. Found in small amounts in the plant: folic
acid, choline (vitamin B4), beta-carotene, vitamin H, iodine and vitamin

In stalks and leaves of nettles discovered essential oil, sirotinin, porphyrin, pantothenic and phenol carboxylic acids, flavonoids, glizodurgicin, histamine.

Nettle hair filled with silicon, formic
acid, as well as acetylcholine. Nettle seeds
contain linoleic acid and vitamin C. In the roots
the alkaloid nicotine was found.

A large amount of vitamin C explains the strong preventive
and the strengthening effect of this plant on the human body.

Vitamin K relieves inflammation, improves clotting
blood. A large amount of B vitamins helps fight
with certain diseases of the nervous system (Parkinson’s disease,

Calcium and phosphorus have a beneficial effect on bone health,
teeth. Potassium and magnesium are actively involved in full-fledged work
of cardio-vascular system.

The high enough iron content in nettles protects the body
from iron deficiency anemias.
Secretin promotes insulin formation, lowers sugar levels
in blood.

Nettle allows you to actively fight toxins and bacteria, and
also with exposure to radiation and oxygen deficiency,
thanks to organic
acids, chlorophyll, and silicon..

What exactly is used and in what form?

Most often used for treatment nettle leaf,
which is harvested in May-June. Collect nettles while growing
the moon when the plant has special strength. Cut branches of a plant
wilted for 2-3 hours, then the leaves are torn off.

See also  Rambutan, Calories, benefits and harms, Benefits

Lay out in a well-ventilated room in a layer from 3 to
5 cm and dried. In dryers, the leaves are dried at a temperature of 40-50 °.
The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years.

Nettle roots harvested from late autumn to
early spring, flowers – in June-July, seeds – in the second half of August
– September. Young leaves and stems are used for nettle juice.
nettle before flowering.

Medicinal properties

Nettle has many medicinal properties. Among the main ones are:
the ability to stop blood, diuretic and choleretic effects,
removal of inflammatory processes, acceleration of the recovery of mucous membranes
membranes of the digestive tract, normalization of menstruation, etc.

In the West, nettle is used to treat cancer.
It has also been determined that nettle has an expectorant effect and
relieves cramps..

Due to its high chlorophyll content, nettle helps to work
female genital organs and intestines, accelerates the regeneration of damaged
parts of the body.

Some experiments have proven that nettle can normalize
the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and also actively affects the metabolism

Nettle seeds since ancient times have been prescribed to women
from infertility. Nettle has also been used as a cure for impotence.
For this, her seeds are mixed with a banana.
and are consumed daily until libido is restored.

Fresh juice from leaves and nettle seeds help
cope with osteomyelitis
and dysfunction of food digestion, and are also used with increased
the percentage of salts in the joints. The ulcers from varicose veins are rubbed with fresh juice,
disinfect and heal diaper rash, affected tissue..

The diuretic properties of nettle are used for kidney stones,
When treating arthritis,
bruises, sprains, fractures are often used
nettle oil

Plant leaves used in many medicines,
as well as in vitamin teas, as a laxative or in tea for the stomach..

Tinctures and decoctions of leaves nettles are effective:

Nettle roots

Nettle roots are great medicine
with a strong cough. Also decoction of rhizomes use
in the form of compresses for diseases of the skin, oral mucosa, sore throat.

Infusion of nettle inflorescences use:

  • with nettle fever;
  • with oncological diseases;
  • with rheumatism;
  • to remove kidney stones;
  • as an expectorant or diuretic;
  • with skin diseases.

Decoction of seeds used as an anthelmintic

Nettle juice has a stimulating effect on
metabolic processes, used to improve digestion
food, the functioning of the kidneys, pancreas, effectively removes

In official medicine

«Prostaforthon“And”Bazoton“- drugs of foreign
production based on the roots and rhizomes of nettle possess
antitumor activity. “Urtifilin»Is applied
for the treatment of burns, used for wound healing.

Extract from nettle leaves is part of the choleretic drug
«Allohol“. You can also buy nettles in pharmacies.
shredded in packs and filter bags for cooking
medicinal tea.

In medical practice, nettle leaves and stems are also used.
to stop hemorrhoidal, pulmonary and gastrointestinal bleeding.
In official medicine, nettle is also used in the form of infusions and
decoctions for kidney disease, stomach, hypovitaminosis..

Nettle is the most valuable raw material for the production chlorophyll.
It is proved that chlorophyll enhances metabolic processes, tones
the body, especially the heart, blood vessels and respiratory organs. Chlorophyll
is part of the medicine for hepatitis..

In folk medicine

Nettle leaves close up

In folk medicine, almost all parts of the plant are used.


  • to heal wounds – dry and grind to a powder
    state, mix with pepper and petroleum jelly in equal parts. Superimpose
    composition twice a day.
  • circulatory failure – 2 tbsp. l. leaves + a glass of boiling water,
    insist 15 minutes. Drink a glass three times a day before meals.
  • if bleeding often comes from the nose – 1 tbsp. l. + a glass of hot water.
    Cook for 10 minutes, drain. Drink 1 tablespoon. about 5 times a day.
  • to get rid of gout and rheumatism – 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves
    + a glass of hot water, insist in a warm place, leave for an hour.
    Drink 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day.
  • to relieve pain – nettle leaves + buckthorn bark (in proportion
    1 to 1). 8 gr. mixture + liter of hot water, soak in a water bath
    10 minutes, leave for half an hour. Drink a glass 4 times a day.
  • with persistent constipation
    – nettle leaves + yarrow + buckthorn (1 x 1 x 2). Spoon
    collection, pour 200 ml of hot water and cook for a minute, leave on
    half an hour. Drink 1 glass before bedtime for 14 days in a row.
  • to get rid of hemorrhoids
    – nettle leaves + oregano + buckthorn (1 x 1 x 1). 1 tbsp mixes
    brew in one and a half glasses of hot water and heat for 5 minutes.
    Leave for 4 hours. Take half a glass three times a day..
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  • when coughing, cut into small pieces and boil them in sugar.
    Drink 10 gr. several times a day..
  • with diarrhea, fever, gastrointestinal tract pathologies, menstrual disorders
    cycle – nettle tincture is used. For her they take 2 tbsp. l.
    nettle roots in crushed form and mixed with 0,5 liters. vodka, then
    leave for a week. Drink 30 drops three times a day.
  • with radiculitis, pain in the joints, furunculosis – tincture. For
    they take 2 tbsp. l. crushed and mixed with 0,5 l. vodka,
    then leave for a week. Wipe off painful or affected

Fresh juice and nettle smoothies

Fresh Juice:

  • nettle for painful and profuse menstruation – drink 10 grams. in
    day during menstruation;
  • with erosion
    cervix – moisten a tampon in nettle juice (at night for
    2-3 weeks);.
  • with boils, acne
    or other rash – take 1 tbsp. a day until recovery..


  • when coughing – a pinch + 2 tbsp. hot water, leave for 1 hour. Drink
    like tea..


  • with
    impotence – 1 tbsp. l. seeds are ground with a banana (take
    under Art. spoon 1 time per day);
  • to prevent ectopic pregnancy – 1-3 g of seeds
    use pure once a day until
    no risk..

In oriental medicine

Information on the use of nettle in the countries of the East can be found in
Indo-Tibetan treatises “Wai-durya-onbo“And”Dong-be».
In Korean medicine, nettle leaves are used for severe
uterine or stomach bleeding. They are also used for
treatment of hemorrhoids, with an inflammatory process in the colon.

Topically applied to ulcers caused by trophic disorders
in tissues, as well as on wounds to accelerate regeneration and disinfection.
Nettle is popular here as a cure for hair loss. Also nettles
often used in Japan, Indonesia and China.

In scientific research

The beneficial properties of nettle have been studied for a long time. Science knows
fundamental plant research by professor Sokolov S.Ya.
in 1969, thesis on the medicinal properties of this plant
Soshnikova O.V. (2006)..

properties of nettle were revealed in the scientific work of Rohit Bisht and
his coauthors. In a study in rats, favorable
factors of influence of stinging nettle on Parkinson’s disease..

A group of scientists from Pakistan, consisting of: Rachel Qayum, Hafiza Misbah-ud-Din
Kamar, Shamima Khan, Umme Salma, Taus Khan, Abdul Jabbar) in September
2016 provided a scientific publication on the effects of stinging nettle
for the treatment of hypertension. As a result of the study and
administration of drugs based on nettle to rats, relaxation was revealed
vascular walls and a decrease in blood pressure in experimental

Also, the use of preparations based on nettle gave a good result.
with Alzheimer’s disease[14,19]… The current question
practical use of nettle as a natural (vegetable)
fiber is handled by British professor Ray Harwood.

In cooking and dietetics

The rich composition of nettle makes it an important component of the diet.
Nettle contains a lot of protein, which makes it possible to rank
her to the plants, which are called “vegetable meat»..

Nettle is most beneficial in early spring. At that time
stinging nettle leaves contain more vitamin C than fruits
or lemon.
Stinging nettle contains more vitamin A than carrots.

Young leaves of the plant are used for salads, cabbage soup, borscht.
Sauces are prepared from the leaves of stinging nettle, they are fermented, salted,
they make casseroles, cutlets, fillings for pies, dumplings,
all kinds of teas are prepared. Nettle is found in some wines,
liqueurs, beer.

The plant is widely used in dietetics as a remedy to help
cleanse the body and reduce overall body weight. Especially good
nettle helps if a person gains excess weight due to disorders
in the work of the intestines, and also prone to the accumulation of toxins and toxins.
Fresh nettle salads help to normalize the gastrointestinal

Since nettle has a strong diuretic effect, with its
help it is easy to remove excess fluid from the body, get rid of
from edema
and extra pounds.

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Nettle teas help reduce appetite. For this, nettle flowers
dried and brewed tea on their basis.… Calming effect
such teas are also important for the general condition of the body. Antimicrobial
properties of nettle are used to extend the shelf life of foods..

Nettle in cosmetology

In cosmetology

Nettle decoction can be used to cleanse the skin of the face from acne
rashes. Nettle decoctions are also used for furunculosis, rashes and
other skin problems.

Hair nettle is one of the most effective remedies for restoration
and strengthening hair follicles.

Here are some folk remedies:

  • To stimulate hair growth and shine – leaves (100 gr.) In
    chopped + half a glass of vinegar + half a glass of water. To cook
    half an hour. Rub into the skin. Use twice – three times a week.
  • For dandruff, baldness – prepare nettle infusion (1 tablespoon leaves
    + 1 cup boiling water, leave for 1,5 hours and drain). Use
    1 once a week.

Rinsing with nettles helps well in the fight against early gray hair,
seborrheic disease and other hair problems.

Other uses

In floriculture use nettle infusion to
fight aphids and prevent powdery mildew.

Previously, this plant was actively used for weaving industry.
Nettle was used to make fiber, which was used to sew sails,
strong bags, sacks, etc. In the .th century, the Khanty and Mansi from nettles
made cloth and sewed clothes. In Japan, nettles were used
for the manufacture of samurai armor, clothing, as well as from this fiber
often made a bowstring.

Today, only in Yugoslavia survived large industrial
fabric production
from nettle – sewing..
On the territory of the CIS countries, there are also a small number of
small family-type enterprises engaged in the manufacture of insoles,
belts, nettle scarves and other wardrobe items.

The plant is widely used in pharmaceutical, food
and perfume industry
.… Often you can
meet in stores strengthening shampoo “Nettle”.

In animal husbandry nettle is added to pet food
animals and birds. And they cook vitamin flour, silage, briquettes,
concentrates, granules, are used as steamed green fodder.

Unconventional uses

Since ancient times, nettle has been used as a talisman. It was believed that
if you lay a nettle rug in front of the entrance to the house, evil will bypass
this house is a party. They believed that the nettle leaves hidden under the insoles
in shoes, they will save their owner from the dark forces.

Nettle leaves in the corner of the nursery helped the baby
deal with all fears, improved his sleep and health. Twigs
nettles fumigated the room to remove the evil eye and spoilage. Nettle broom
swept out all the evil spirits from the house.

It was believed that the nettle amulet is able to enhance the positive qualities
character – courage, initiative, honesty and perseverance, to protect
the life of a warrior. A dry nettle leaf was used as an amulet.
The main thing is that the leaves are collected by the future owner of the amulet on their own.

Nettle is a legendary plant. There is a story among the people that God
awarded stinging hairs to nettles to treat people and animals with it.

We have collected the most important points about the benefits and possible dangers of nettle.
in this illustration and we will be very grateful if you share
a picture on social networks, with a link to our page:

It is a perennial herb of the family Nettle.
It is distributed in Europe and Asia, Africa and Australia, in the North
America. It can be found on the territory of the CIS countries, in India, China,
Japan, USA and UK..

The people call nettle in a simple way: “žigučka“,”jigilivka»
«sad“,”burner“. The opinion of linguists about
the etymology of the word is not unambiguous. The first believe that the word “nettle»
comes from the Old Church Slavonic “nettle“Or”crop».

It is assumed that this name has common roots with the Serbo-Croatian
name крȍп (boiling water) or Polish ukrop,
and means “boiled cattle feed».
Others are sure that there is a lexical connection with the word.
«silk».… That is, it is a plant for the production of fabric.

A large amount of vitamins and nutrients makes nettle one
of the most used plants in official and traditional medicine,
dietetics and cosmetology.

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Today there are more than 50 varieties of nettle.
On the territory of the CIS countries, the most common are:

Despite the widespread distribution, stinging nettle
listed in the Red Data Books of regional significance, for example, Voronezh
and Lipetsk region of the Russian Federation. Nettles are strictly guarded by appropriate
environmental safety authorities in countries such as Belarus,
Hungary, Czech Republic..

The appearance of the plant is approximately the same. If you describe
nettle from the point of view of botany, you get the following characteristic:

There are annual and perennial species of nettle, monoecious and
dioecious, medicinal and weedy, safe and even dangerous for
life (stinging nettle).

In order to grow nettle, it is necessary to provide it with optimal
conditions, the main of which are:

For fast plant growth, it is recommended to immerse nettle seeds
into the soil by 1,5 cm.The sowing period is late autumn or early spring,
since the planted seeds give their first shoots in a month, when
air temperature not less than + 8 ° С.

It is important to sprinkle the sown surface with fertilizer: peat or humus.

It is advisable to maintain optimum soil moisture until
first sunrises.… When thickening, the seedlings must be thinned out,
so that young plants are 5 cm apart.
For normal plant growth and development, the soil must be maintained
wet. But do not allow it to become waterlogged. Otherwise
case, root decay is possible.

Nettle lovers are common daytime urticaria butterflies (Aglais
) from the family Nymphalidae… They feed in
mainly by the shoots of a young plant.

Peacock butterfly caterpillars also prefer nettles to all
the rest of the plants. We are glad to eat nettles and the most ordinary

In the British Isles, nettle seeds were found in excrement
last year (lady lady) and magpies (Pica pica). Parasitic
plant European invitationI also feed on the juice of this

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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