Apricot benefits, properties, calorie content, useful properties and harm

For most people, apricot fruit is nothing more than a sweet country house
a fruit from which you can make delicious jam and pies.
In fact, apricot fruit has proven antioxidant,
bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and other pharmacological
effects. But there are also dangerous recipes associated with apricots, for example,
mysterious vitamin B17, allegedly extracted from apricot kernels
for the treatment of cancer.

Useful properties of apricot

Composition and calorie content

Fresh apricot contains (per 100 g): Calories 48 Kcal

The composition of the apricot contains lemon,
acids, phenolic and tannins, flavonoids, pectin,
a large amount of carotene (up to 16 mg / 100 g). In the pulp of apricot
fruits contain a lot of sucrose, glucose,
sorbitol and fructose
(up to 28% in total). Moreover, in hybrids and varieties of late harvest, it is noted
higher values ​​of sugar and lower values ​​of magnesium, which
there is already quite a bit of fresh fruit.

Ripe apricots on the tree

Comparatively little in apricot and most other minerals:
iron in 100 g – about 5% of the daily requirement, calcium and phosphorus
– 3%, magnesium – 2%. The exception is potassium, in terms of content
which apricot is one of the leading products
vegetable origin. One hundred grams of fresh fruit provides
about 10-12% of the daily human need for this mineral.
And one hundred grams of dried fruits prepared from apricot
(dried apricots, apricots, etc.) provide about 70% of the body’s daily needs
in potassium.

It should be noted that with such a comparison of dried fruits and fresh
fruits often have the mistaken impression that the content of useful
substances in all dried fruits for some reason increases dramatically.
In fact, if you compare one fruit before and after drying,
then the difference will not be so significant. And the error arises
due to the fact that usually the amount of nutrients in the tables
is taken on the basis of 100 grams of product, but in these hundred grams
A different number of fresh and dried fruits are “accommodated”.

Therefore, in 100 grams of dried fruits that have lost moisture, iron, phosphorus,
magnesium, potassium is indeed several times more than 100
grams of fresh apricots. But 100 g of dried apricots contains only 30-31%
water, and in fresh fruit – 85-90% in 100 g.

Apricot kernel oil

Medicinal properties

Apricot preparations (oil, fruit pulp and seed extracts)
in studies and experiments demonstrate various therapeutic

    • Antineoplastic. In Japanese experiments
      scientists in vitro (“in vitro”) and in vivo (“inside a living organism”)
      the antitumor effect of Japanese apricot extract was
      found in relation to human cancer cells. In particular,
      the suppressive effect of the extract on skin transit
      metastases in a patient with malignant melanoma. Also found
      high sensitivity to pancreatic cancer MIAPaCa-2 cell extract
      glands. At the same time, the fatal effect on cancer cells is not
      affected normal cells and did not cause side effects.
      . In other studies
      the ability of the same extract to inhibit growth was found
      breast cancer cells. .
    • Bactericidal. Another group of Japanese scientists
      revealed the ability of the Japanese apricot to suppress the development of Helicobacter
      pylori, due to which the manifestations of chronic atrophic
      turned out to be less pronounced. .
      Other studies have established the ability of apricot
      juice also inhibit the development of putrefactive bacteria.
    • Antioxidant. Antioxidant effect is shown
      and fruit pulp, and various extracts of sweet and bitter kernels
      apricot. . In this case,
      in the works of scientists, a more pronounced connection was established between the general
      antioxidant capacity of apricots with phenol content,
      not carotenoids. .
    • Pain reliever Isolated from apricot
      seed plant glucoside amygdalin showed in experiments
      on animals the analgesic effect when administered as an intramuscular
      injections. It is supposed to be used as
      analgesic with anti-inflammatory action. .

Apricot jam

The results of studying extracts of different parts of apricot show
that in the future, with their help, it may be possible to treat diseases
heart, liver, kidney, intestines, respiratory tract, effects
pathologies of the nervous system and dysfunctions of the brain.

    • Researchers have found that eating apricot can
      reduce the risk of steatosis (fatty liver disease)
      and damage caused by free radicals. .
      Also a therapeutic and prophylactic effect against fibrosis
      the liver was achieved through the use of drugs based on
      kernels of apricot kernels. .
    • Apricot diet prevented kidney damage in mice
      and apoptosis of kidney cells, which was artificially provoked
      exposure to methotrexate. . With the help of the fruit, scientists succeeded
      significantly reduce the toxic effect of methotrexate and suggest
      that by eating apricots it will be possible to reduce damage
      kidney toxic drugs.
    • Aqueous extract of apricot seeds showed anti-asthma
      activity in the experiment on mice. Oral administration of the extract
      weakened asthmatic manifestations and inflammation of the respiratory tract,
      which were the result of a reaction to an allergen. .
    • Apricot oil had a protective effect on development
      in laboratory rats. Experimental studies have shown
      that apricot oil can be considered nutritious
      substances for the treatment and prevention of heart attacks
      myocardium, since it has a strong cardioprotective effect.
    • Extracts and oil of apricot kernels orally and in the form
      intra-abdominal injections have been tested as a means of controlling
      with ulcerative colitis
      in rats. Scientists have found that, although the oil fractions did not enhance
      properties of extracts, anti-inflammatory effect in the intestines
      was pronounced especially with the injection method of delivery
      drug. .
    • In vitro apricot carotenoids exhibited antiamyloidogenic
      activity, which gave researchers hope for their use
      in disease prevention
      Alzheimer’s. .

Dried apricots (dried apricots)

In medicine

Various therapeutic programs use apricot
fruits, seed oil, decoctions and infusions of dried apricots.

    • Oil
      apricot seeds (Oleum persicorum), used in medicine
      as a solvent for drugs – fat-soluble
      medicines intended for intramuscular and subcutaneous
      injection. In composition, this fatty oil is close to peach and
      It includes various acids – linoleic (20%), stearic
      (14%), myristic (5%) – and is capable of not drying out for a long time, but
      deteriorates from exposure to oxygen and light.
    • In the complex therapy of cardiovascular and renal diseases
      thick decoctions and / or infusions of some types may be included
      dried apricots. They are used as a diuretic product for
      the appearance of edema.
    • As part of a magnesium diet for hypertension in the diet
      dried and fresh fruits are introduced.

In addition, the pharmaceutical market is widely represented
apricot extracts and extracts from apricot kernels. The last
better known under the commercial name “Laetrile”, or vitamin
B17. Laetrile is positioned as a means of prevention and treatment
cancer diseases. However, in addition to unproven effectiveness,
this cyanide-containing preparation is associated with additional
risks, which can be found in more detail in the section “Dangerous
properties ”of this article.

In folk medicine

The basis of modern “home” therapeutic practice using
apricot fruits laid by the ancient medical recipes of the peoples
Central Asia. The inhabitants of this region got acquainted with the apricot
earlier than anywhere else on the planet, and about the healing properties
fruit, respectively, also learned earlier than others.

Fresh apricots on a tray

Already ancient healers noticed that apricot can be removed
bad breath, and dried fruit from it – to control
sweet and sour belching, relieve stomach heat, stimulate excretion
bile. In continuation of this tradition and today in folk medicine
with the help of infusions of dried fruits, they normalize the digestive processes
and provoke choleretic function. Fresh apricots are now widespread
as a laxative.

But along with the medicinal manifestations of the fruit, its
side effects. For example, it was believed that overeating apricots
can lead to the formation of skin areas with pigmentation disorders,
and eating raw apricots can harm people with weak
stomach. Avoid apricot in daily diet should only
old people. But all people (and healthy ones, including) were recommended
never drink apricots with cold water, do not gorge on fruits
on an empty stomach and do not complete heavy meals with apricots.

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Today, for medicinal purposes in folk therapy, it is customary to use
not only the pulp, but also other parts of the plant:

    • Bones. In the form of water infusions of bones
      are used to restore the work of the heart, and remove intestinal
      parasites. They also get rid of helminths with the help of bitter oil
      bones. In addition, hemorrhoids are also treated with it.
      (externally) and urolithiasis
      illness (when taken orally). Ear pain is relieved by
      instilling apricot oil into the auricle.
    • Decoction of leaves. Brewed plant leaves
      also serve as anthelmintic
      means. If necessary, the same broth is used as
    • Fruit juice. In folk medicine, it is used
      with dysbiosis
      and stomach problems due to low acidity.
      They also drink it to lower blood pressure.

Apricot drink

Prescriptions for drugs and infusions

Medicinal folk remedies are prepared from one apricot
ingredient, or from several components:

    • Infusion of dried apricots
      are taken to relieve swelling of the legs. Dried fruits (50 g) pour in
      boiling water (250 ml) and incubated for 3-4 hours. After straining
      the infusion is taken ½ cup twice a day.
    • Mixture of dried apricots, walnut kernels
      nuts and honey are prepared to improve the functionality of the cardiovascular
      systems and improvement of metabolic processes. For this, all components
      are taken in equal proportions. Dried apricots with nuts are crushed at the same time
      in a blender. The tool is recommended to be taken daily for 1
      Art. l.
    • Another complex remedy from the kernels of apricot kernels
      (20 pcs.) Honey (500 g) and lemon
      (500 g) used in traditional therapy for palpitations
      and heart rhythm disturbances. Before mixing with honey, kernels
      crushed in a mortar, and lemon in a meat grinder. The composition is stored
      in the refrigerator and taken in 1 tbsp. l twice a day (after
      waking up and before going to bed).
    • Similar composition with the addition of the juice of 30 red geranium leaves
      applies when
      hypertension. To reduce blood pressure, the drug should be drunk
      2 hours after eating three times a day, 1 tbsp. l.
    • Ashes from the shell of apricot kernels are taken for cleansing
      blood. During the cooking process, the bones are broken to
      separate the kernel, and the shell is burned in a pan or baking sheet
      before the formation of ash. The tool is taken in 1 tsp. not less
      of the week.

In oriental medicine

The ancient oriental traditions of using apricots in treatment were
laid down as a school of Arab-Persian-Tajik medicine (works of representatives
which were translated into Chinese back in the Middle Ages),
and its own earlier heritage of Chinese healers.

Blooming apricot

During the Eastern Han Dynasty in China (20-225
years) for centuries a healer named Dong Feng became famous.
He treated mainly commoners with herbal medicine and acupuncture.
and was so successful in this that his fame spread throughout
country. As a reward for the treatment, Dong Feng offered the healed to plant
in his garden an apricot pit. And after a few years the dwelling
the healer was buried in apricot trees, the fruits of which the doctor used
for medical practice. So still in China for the fruit
apricot sometimes use a “talking” definition – “the fruit of the doctor
Dong “, and all Chinese traditional medicine is called” apricot
garden “.

In general therapy, apricot in China is widely used for cleansing
the body from poisons and toxins, for rejuvenation and improvement of functions
brain. It is no coincidence that this fruit was previously included in the menu of emperors,
and today – in the diet of astronauts.

However, for the treatment of specific diseases and pathological conditions
in traditional therapy, apricot pits are often used.
With their help, they get rid of cough,
hiccups, and when other herbal medicines are added, they are treated
respiratory tract diseases (tracheitis,
whooping cough,
Gastrointestinal tract and kidney inflammation. For example:

    • with Chinese ephedra (Ma Huang), seed infusions are applied
      with shortness of breath;
    • with hemp seed (Ho Ma Ren), the nucleoli are used as a laxative
      with constipation caused by “dry bowel”;
    • with black nettle leaves (Zi Su E) apricot seeds are prescribed
      to get rid of dry cough and “cold wind”.
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For the treatment of bronchial asthma
bitter apricot pits are also used in Korean folk medicine.
The Japanese also have their own national apricot “fruit of health”,
extremely rich in ascorbic and citric acids. On islands
the fruits of the apricot Prunus mume are traditionally salted and fermented, using
which the inhabitants of Japan relieve fatigue, restore work
heart, treat diseases of the throat, stimulate the activity of the digestive

Apricot broth

In scientific research

Most of the scientific work devoted to the study of chemical properties
fruit, concern the theme of the influence of various extracts of apricot kernels
in experiments in vitro and in vivo. In recent years alone,
dozens of studies on the potential of apricot kernels in the fight
with allergic reactions, diseases of the liver, kidneys, intestines,
oncology. Here are just a few examples.
studies published during 2018-19

Apricot kernel extract prevents corneal inflammation
and the conjunctiva, which was caused by particulate matter contained
in the city smog.

In an experiment, eye drops containing 0,5 mg / ml or 1 mg /
ml of apricot kernel extract was injected into the eyes of female laboratory
rats with characteristic eye lesions. Parallel to the expression of inflammatory
factors were investigated in the epithelial cells of the conjunctiva “in vitro”.

As a result, it turned out that both concentrations of the extract inhibited
damage to the epithelial layer of the cornea, protected from destruction
a protective layer on the surface of the eye, and local administration of drops
1 mg / ml attenuated the decrease in tear secretion. Scientists suggest
that the pharmacological activity of extracts of apricot kernels can
be partly due to the presence of amygdalin in the composition.

Мaslo of apricot kernels protects the mucous membrane
the stomach of rats from damage, thanks to its anti-inflammatory,
antioxidant and antiapoptotic effects, and may be
useful for reducing the severity of stomach ulcers.

Apricot oil

Ethanol-induced gastric ulcer in males
albino rats, scientists tried to treat with apricot
oils. After staining gastric tissue for apoptosis,
measuring the expression of gastric IL-10 and IL-6, analysis of some
enzymes (catalase, superoxide dismutase, etc.), scientists have established
that in the group of animals “apricot oil + ethanol” the area and degree
gastric lesions were significantly less than in the ethanol
without apricot kernel oil “.

Apricot kernel extracts can potentially be used
in the future in dietary anticancer therapy in cancer treatment
human colon.

Studies were conducted on HT-29 colon cancer cells.
The interactive role of three different nuclear extractions in modulating cellular
proliferation, apoptosis and cell cycle progression was controlled
for 24, 48 and 72 h periods. As a result, scientists received
a complex picture of the influence of apricot extracts, which is possible
therapy will require detailed dosage and refinement of procedures.

For example, after 24 hours, all extracts of apricot kernels had
biphasic proliferative effect on HT-29 cells. But on a 24-hour
the time interval of 500 μg / ml, the extract suppressed the growth
(proliferation) of cells, and after 72 hours the same concentration is already
stimulated this process. Moreover, in case of further study
mechanisms of influence, scientists see the prospects for the use of containing
amygdalin extracts in dietary anticancer therapy.

Girl collects apricots from the tree

For losing weight

Taking into account the high content of various sugars, apricots with
its calorie content of 45-50 kcal / 100 g, in diets aimed
for weight loss, used in limited quantities – no more
100-150 g per day. With their help, you can provide the body with a part
essential vitamins and minerals, but this sweet fruit cannot
call it an ideal assistant in the fight against extra pounds.

Existing mono diets, designed for 3 days, are allowed to be eaten
1 kg of fruit per day, divided into 5-6 meals. With this
nutrition, the body receives only about 500 kcal per day, which with
maintaining physical activity easily creates a negative balance,
when more energy is consumed than supplied. But keep
full activity, eating only apricot, is quite difficult.
And not everyone can stand fasting for three days. therefore
more often separate “apricot” fasting days are practiced, and
then – in the absence of contraindications.

In cooking

Fresh apricots are themselves a dessert delicacy,
but different types and varieties of these fruits have their own “culinary
specificity “, due, for example, to different amounts of pectin
substances, high or low acidity, etc. So, in a pastry shop
production for the manufacture of jelly, marmalade, jam, marshmallow,
fruits with a high pectin content are more suitable. And the fruits of Japanese
apricots due to high acidity are more often in demand in production
marinades, pickles, seasonings.

In particular, in Japan there is a tradition of fermenting apricot fruits.
according to a technology similar to the one according to which we make sauerkraut
cabbage: unripe fruits are removed from the tree, mixed with salt
and left in their own juice under yoke in a cool place on
month. This seasoning is called umeboshi and is usually served
to the rice. Whole fruits extracted from sourdough are considered excellent
a snack. Properly cooked apricot retains a firm texture
and light fruity taste. But sometimes, as a basis, you can find
pre-dried in the sun, dried fruits that
after brine for softening, it is customary to blanch in boiling water.

Apricot pie

In general, dried apricots are widely used in cooking. In such
the form of dried fruit is known under various names:

    • Dried
      Is an apricot fruit divided into two slices, from which
      they took out the bone before drying. Used as a filling for
      poultry dishes, pies, casseroles, yoghurts, sweets.
    • Apricot is a whole fruit with a bone. This is how small-fruited
      varieties, then add them to compotes and jelly.
    • Kaisa – whole dried apricot, from which the seed has been removed
      without breaking the fruit through the stalk attachment point.
    • Ashtak-pashtak is also a whole dried apricot fruit, but, in
      unlike kaisa, after removing the bone, it is split in order to
      get the kernel, which is then returned to the apricot.

In one of the variants of the recipe for traditional Armenian sweets
called alani – not the usual peaches are used, but a little
underripe or dried apricots, mainly white varieties.
In dried fruits, the bone is replaced with crushed walnut kernels
nuts mixed with sugar and spices. There are recipes
in which dried apricots are steamed with boiling water to get
soft aromatic mass, and then this raw apricot is baked
like a dough.

Quite a lot of alcoholic beverages are made on the basis of apricot.
In traditional apricot making, fruit juice is first fermented and
then distilled (distilled).

The fruits of the Japanese apricot are also the basis of the popular
various countries of Asia 10-15% sweet and sour liqueur umeshu,
which the Japanese began to cook at home since the XVII

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, apricot components are used more than 2 thousand.
years. Fruit pulp is used mainly in the manufacture of
home cosmetics. It is used to make “quick” nourishing and moisturizing
face masks, anti-aging products.

Apricot and other fruits in natural cosmetics

So, for a simple homemade nutritional mask, you only need
ripe fruits and mineral water. Apricots (3 pcs.) Are kneaded
into the porridge with a wooden spoon and apply a thick layer on the pre-
cleansed skin. After a quarter of an hour, the “porridge” is washed off with the usual
water, and the skin is rubbed with a mixture of freshly squeezed apricot juice
and mineral water without gas in a 50/50 ratio.

Apricot kernels are used more widely. From finely ground kernels
make pastes to smooth out the tone of the face, moisturizing and nourishing
serums, anti-inflammatory ointments, and coarse shell powder
grinds are added to scrubs. Seed-based oil is included
in a variety of cosmetics from various manufacturers.
These oils and extracts are labeled as Prunus Armeniaca
Extract, Prunus Armeniaca Kernel Oil или Armeniaca Seed Powder
(according to INCI classification). Burnt apricot pits are used
in the production of carcasses.

Also, apricot components can be easily found in the composition of funds.
for hair care. While making a pulp and butter mask
apricot kernels to strengthen hair is easy at home
conditions. According to the recipe, oil (3 tablespoons) is heated in water
bath until comfortably warm, mixed with the yolk of one
eggs and the pulp of one fruit. The mask is applied to the scalp at
the base of the hair and rubbed in with a wide-toothed comb.
To eliminate dandruff, lemon or tea oil is added to the composition

Dangerous properties of apricot and contraindications

A large amount of various types of sugars (about 9-9,5 g / 100
d) imposes certain restrictions in the pulp of apricot fruits
for the use of these fruits by diabetics. But the glycemic index
fresh fruit is low (up to 34), it is even lower in dried apricots (about 30),
therefore, both in the form of dried fruits and fresh diabetics
can afford to eat several fruits (controlling when
this is the blood sugar level).

More significant risks are associated with self-medication with apricot extracts
bones that contain hydrocyanic acid – deadly
cyanide. More precisely, apricot seeds contain the glycoside amygdalin,
which, decomposing during hydrolysis, forms a molecule of blue

Small portions of cyanide, the human body is able to neutralize
yourself. Blood glucose binds cyanides,
therefore, for example, people with diabetes are more resistant to
this kind of poisoning. But even 1 gram of amygdalin can already lead
to death, and this amount corresponds to approximately
100 grams of apricot kernels. Children can be poisoned.
and a smaller amount, eating kernels of only 10-12 seeds.

Apricot pits

In 2017, a message was published . about a 67-year-old Briton,
which daily consumption of two teaspoons of homemade
apricot seed extract and three tablets of Novodalin dietary supplement
(based on the same bones) for 5 years he brought himself to chronic
intoxication that almost cost him his life. At the time of examination
the cyanide level exceeded the norm by 25 times. The reason for the passion for apricot
the drug was the belief that amygdalin provides
cancer prevention, although similar properties of amygdalin are now open
refuted by the medical community.

This glycoside is better known to the supporters of alternative medicine.
under the Laetril trademark. Registered it as a drug
for the treatment of intestinal fermentation disorders .but later
“Remembered” that at the end of the XNUMXth century they tried to treat with amygdalin
cancer, after which a large-scale and profitable company unfolded
to popularize the anti-cancer properties of the drug. Traces of this company
easy to find on the Runet, where amygdalin is often written about
called vitamin B17. Distribution of Laetrile in the USA
is now prosecuted.

Dried apricots also pose a certain danger. In the course of its industrial
billets to improve consumer qualities, dioxide is used
sulfur, indicated on the package as a preservative E220. This supplement
the 3rd class of hazard is assigned and it is approved for use in
all countries of the world. However, some people even have low concentrations
sulfur dioxide can cause allergic
reactions. The risk group includes asthmatics who are better in general
refuse to eat “store” dried apricots, people with chronic
allergic diseases, as well as patients with diseases
GI tract that are more sensitive to sulfur dioxide due to
changes in gastric acidity.

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In this case, you need to know that sulfur dioxide in the human body is not
accumulates and is fairly easily excreted in the urine. Therefore, in the case
overdose should simply be drinking more water.

Due to poor chewing of dried apricot fruit or swallowing
them entirely, intestinal obstruction may occur in children
. and those adults who are unable due to dental health
it is enough to chew dried apricots before swallowing. . Described
cases when even single small fruits after swelling overlapped
small bowel lumen, although, in general, episodes of intestinal blockage
phytobezoars are quite rare.

We have collected the most important points about the benefits and possible dangers of apricot
in this illustration and we will be very grateful if you share
a picture on social networks, with a link to our page:

Selection and storage

To buy ripe apricot fruits, you should choose fragrant
fruits with already soft and pliable, but still firm flesh and skin
deep orange color without spots, dents or damage.

Frozen apricot wedges

Fully ripe fruits are not stored for a long time – they need to be eaten or
recycle immediately. Slightly unripe fruits are good in the refrigerator.
Before using them, it is enough to remove them from there, transfer them to paper
package and wait 2-3 days until they are ripe. Wherein,
if a completely green fruit got into the refrigerator, then bring it
until ripeness is no longer possible.

Recently, apricots have been frequently frozen. For this
they are simply pre-washed, dried and placed in a freezer
camera. However, the most common way to prepare an apricot
drying remains for long-term storage

To get a kilogram of dried apricots, you need to dry 3-4 kg of fresh fruit.
For this, select dense apricots are washed, divided into slices
(the bone is removed), and in turn are lowered in portions by 10-15
minutes in water acidified with lemon juice. For 3 kg of fresh fruit
you will need about 1 liter of water mixed with 250 ml of lemon juice.
After that, the apricot wedges are either dried in the sun for a week,
trying to prevent moisture from entering, or sent to the oven
for 9-12 hours, while the baking sheet is preliminarily covered with baking
paper, and the slices themselves are regularly turned over every hour.

Dried apricots are stored in a hermetically sealed glass container, avoiding
ingress of moisture, due to which dried fruits quickly grow moldy and deteriorate.
At the same time, workpieces should not be kept in direct sunlight either,
because ultraviolet light will have time to destroy ascorbic acid and
affect the taste of the product. Therefore, usually closed
a jar of dried apricots is sent for storage in the cellar or in the refrigerator.

Watercolor painted apricots

Interesting Facts

Several regions claim to be the homeland of apricot. because of
what a number of ancient Greek and Roman authors called apricot
“Armenian apple” is considered that the ancient world got acquainted with this
fruit thanks to merchants who delivered goods from Armenia. “Armenian
“fruit” a thousand years ago called apricots and Arab scientists. but
in most sources, the primary center of distribution of the plant
called the Chinese part of the Tien Shan mountains.

Anyway, in Armenia, the apricot is still considered one
from national symbols. Cinematic Armenian Festival
is called “Golden Apricot”. And in 2007, the country had
issued a postage stamp depicting flowering trees and ripe
apricot fruit.

However, postage stamps with this fruit were also issued in Kazakhstan,
and in Tajikistan, which is not surprising, since the plant is widely
distributed throughout Central Asia, and some regions (for example,
Batken region in Kyrgyzstan) live mainly on
growing and processing its fruits. Uzbekistan in general in the last
years ranks second to third in the world in the cultivation of apricots.
In Turkmen Isfara, where more than 10 enterprises are engaged in processing
fruit, apricot erected a monument. And in Tajikistan dried apricots are already
has long become a reliable “currency” of accumulation of funds, which is trusted
no less than a dollar. Here, even
seed husks – they are processed into fuel.

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However, despite this, the world apricot center should be called
after all, not Central Asia, but the Turkish province of Malatya, where
up to 80% of all dried apricots in the world. With such indicators, Turkey today
remains the largest exporter of both dried fruits and fresh apricot

Apricot orchard

Overseas, the largest center for the cultivation of apricots is considered
California (USA), where plants began to grow back in 1792.
The state produces about 95% of the American crop
these fruits. And here, in the city of Patterson, the annual
apricot festival. Local farmers try to popularize as much as possible
your product, emphasizing that it is not only tasty, but also healthy
the fruit. Therefore, it is not surprising that the American astronauts in one
from lunar expeditions they took apricots with them.

The benefits of apricot could be indirectly evidenced by an amazing
demographic situation allegedly prevailing in the legendary tribe
hunza. The Khunza people (its other names are Burish, Vershiki, Khunzakut
and others) occupies the territory on the border of Pakistan and India. One by one
from versions, this dwarf state was founded by the warriors of Alexander
Macedonian, settled in the mountains after his Indian campaign, therefore
locals look more like Europeans than representatives
neighboring tribes. But the main thing is how hunzakuts differ from neighboring ones
peoples, – their state of health and average life expectancy
in 120 years.

According to information disseminated on the Internet, after the census carried out
by a French medical expedition in 1963, it turned out that
it is quite normal for a hunzakuta to live a hundred and fifty years. Wherein
the inhabitants of the tribe remain physically and mentally active until
end of life and practically do not get sick. For example, it is considered
that they have absolutely no cancer, stomach ulcers, colitis,
appendicitis. Online media write that men can safely overcome
in one passage through the mountains 150-200 km, and women are able to give birth up to
60 years. And the reason for this is not the mountain air, but the diet. Hunzakuts eat
mainly wheat cakes and apricots (dried apricots in winter).

Apricots blooming in the Hunza Valley

Unfortunately, the vast majority of claims about super health
representatives of the Hunza people are not confirmed by reliable sources.
There is even statistics on the treatment of hunzakuts, which was conducted by the American
scientist John Clark, who lived in Hunza for almost a year and a half. For this
time a fifth of the population of the principality went to his hospital
for medical help with dysentery, parasitic infections,
problems with teeth, eyes and skin. Numerous skin diseases
common among hunzakuts, wrote in the first half of the XNUMXth century
and other researchers. Due to a diet poor in fats and some
vitamins, most local residents had problems with
teeth. Many have problems with the musculoskeletal system.

All this, however, does not mean that apricot cannot be called useful.
fruit. Various studies prove its potential
value, including in matters of maintaining and improving health.
But only one apricot cannot build a therapeutic nutrition program,
whatever the myths say about this delicious fruit.

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Anna Evans

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