White cabbage, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

“Usual” and the prevalence of white cabbage in our gardens
gives the impression of the uselessness of this vegetable in promoting health.
Only the importance of cabbage in dietology and programs seems to be indisputable.
weight loss, due to its low calorie content and an abundance of fiber.

And, meanwhile, the substances contained in cabbage significantly reduce
the risk of bowel cancer, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, relieve
from the effects of radiation exposure and therapeutically affect
a number of other body systems.

Useful properties of cabbage

Composition and calorie content

Raw cabbage contains (in 100 g): .

Calories 25 Kcal

Vitamin C 36,6 Potassium, K 170 Vitamin
B4 10,7 Calcium, Ca 40 Vitamin
B3 0,234 Phosphorus,
P 26 Vitamin B5 0,212 Sodium,
Na 18 Vitamin E 0,15 Magnesium, Mg 12

Full composition

In medicine

White cabbage contains 16 free amino acids
(among them tryptophan, lysine, methionine, tyrosine, histamine and others).
Cabbage is rich in vitamins A, B1, B6, C (ascorbigen), P, K, antiulcer
vitamin U; potassium and phosphorus salts; microelements: cobalt, copper,
zinc, magnesium. It contains sugars, fats, enzymes (lactose, protease,
lipase), hormonal substances, phytoncides.

Cabbage leaves contain fiber that prevents the development of atherosclerosis
and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. From mineral salts
the most important role is played by potassium salts, which activate the removal of excess fluid
from the body, and sodium salts, which have the property of binding water..

Cabbage owes its multifaceted therapeutic properties to its impressive
the complex of chemicals contained in it. Experimentally
and has been clinically proven to be highly effective in fresh
cabbage juice in the treatment of peptic ulcer
diseases of the stomach and duodenum. The main acting
the substance in the therapy of these diseases is vitamin U, which has
antihistamine and antiserotonin properties, as well as improving
lipid, thiamine and choline metabolism and mucosal metabolism
stomach, increasing its resistance to damaging factors and activating
the healing process of ulcerative foci. In addition to stomach ulcers, the use of
vitamin U is also indicated for enteritis, colitis,
skin diseases (eczema,
superficial allergic vasculitis)
and with cardiosclerosis. In all these cases, a good healing effect is observed.

It is noteworthy that the effect of directly fresh natural
cabbage juice gives better results compared to methyl methionine sulfonium
chloride (vitamin U), since the juice has a number of additional
properties: bactericidal, bacteriostatic, fungicidal, fungistatic
and phytoncides. It has been experimentally proven that cabbage juice affects
as an antibacterial agent even for Staphylococcus aureus
and microbacterium tuberculosis.

In addition, fresh cabbage juice has antitussive and expectorant properties. Almost complete
the absence of purine bases in cabbage makes it very useful in
dietary nutrition of sufferers of gout
and gallstone disease. Juice, salads and cabbage dishes are recommended
in diseases of the heart and kidneys (diuretic properties due to
increased content of potassium salts), with atherosclerosis (presence
pectins capable of removing toxic substances from the body and
cholesterol, as well as fiber, which removes cholesterol and improves
intestinal motor function).

Cabbage juice

Traditional medicine uses juice or fresh cabbage in the treatment of insomnia,
headaches, jaundice and spleen diseases. Fresh and pickled
cabbage is used to increase appetite, enhance secretory
activity of the gastric glands, regulation of intestinal activity,
prevention of scurvy and chronic dyspepsia, as a diuretic and lung

Sauerkraut or pickle from it is advised
diabetes, liver disease, cholangiohepatitis; cabbage pickle
improves digestion, promotes bile secretion, has a gentle
laxative effect for
hemorrhoids. Cabbage juice and its decoction with honey are used for laryngitis,
bronchitis and other inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract..

In traditional medicine

Under the name “vitamin U”, the industry produces activated
the form of methionine is methyl methionine sulfonium chloride. Assign him by
1-2 tablets (0,05 g – 0,1 g) after meals for a month
or 40 days for gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic
and with gastralgia.

It should be remembered that with individual vitamin intolerance
U nausea, vomiting and severe painful sensations are possible,
which disappear when the dose is reduced or after the complete withdrawal of the drug..

In folk medicine

Cabbage salad

  • With vitamin deficiencies,
    an ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is prescribed raw, freshly squeezed
    cabbage juice in a warm form, half a glass three times a day for
    months. Juice increases appetite and stimulates the secretion of food juices
    with gastritis with reduced secretory function.
  • Cabbage juice with sugar acts as an expectorant, antiseptic
    and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Juice digested with sugar is used for a hangover,
    and in a mixture with a decoction of cabbage seeds – for sleep disorders.
  • Cabbage seeds are used for
    expelling parasites from the body..
  • With diseases of the liver, gallbladder and cholangiohepatitis
    prescribe sauerkraut brine in a warm form for half a glass
    three times a day before meals.
  • For hemorrhoids accompanied by constipation and bleeding, take
    at one time, 2 cups of warm sauerkraut brine..
  • With stomach cancer, drink warm cabbage juice with honey, half a glass each
    three times a day, 60 minutes before meals. Or prepare a decoction
    from cabbage seeds and roots: a tablespoon of chopped raw materials
    boil in 200 ml of water for 10 minutes, insist at least
    hours and drink throughout the day.
  • For flu, mix aloe juice
    with honey and cabbage juice (in equal proportions). Pour the mixture
    dry wine and leave for . hours. Take before taking
    food on a teaspoon.
  • For insomnia, 2 tablespoons of cabbage seeds pour 200 ml
    boiling water. Let it brew for two hours, then strain and add
    to the infusion of seeds a quarter of a glass of fresh cabbage juice. Accept
    three times a day before meals..
See also  Orange, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Cabbage leaf large


  • Fresh leaves are applied to sore joints with gout. Leaves
    cabbage boiled in milk and mixed with bran is used
    as a poultice at
    scrofula and wet eczema. Chopped fresh cabbage leaves,
    combined with egg whites are applied to purulent wounds, burns
    and long-standing ulcers. Warts are removed with raw juice, diluted with water
    juice is effective for gargling with
    sore throat, stomatitis..
  • For pain in the neck, in the back of the head after being on
    put a compress from the mixture on the sore spot in a draft: dining room
    a spoonful of grated cabbage and three tablespoons of horseradish.
  • With migraine
    attach fresh cabbage leaves to the head, fixing them not
    tight with a towel or belt.
  • For cracked heels, a recipe will help: you need to steam your legs in advance
    in a soda bath. Apply grated gruel to damaged heels
    cabbage and horseradish. Fix the compress with polyethylene and warm
    toe, and leave overnight. In the morning, rinse with cool water and lubricate
    nourishing heels.
  • For external tumors, cabbage leaves are crushed and applied
    the resulting gruel to the neoplasm..

In oriental medicine

Avicenna used cabbage for ailments of various origins.
Ashes from cabbage stalks, he attributed to an analgesic property.
Cabbage broth and seeds, according to the legendary healer,
save from intoxication. And the ashes of the cabbage root – crushes stones into
kidneys. Unanimously with ancient scholars, Avicenna believed
that the composition of cabbage juice and wine is a good remedy
with the bites of a poisonous snake or a rabid dog..


In scientific research

A team of British scientists representing the research group
at the Francis Crick Institute (2018), during laboratory
studies substantiated the role of cabbage (in particular, and plants
cruciferous family – in general) in the fight against intestinal cancer.
Does cabbage work against cancer? In the process
research has isolated the chemical indole-3-carbinol,
formed during the digestive process and digestion
cabbage (like other members of the Cruciferous family).
This substance promotes the regeneration of the inner layer of the lower
part of the intestine, stimulates the activity of new immune cells,
controlling inflammation. This theory is confirmed by the British
The Cancer Research Institute, represented by Dr. T. Kee: “Research … proves
that not only fiber, but also special substances found in
cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables, significantly reduce the risk of developing
bowel cancer “.

See also  Annatto benefits, properties, calorie content, useful properties and harm

An equally phenomenal property of cabbage is the ability
“Remove” radiation pollution from the body. Chemical constituent
cabbage – 3,3-diindolylmethane – clears from the effects of radiation.
So say the scientists developing the project at Georgetown University..

In dietetics

Cabbage is low in calories and contains no harmful fats. Moreover,
it contains tartronic acid, which prevents obesity:
this acid slows down the conversion of carbohydrates into fats. This fact
makes the vegetable indispensable in the menu of people who want to lose excess
weight. But it is wiser to include cabbage in your diet for those who are losing weight, of course
the same, fresh or fermented, since tartronic acid
destroyed by heat treatment.

However, thermally processed cabbage can also become the basis
diet aimed at fast and gentle weight loss: speech
is about the famous low-calorie cabbage soup. The technique of this
diet allows you to include certain foods, scheduled for
days, but the main course is cabbage soup. For cooking
such a fat-burning soup you will need: 2 large onions,
2 Bulgarian
green peppers, two large tomatoes,
250 g mushrooms, a bunch of celery greens,
½ a head of cabbage, 3 carrots,
salt, pepper, any seasonings or spices to taste. In a deep frying pan
fry finely chopped in a small amount of vegetable oil
onions and peppers. Add chopped tomatoes, mushrooms, celery,
cabbage, carrots and simmer for a couple of minutes over low heat. Transfer
vegetables in a saucepan, pour 12 cups of water, add salt, spices and
seasoning and cook over medium heat until a soft vegetable consistency
masses. You can eat this cabbage soup for weight loss several
once a day.[4,11]

In cooking

As for hot first courses, it is unlikely in the history of Russian cuisine
there is a recipe that can compete with cabbage soup and bypass
them by popularity.

In “National cuisines of our peoples”, a fundamental work
a prominent scientist of the 20th century. Pokhlebkina V.V., cooking options are described
cabbage soup: rich cabbage soup (full), prefabricated, lean, simple meat, daily allowance,
lazy (rachmanny), sour from fresh cabbage, gray (seedlings),
green, nettle and turnip.

  • Sour cabbage soup from fresh cabbage (according to V.V. Pokhlebkin’s recipe)

You will need: 0,5-0,75 kg of beef brisket, the same amount
fresh cabbage, 6-8 pieces of small green unripe apples, 2 onions,
1/2 turnip, 2 tablespoons chopped dill, 3 bay leaves,
8 black peppercorns, 100 g sour cream.

Prepare meat broth. When the meat is almost done, chop
cabbage leaves in small squares, chop onions, turnips,
pour into broth and cook for a quarter of an hour, then add chopped
straws apples, after another 5 minutes – herbs and spices and cook
until the apples are completely boiled. Serve with sour cream.

Cabbage rolls

  • The classic recipe for meat cabbage rolls (from the “Book about tasty and healthy
    food “)

Ingredients: 300 g of meat, 800 g of white cabbage, half a glass
rice (it can be replaced with another cereal – pearl barley, millet), 1
onion, a tablespoon of flour, 2 tablespoons of tomato paste,
sour cream and butter, a glass of water.
Prepare minced meat, boil rice. Finely chop the onion, lightly
fry in butter, combine with minced meat and rice. Salt,
Spice up. Boil cabbage leaves for 5 minutes, let cool,
stuff with minced meat with rice and onions, wrapping each leaf with a roll.
In a frying pan, prepare the sauce from a glass of water, flour, sour cream and
tomato paste. Bring the sauce to a boil, season with salt and pepper.
Put the stuffed cabbage in a saucepan, pour over the sauce, simmer under the lid
over low heat for 40 minutes. Serve when serving
chopped herbs.

Hundreds of original and delicious dishes from various world
kitchens are based on cabbage: from dietary cabbage
soup to exquisite “cabbage milfey”. And one of the most useful
Sauerkraut is definitely a gastronomic delight.

  • How to quickly ferment cabbage?

Instant Sauerkraut (2 hours): Needed
2 kg of white cabbage, 200 g of carrots, 100 ml of vegetable
oils. For the marinade: 1 l of water, 100 g of sugar, 60 g of salt, 120 ml
9% vinegar, 3-4 allspice peas, bay
sheet. Chop the cabbage. Add grated carrots,
rub lightly with your hands. Pour in vegetable oil, mix.
Boil water with salt, sugar and spices. Remove from heat and add
vinegar. Pour the marinade over the shredded cabbage until it is completely covered.
Put under oppression and hold for 2 hours.

  • Crispy sauerkraut

For cooking you will need: 3 kg of white cabbage, 200-250
g carrots, 60 g salt,
25 g sugar. Chop the cabbage. Add grated carrots, salt
and sugar, mix gently. Place tightly in a container and place
under oppression. Keep at room temperature under oppression for
3 days. Every day, having removed the oppression, permeate the cabbage mass with a long
with a wooden handle, for the escape of accumulated air. Ready
store cabbage in the refrigerator.

  • Pickled cabbage with apples

Ingredients: 4 kg of white cabbage, 3 kg of apples,
250-300 g carrots, 50 g sugar, 50 g salt. For brine: 1 l of water,
25 g salt, 20 g honey (boil water and dissolve salt in it
and honey).

Chop the cabbage, add grated carrots, salt and sugar, mix
(so that the vegetables are slightly juiced). Put in a container with several
layers of apples and cabbage. Pour in warm brine, cover with coarse
with cabbage leaves and set the oppression on top. Cabbage that will
ready in 2 weeks, store in a cool place..

See also  Apple, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Cabbage and other natural components of cosmetology

In cosmetology

In the formulation of cosmetics based on white cabbage
cabbage juice, brine, sauerkraut, whole or
the same chopped fresh cabbage leaves.

  • White cabbage face mask (for oily skin): 2
    tablespoons of cabbage leaves chopped into gruel, mix
    with beaten egg white. Apply to cleansed skin. Withstand
    half an hour, then rinse with warm water.
  • For oily skin, it is recommended to wipe the face before washing.
    with a cotton pad dipped in sauerkraut juice. Also useful
    rubbing with lotion made from fresh cabbage and cucumber
    juices taken equally.
  • Cabbage mask for dry skin: apply to cleansed skin
    cosmetic cream or nourishing cream. Moisten a cloth napkin
    in 100 ml of fresh cabbage juice, and, slightly squeezing, put on
    face. As the napkin dries, evenly moisten the cloth with juice.
    Leave the application for at least a quarter of an hour.
  • For dry skin, a mask is also effective: gruel from fresh cabbage
    leaves mixed with egg yolk and vegetable oil (all ingredients
    in equal parts). Apply to face, rinse off after 20 minutes with warm
  • Cabbage whitening mask: to get rid of freckles
    and age spots it is useful to wipe the face with acidic juice daily
  • Nourishing face mask: mix half a yeast stick
    with honey and fresh cabbage juice (take a teaspoon each), knead
    composition until smooth, leave to ferment in a dark
    location. When the mass increases in volume by 2-3 times, apply on
    cleansed skin for about half an hour. Rinse off thoroughly with warm
    water. A mask made from a thick layer of sauerkraut tones and nourishes the skin.
    cabbage (soak for 20 to 30 minutes, rinse with cool water).
  • Hair balm with cabbage juice: for thin hair with split ends
    mix with the tips in equal proportions juices – fresh cabbage, lemon
    and spinach. Rub the composition into hair and scalp, soak for about
    20 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  • With rough, coarse skin of the hands, baths of acidic juice are useful
    cabbage. At the end of the procedure, grease your hands with a fat cream..

Useful combinations with cabbage

Combination with other products

Cabbage is a green and non-starchy vegetable. Excellent
white cabbage is combined with vegetables of its own type: cucumbers,
bell peppers, onions, garlic, radishes, carrots, beets,
young pumpkin. Cabbage is not compatible with milk, but great
works in tandem with fats (for example, butter): a dish of these
combinations are well absorbed. Cabbage itself is not bad.
garnish for a meat dish.


A brine is prepared from cabbage, freshly squeezed juice, which is mixed
with other juices and get a vegetable cocktail.

The juice is squeezed out of chopped leaves of fresh, ripe cabbage.
Then it is filtered and allowed to brew for several hours for clarification.
The clarified juice is filtered again, very carefully, without shaking
and drink both in pure form and with additives.

See also  Almond oil, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Cabbage and beet juice

Table beets
wash, clean, cut into several parts, squeeze the juice using
juicers. Beet juice mixed with sauerkraut juice
(in a ratio of 3: 2) and is taken for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes..

We have collected the most important points about the benefits and possible dangers of white cabbage.
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This is a vegetable crop of almost paramount importance (along
with potatoes), widespread
due to its affordability, universal taste and
undeniable industrial value.

White cabbage is classified by botanists as a variety
form Cabbage, from the family Cabbage (cruciferous).
The Latin generic name for cabbage is Brassica.

The etymology of the Russian word “cabbage” is associated with the Latin noun


In Europe, cabbage began to be grown about 3 thousand years ago
(botanical predecessor of modern white cabbage
was a species with thickened, fleshy leaves capable of holding
large amount of moisture). This vegetable was not cultivated in Egypt.
before the coming to power of the Ptolemaic dynasty. In the texts of the “father of botany”
Theophrastus has a mention of cabbage, which allows us to conclude
that the Greeks knew it at least as early as the 4th century BC.
e. Cato’s treatise “Agriculture” (2nd century BC) mentions
already directly head cabbage.

In Rome, cabbage was used in cooking, medicine and became one
of the most demanded vegetable crops. In his writings, Pliny the Elder
describes already 7 types of cabbage known at that time. Cabbage heads
the round shape we know was first cultivated in England
in the 14th century.

From Europe, cabbage migrated to America, India, Japan. In history
navigation of past centuries, this vegetable played an important role, since
it was sauerkraut that became almost the only source product
vitamin C, the reserves of which on board the ship were able to prevent

Breeding achievements provide gardeners and gardeners with tremendous opportunities.
selection of varieties and hybrids of white cabbage. It is customary to divide varieties
for early ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening (sometimes defined as a separate
category early ripening varieties). Early cabbage is good for salads, juicy
and delicate, but not suitable for long-term storage. Middle and late
varieties are perfectly stored for a long time, they are used
for cooking sauerkraut, soaked cabbage.

Growing early ripening varieties, you can get two harvests per year.
Popular varieties of early cabbage – “Golden Hectare”, “Malachite”, “Zarya”,
middle – “Dobrovolskaya”, “Merchant”, late – “Geneva”, “Amager”.
There is also a selection of varieties for specific climates.
conditions: division into so-called regional varieties, cultivation
which gives the highest yield in a particular region.

See also  Butter, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Some varieties of cabbage have become truly legendary and entered the world
the history of vegetable growing, such as the famous Saint-Saëns variety, individual
specimens of which reached a weight of 20 kg, and the length of the largest leaves
– up to 100 cm. Cabbage Saint-Saens was in great demand in French
market up to the 19th century. Further, its popularity began to decline and
since 1999, the variety has been included in the Catalog of French Garden Plants,
where it was given the special status of an ancient variety, “recommended
amateur gardeners “..

In the first year of cultivation, cabbage produces a dense head of cabbage harvested from
fleshy and juicy leaves. The next year, the plant forms a stem
flowers collected in a brush. Fruits – elongated pods (up to 10 cm),
seeds are dark brown in color. Cabbage is classified as moisture-loving and moderately
heat-loving plants (heat above 25 ° C has a bad effect on vegetables
– heads of cabbage often deteriorate and are attacked by pests). Abundant
watering is necessary throughout almost the entire growing season.
Preparing the soil for cultivation is carried out in two stages: the first (on
depth of 0,25 m) and the second (spring, to a depth of 0,2 m) plowing
beds. Top dressing is also carried out in stages: for the first time they fertilize
soil with a mineral composition two weeks after planting the seedlings.
Higher yields of cabbage can be achieved if its so-called
The “predecessors” on the site were table carrots or early potatoes.

One of the most environmentally friendly methods is processing
seedlings with the help of horse sorrel infusion.
Pour three buckets of chopped sorrel with water in a garden barrel and cover
film. After 10 days, the slurry formed closer to the surface of the water
collect in a separate bucket. Spray with a prepared wormwood broom
beds with cabbage. This method reliably protects cabbage from cabbage

Correctly chosen will be a non-crumbling, firm fork (head of cabbage)
with intact and clean, strong and firm fresh leaves
white or light green.

Fresh cabbage can be stored for a long time in the cellar or in the refrigerator.
Avoid storing the vegetable in open sunlight,
because the leaves turn green in this case. Cabbage in boxes quickly
starts to deteriorate. Spoiled leaves need to be noticed in a timely manner
and delete. Outside the refrigerator, each head of cabbage should be stored separately
from others, wrapped in thick paper.[4,9]

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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