Pistachio oil, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

It is a healthy natural product obtained as a result of cold
pressing the fruit of the nut. It has a dark green color and thick
consistency, and when refined it becomes light yellow,
while maintaining all its unique properties. I wonder what what
the darker the shade of the oil, the stronger the smell it has.

Since ancient times, this product has been used for medicinal purposes, and
it is most popular in Arab medicine. Avicenna said that
pistachio oil is effective for treating heart disease as well
it can be considered very beneficial for digestion. This product improves
mood, tones the body and rejuvenates.

It should be noted that the homeland of pistachios is Syria. Plant now
widely cultivated in many countries. Pistachio is not very big
bush up to 7 meters high, giving nut-like fruits that have
special peculiar aroma and pleasant taste.

Delicious, hearty pistachios with a long shelf life have long been a must
addition to the menu of merchants and first travelers. Besides the use
in food, they were used as a coloring agent, as well as a medicine
against a wide variety of ailments, from toothache to liver problems.

Pistachios, like grapes, grow in heavy bunches. Nuts are hidden
in a fleshy peel, acquiring a pinkish color as it ripens.
And when the shell inside bursts along a natural line, nuts can
collect. But pistachios are dangerous because of the essential oils they contain.
foliage, so they are harvested at night. Happy leaves of a pistachio bush
under the influence of sunlight, ethers are emitted, they make your head spin.

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I wonder what for its peculiarity pistachios are revealed in China
called “lucky nut“, And in Iran -“smiling
”, As an open shell looks like a smile. And in America
pistachios used to be painted red to hide a shell defect
and attract more shoppers to vending machines with them.

How to choose

The choice of oil is in a small bottle. It should have a uniform
color and pleasant aroma. Better to buy a cold pressed product,
which is considered more useful. But if you plan to use
oil is only for food, then you can choose a refined version.

How to store

Everyone knows that vegetable oils are subject to oxidation. Keep
pistachio oil is advised in a cool (below 20 ° C) as well as protected
from air and light place. Refrigerated storage is also allowed.
The shelf life of this oil is 1 year.

In cooking

Pistachio oil is excellent for dressing a wide variety of salads,
which will acquire new notes of taste and smell. You can also add
a few drops of oil on bread or pizza, which will give these products
unforgettable taste. This oil is often used in pesto sauce as well.

Caloric value

Of course, the calorie content of pistachio oil is quite high – 885 kcal.
Therefore, if you use it internally, you should not be zealous.
There should be a measure in everything.

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Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal – 99,8 – – 0,2 885

Useful properties of pistachio oil

Composition and presence of nutrients

The pistachio kernel is 70% healthy oil, which is appreciated
in cosmetology, medicine and other areas.

After refining, the pistachio oil turns light yellow and
almost odorless. It contains unsaturated
fatty acids – 51-54% oleic, 31-35% linoleic, about
2% linolenic and about 2% palmitoleic. As part of the product
there is also stearic acid – (2%), which is referred to as saturated

Pistachio oil is also characterized by a fairly high content
phytosterols (including beta-sitosterol) and the most useful vitamin
E (19 mg per 100 grams).

Phytosterols are able to activate skin regeneration processes,
help to strengthen its barrier functions, restore elasticity
skin. They also affect the process of collagen synthesis, and also have
anti-inflammatory and healing effect, used for
soothes sensitive skin.

Due to the large amount of oleic acid, pistachio oil
helps in the restoration of the barrier functions of the epidermis. It can
it is good to retain moisture, penetrating the skin as deeply as possible,
therefore it can be used in products for flaky, dry
skin and for regenerating hair care.

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Linoleic acid reduces skin dehydration, limits loss
water from its surface. Moreover, it has a protective effect
against external factors, calming and nourishing qualities.

Useful and healing properties

Pistachio oil helps
strengthen immunity, normalize muscle activity, neutralize
oxygen metabolism products harmful to the body, reduce the likelihood
the appearance of cancer.

Sexologists and andrologists advise pistachio oil as a remedy,
enhancing spermatogenesis.

Due to the content of tannins in the product, it has anti-inflammatory
and a good healing effect. It is recommended to be introduced into the diet.
patients with tuberculosis,
patients who have had pneumonia,
any serious infections.

Pistachio oil improves cerebral circulation by stimulating
memory and increasing the ability to concentrate. When consumed
in food, it reduces the predisposition to all kinds of heart
diseases, perfectly tones and improves mood. Butter
it is useful to take with reduced liver function, as it opens
blockage in this organ, helps in the treatment of jaundice, and is also used
as a pain reliever for gastric and hepatic colitis.

It is advised to use this product and people suffering from arterial
hypertension and thrombophlebitis.
It is also useful for any chest ailments, coughs, has a tonic,
invigorating and restorative effect.

You can use pistachio oil for gum applications. His
it is advised to take in pure form or mixed with vegetable oils
– almond, jojoba, peach in the same ratio, and
in the form of an aroma mixture, for which a tablespoon of the base requires
add 1-2 drops of essential oils, such as lavender and orange
or tea tree. Cotton or gauze soaked in such a mixture
tampons should be applied to the affected areas of the gums for 15-20 minutes
1-2 once a day.

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A bath with pistachio oil will also be useful, for which a dining room
a spoonful of this product is dissolved in honey or cream and added
this mixture into warm water.

Use in cosmetology

Pistachio oil has tonic, nourishing, anti-inflammatory,
photoprotective and antioxidant
properties. It helps well with weathering, overdrying
and frostbite, eliminates peeling of dry and sensitive skin,
all kinds of inflammation. It provides excellent UV protection.
Pistachio oil removes even freckles and age spots without
harm to the body.

It is also added to anti-aging creams, in which it is
helps to reduce wrinkles, gives elasticity and firmness,
hides traces of fatigue. Since the oil improves blood circulation,
all cells will be regenerated. And due to this, the skin will become
tender and moisturized.

For applications with aging, dry, inflamed skin of the body and face,
and also to eliminate fine wrinkles around the eyes, you can use
aroma mixture, in which 1-2 is added to a tablespoon of the base
droplets of essential oils of rose, chamomile, santalum or orange. Napkins,
soaked in such a mixture, apply to problem areas on
15-30 minutes up to 2 times a day. After 4-5 days of procedures, the skin
will become more elastic, velvety and tender.

Pistachio oil is great for massage. It improves sliding
properties, therefore both the base oil and
as part of mixtures. It spreads easily over the skin and is quite
absorbs quickly, leaving behind a silky feeling
and smoothness. Even after the first session, you can see improvements:
the restoration of hardened skin begins. Aroma mixture for massage
fading and coarse skin areas is prepared with the addition of
1-2 tablespoons of the base 2-3 drops of essential oils of juniper, geranium,
fennel, lemon, rose, sandalwood, chamomile, orange. For this
you can also use a mixture with the addition of 2-3 drops of lavender,
cypress and rosemary essential oils.

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Due to the content of tocopherols, pistachio oil protects well
the skin from the negative effects of sunlight, due to which it
recommended for use in protective creams and other sunscreen

Pistachio oil strengthens
and nourishes hair and nails. It is best used as part of
emulsions. This inexpensive oil is versatile and with
it can also be used to make balms, creams and body scrubs, masks
and hair conditioners.

To enrich the shampoo or balm, it is enough to add everything
7-10 drops of pistachio oil for every 100 grams. For massage
head must be mixed with jojoba oil (1: 1).

In its pure form, the oil is recommended to be applied to the surface of nails
and the skin, massaging with your fingertips for about 10 minutes. Nails already
after a couple of procedures, they will become more stable and strong
to external factors. For nails, pistachio oil can be applied
both in pure form and mixed with other vegetable oils
(apricot, almond, jojoba in equal proportion), or in aroma mixture
with the addition of 3 drops of eucalyptus to a tablespoon of the base,
lemon and lavender oils. For this purpose, different
aroma compositions with essential oils of thyme and lavender or patchouli,
rosemary and chamomile. The aroma mixture is applied to the nail roller and nail
and massage for 5-10 minutes. This procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week.

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Dangerous properties of pistachio oil

Pistachio oil is a 100% natural product, almost
without side effects. However, it is not recommended to use
such a remedy for individual intolerance, as well as for pregnant women

Read also our article Pistachio properties. Everything about their useful and dangerous properties, chemical composition, nutritional value, the presence of vitamins
and minerals, use in cooking and cosmetology.

Want to see how and where pistachios grow?

Other popular oils:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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