Kumquat, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

general description

Kumquat (from whale. golden orange) – yellow-orange
a tropical fruit of the citrus family of an evergreen plant. This
the fruit has other names – kinkan and fortunella. Externally kumquat
looks like a very small oval orange.
It reaches a maximum of 5 cm in length and 4 cm in width.
the fruit goes completely with the peel. The taste of the fruit is very close to
sour tangerine,
but at the same time the rind has a sweet-tart flavor. Homeland of the kumquat
is the southern part of China.

The first literary mention of the kumquat dates back to the 12th century. in China.
The fruits came to Europe thanks to the English botanist Robert Fortune,
who brought them to the annual London Horticultural Show
in 1846. Initially, the fruit was attributed to the genus citrus, however
in 1915 they were separated into a separate subgenus – fortunella.

Kumquat plantations for export are located in
Southeast Asia, China, Japan, Greece and southern territories
USA. There are several types of kumquat: Hong Kong, Malay,
marumi, meiva, nagami and fukushi.

Selecting and storing kukwat

When buying a kumquat, you should pay attention to its external
view. The peel should have a rich orange color, be shiny,
smooth and free of visible mechanical damage, dark spots and cracks.
Also, the fruit should be moderately soft. Excessive softness can
indicate overripe fruit, and firmness – about immaturity.

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Store the kumquat in the refrigerator in the fruit compartment and
vegetables for three weeks. But before that, the fruits should be carefully
rinse from dirt and dry so that there is no
not a drop of moisture. If whole fruit or processed fruit is placed in
in the freezer at a temperature of -15 to -19 ° C, then useful
substances can be stored for up to six months.

Use in cooking

Kumquat is widely used in cooking. In most cases, it
consumed raw and used to decorate dishes: salads,
sandwiches, buffet snacks, cocktails, mulled wine and as
snacks for strong alcoholic beverages. In thermally treated
kumquat dishes are used to make sweet and sour sauces
for vegetables and meat, for meat or fish baked in the oven, and
for making desserts: candied fruits, jams, juices, curd-yoghurt
casseroles, etc.

Kumquat on a tree

Useful properties of kumquat

Composition and presence of nutrients

Fresh kumquat contains (in 100 g):

Calories 71 Kcal

Vitamin C 43,9 Potassium, K 186 Vitamin
B4 8,4 Calcium, Ca 62 Vitamin
Магний, Mg
Витамин B5
P 19 Vitamin E 0,15 Sodium,
On 10

Full composition

Kumquat contains a fairly diverse set of vitamins
B5, B6),
minerals (calcium,
fatty acids and essential oils. High concentration of vitamin C
fruit kumquat makes it indispensable for enhancing immunity
and the general resistance of the body to viruses and bacteria.

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Useful and healing properties

Due to the content of fiber, pectin and natural enzymes
fruits are used to normalize the digestive tract, prevent gastritis
and ulcers. Favorably
kumquat also acts on the nervous system. People using this
fruit, are less prone to depression, irritability, nervousness,
chronic stress. It helps to increase emotional sensitivity,
get rid of apathy, give strength for vigorous activity, and not
passive existence.

The fruit is used in the fight against parasites and fungi. Antifungal
The properties of kumquat are due to the presence of furakumarin in its composition.
It is this substance that helps fight inflammatory and infectious

In oriental medicine, dried kumquat peel is used to treat
colds, flu,
runny nose and cough. For this, inhalations are carried out with brewed crusts.
2-3 times a day. This method of using kumquat allows
essential oils are freely released and maximally absorbed by the mucous membrane
the mouth.

Dietary product

Kumquat is one of the dietary foods that promote the breakdown of
and the elimination of bad cholesterol, cleansing the body of toxins,
radionuclides and heavy metals. Cleansing blood vessels from fatty plaques,
which occurs in the process of systematic consumption of kumquat,
is an excellent prevention of stroke, heart attack and atherosclerosis.

Dangerous properties of kumquat

It is not recommended to use kumquat for people suffering from increased
stomach acidity or kidney disease, as it can provoke
exacerbation of these diseases.

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Also, it is not desirable during pregnancy and lactation, as it is capable of
cause allergies in the child.

You can see how kumquats are grown in greenhouses. Small
the bushes are completely covered with scatterings of bright orange fruits. They are
very similar to clementines and tangerines, which are also represented
in the video.

See also properties of other citrus fruits:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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