Rosemary, Calories, benefits and harms, Benefits

An evergreen shrub, also called sea dew.

In ancient times, in Egypt, rosemary symbolized death.
Hellas was believed that rosemary was sent to earth by two lovers
goddess of love Aphrodite, so that he guarded and protected their love.

In ancient Rome, it was believed that the flower has magical powers and it
constantly blue, as it grows along the coast and is nourished
in the blue of the sea.

Growing rosemary is a very tricky business, as
this plant does not tolerate temperatures below -12 ° C.

That is why it is grown in flower beds or in pots on the windowsill.

In the wild, the plant prefers soils with good aeration. Sustainable
plant to pests and diseases, but does not like excessive moisture.

The height of this plant reaches one and a half meters. The plant is so
heights can only be found on wild plantations.

Rosemary blooms can be seen from February to May. Blooms bluish
flowers that look like a carpet from afar.

Rosemary is harvested for three months – June, July, August.

This plant is a good honey plant,
bees pollinate it well.

The habitat of rosemary is Europe and the Mediterranean.

The plant itself is green. The petals are linear and tapered.

Flower – bell-shaped calyx, two-split; lower lip with
large lobe in the middle, three lobed; top with three small
teeth. Light purple and light blue.

The stem is thin. Has a gray-brown bark.

The fruit of medicinal rosemary is four brownish, ovoid
nut, which are at the bottom at the very depth of the calyx.

Benefits of rosemary

Fresh rosemary contains (per 100 g):

Calories 131 Kcal

Vitamin C 21,8 Potassium, K 668 Vitamin
B3 0,912 Calcium, Ca 317 Vitamin
Магний, Mg
Витамин B5
P 66 Vitamin
B6 0,336 Sodium,
On 26

Full composition

For medicinal purposes, rosemary leaves are harvested, but sometimes even
young stems, during flowering.

The leaves contain alkaloids, essential oil and rosemary acid.

Infusion of rosemary on water increases blood pressure, tones,
relieves pain, increases heart rate, sometimes speeds up
the moment of the onset of menstruation.

An infusion of rosemary leaves is used as a choleretic agent,
a remedy for neurosis, loss of strength and was used as a tonic.

For gout, neurological pain, use infusion baths,
and when the face is reddened, they are washed.

See also  Morels, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Used as a culinary seasoning for dishes and salads. It betrays
the dish has a specific aromatic smell and taste.

Rosiprine improves digestion, promotes wound healing, as
external and internal. Good for hair, helps to fight
with dandruff. Takes care of them, keeping them beautiful and warns

An excellent helper for amblyopia, acute joint inflammation and excess

Dangerous properties of rosemary and contraindications

Increases pressure.

It is strictly forbidden to take during pregnancy.

Do not use in case of increased skin sensitivity, epilepsy.

People with hypertension can experience seizures when using rosemary.

Not recommended for children under 9 years of age.

Rosemary video

Healing rosemary tea with sea buckthorn to boost immunity.

Useful and dangerous properties of other herbs:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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