Thyme (thyme), Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Thyme is equally well known in cooking and medicine.
Moreover, in medicine, it is used even more widely and diversely,
becoming part of decoctions and infusions used for inflammation,
toothache, neuralgia, joint pain, some problems with the
gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract. But when using this herb in herbal medicine
, it should be
borne in mind that its biological activity can provoke an exacerbation of a number of diseases.

Useful properties of thyme

Composition and nutrients

Fresh comprises thyme (100 g) .

Calories 101 Kcal

Vitamin C 160,1 Potassium, K 609 Vitamin
B3 1,824 Magnesium, Mg 160 Vitamin
Calcium, Ca
Vitamin B5
P 106 Vitamin
B6 0,348 Iron,
Fe 17,45

Full composition

What exactly is used and in what form

The herb of thyme, collected at the beginning of
flowering (flowering stems separated from woody, rough
shoots), has medicinal value . Freshly picked and dried thyme has a persistent
aroma and a slightly scalding, spicy taste with a touch of bitterness.
The herb of thyme is used to prepare a liquid extract
or decoction, infusion or tincture.
Tea with thyme is also used for medicinal purposes . Outwardly, thyme is used in aromatic
baths, compresses, lotions, rinses .

Dried thyme

Medicinal properties

The herb of creeping thyme contains phenolic derivatives of terpenes
(thymol, carvacrol, pinene, cymene, borneol, linelool), thymunic
acid, tannins, flavonoids, triterpenes, organic
acids and bitterness.

The herb thyme ordinary contains volatile oil (a composition
which terpenes terpineol and linalool, borneol, thymol, carvacrol),
flavonoids, and ursulovuyu oleanovaya acids, bitterness and tannic gum
substances .

Thyme is used as an expectorant, pain reliever, antibacterial,
anthelmintic, and gastric stimulant
. It is used for bronchitis, lung
, bronchiectasis. As an analgesic – in the treatment of
and neuritis,
in diseases of the joints, muscular system and peripheral nerve
trunks .

In official medicine

Pharmaceutical preparations based on thyme:

  • Thymol (in powder form), which
    contains creeping thyme . With ankylostomiasis (helminth infection)
    , 1 g is prescribed every quarter of an hour in four doses,
    on an empty stomach. At the same time, a special
    diet is strictly recommended that excludes fats and alcohol from the diet,
    which must be adhered to before, during and after treatment. The course of treatment with thymol
    is 3 days. On the eve of the course and at the end, a saline
    laxative is used. Thymol destroys
    parasites (hairhead, hookworm, American necator,
    various fungal) and relieves pain. The use of the
    drug “Timol” is contraindicated in case of decompensatory heart function,
    kidney and liver diseases, ulcers
    stomach and duodenum, pregnancy. A weak solution of
    thymol is used to disinfect the oral cavity. As an analgesic and antiseptic,
    thymol is used in dentistry.
  • Thyme herb , packaged.
  • Common thyme extract (liquid).
    It is used as an expectorant and analgesic. It is
    also effective for radiculitis and neuroses.
  • Pertussin (syrup). Prescribe to children
    one dessert spoon for whooping cough, and adults – a
    tablespoon as an expectorant three times a day .

In folk medicine

  • As a gastric remedy of an antibiotic nature and as an expectorant
    drug, thyme is used for coughing in the form of an infusion:
    pour a tablespoon of herbal raw materials with 400 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 10 minutes
    and drink a tablespoon up to three times daily.
  • With a reduced secretion of gastric juice against the background of intestinal distention,
    in the absence of appetite and as an antihelminthic agent, thyme
    creeping is
    recommended in the form of an infusion, which is prepared in the same way
    as an infusion of common thyme .

Thyme tea

  • Tea with thyme is prescribed for intestinal diseases, diseases of the
    lungs and urinary tract, with a slowed digestive
    process, fermentation in the intestines, bloating and colic, atony of the stomach
    (violation of its motor function), with bronchial asthma,
    whooping cough,
    helminthic invasion, as a diuretic, with
    sleep disorders, nervousness and alcoholism. To make thyme tea,
    you need to steam one tablespoon of thyme flowers and leaves
    in 200 ml of boiling water. Let it brew and drink in small sips
    up to two glasses a day.
  • In case of gastrointestinal catarrh, an infusion is prepared: a tablespoon of a
    mixture of thyme herb, lemon balm leaves,
    sweet bedstraw herb and wild strawberry leaves
    (at the rate of 1: 4: 5: 10) is infused in 300 ml of boiling water, strained
    and taken in 100 ml three times daily …
  • With a catarrh of the respiratory tract, a tablespoon of herbal
    collection from the herb of thyme, sweet bedstraw and strawberry leaves
    (in a ratio of 2.5: 2.5: 5) is brewed in 400 ml of boiling water, let it brew, filter
    and take two tablespoons at intervals of three hours.
  • Thyme from
    alcoholism: in chronic alcoholism, a 7%
    decoction of thyme herb is effective , which is taken 50 g twice a
    day for 2-4 months .
  • Thyme to children (with whooping cough as a decoction or infusion) is given, based on
    the age of the child, in a teaspoon or dessert spoon, in a warm form,
    up to 4 times a day. The infusion is prepared at the rate of: 10 g of thyme herb
    per 200 ml of boiling water .
  • For a wet cough, herbal tea is recommended: mix one
    tablespoon of anise
    seeds, eucalyptus leaves,
    and mullein flowers , Icelandic moss, thyme and 2 tablespoons of coltsfoot leaves
    Steam a spoonful of collection in 200 ml of boiling water, then cook
    for half an hour in a water bath. Cool and drain. Pour the resulting liquid with
    boiled water to a volume of 0.2 liters and drink a quarter of a glass
    three times a day for at least half a month.
  • For bronchitis with prolonged wet cough, prepare a collection
    of one tablespoon of anise seeds, mullein flowers,
    licorice root and 1.5 tablespoons of thyme. Steam a spoonful of herbal material
    with boiling water (200 ml). Cook in a water bath for a quarter of an
    hour, then cool and strain. Dilute the concentrated
    broth to a volume of 0.2 liters with boiled water. Drink 50
    ml three times daily, taking the infusion between meals.
  • For sleep disorders, tea is useful (it is also used as a
    sedative): prepare a decoction of hawthorn
    and rose hips,
    lime blossom and thyme herb, in a ratio of 2: 4: 2: 5 .
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  • In case of toothache, a cotton
    swab soaked in alcohol tincture of thyme is applied to the aching tooth.
  • Thyme steam is used for compresses on abscesses,
    boils, for rinsing with gingivitis and dental ulcers.
  • Thyme herb poultices are applied to the affected areas
    with paralysis,
    neuralgia and rheumatism.
  • A couple of thyme flowers (a tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water)
    wash the eyes in case of inflammation.
  • Thyme leaves and flowers, ground to a powdery state,
    give a sniff in case of loss of consciousness.
  • Children with
    rickets are prescribed water procedures: a handful of flowers and leaves of
    thyme are insisted in five liters of boiling water. The infusion is added to
    a bath filled with water. Such a font must be taken twice
    weekly .
  • For adults with joint pain, with arthritis, myositis, rheumatism,
    neuritis, it is useful to take a bath with thyme: 200 g of herbal raw materials are
    brought almost to a boil over low heat in 4 liters of water. Insist
    and pour the strained infusion into a full bath .

Thyme oil

In oriental medicine

Among Avicenna’s recipes, thyme is recommended as part of the collection,
as a means for soft and gentle crushing and removal
of kidney stones . In equal parts, it is proposed to mix lavender,
thyme, leaves and berries of wild strawberries, lemon balm, mint
and catnip . Brew the mixture and drink it like tea .

In scientific research

Scientific interest in thyme and its properties has persisted from ancient
times to the present day.

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The work of researchers M. Hott, R. Nakata, M. Katsukawa and others is devoted to a thorough study of the component of thyme essential oil – carvacrol .

E. M. A. Daukan and A. Abdulla analyzed the medicinal value of common thyme
herbs , emphasizing the antioxidant and antibacterial effects of the plant .

Bubenchikova V.N. and Starchak Yu.A. assessed the anti-inflammatory
effect arising from the use of the herb Pallas thyme .
The same authors describe the mineral and amino acid components
(in qualitative and quantitative characteristics) contained
in the flea thyme . Also in Bubenchikova VN
and Starchak YA lit question the pharmacological activity of various
species of thyme (namely – expectorant properties of thyme
flea, thyme and thyme Marshall Cretaceous
) ,…

Description of thyme as an aromatic and spicy culture is the
aim of the study of I. Ye. Anishchenko, S. V. Kucherova, O. Zhigunova.
Yu .

In dietetics

Thyme stimulates digestive processes, accelerates lipid
metabolism. This makes the spice a valuable assistant to the body when it
comes to fatter and heavier foods.

Thyme as a seasoning for fish

In cooking

Thyme essential oil is used in the canning and alcoholic beverage
industry. In cooking, it is a spice widely used
in pickles, marinades, in the preparation of meat and fish dishes. Thyme
as a condiment lends a savory note to both snack foods
and main courses.

Cheese baked with thyme

To prepare such an original appetizer, you will need: one
package of soft dessert cheese (slightly salted varieties), a
tablespoon of chopped fresh thyme, half a tablespoon of olive
oil, salt and freshly ground black
pepper, half of red hot pepper, chopped and
seeded, fresh white bread for serving.

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Preheat oven to medium heat. Place the cheese on a piece of
parchment and sprinkle with chopped thyme. Drizzle with olive
oil and add salt and ground black pepper to taste. Bake the
cheese in the oven for about 10 minutes (until the mixture begins to
melt). Serve with chopped paprika and white
of bread slices .

In cosmetology

Thyme essential oil is part of shampoos to strengthen hair.
Its action has a beneficial effect on problem skin prone
to rashes and inflammations, which makes it an indispensable component
in creams and lotions. Thyme oil is used not only in the perfumery and cosmetic
industry, but also in soap making. Thymol is a component of
medicinal toothpastes and elixirs that have pronounced
bactericidal properties .

Other uses

The plant is a productive honey plant.

Thyme is planted to strengthen the soil on steep or sliding
slopes .

Thyme bushes

Interesting Facts

In ancient Greece, Rome and the Middle Ages, thyme was associated
with strength and courage.

The Greeks had a saying: ” It smells like thyme .”
This meant that the one in question was an elegant,
sophisticated and aristocratic person .

In medieval times, sprigs of thyme were hidden under the pillow. It was believed
to ward off nightmares and bring pleasant dreams.

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In British cultural tradition, thyme has been associated with the kingdom of fairies
and elves. In Shakespeare’s play A dream in a summer night , thyme
is referred to as the bed on which the fairy queen Titania slept.

Thyme as a natural antiseptic was used in dressings,
it accelerated the healing of wounds .

Dangerous properties of thyme and contraindications

Thyme can cause complicated allergic reactions in people
with individual intolerance. Before using the plant
for medicinal purposes, you need to do a simple test: rinse the
popliteal cavity with an infusion of thyme. If within an hour after the application of the
liquid on the skin does not appear irritation, procedures with external
or external use of thyme can be continued.

Thyme is contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as it is dangerous for
people with pathologies and diseases of the kidneys, stomach and duodenal
ulcers. “Most doctors believe that thyme, when used correctly
, is significantly more effective than other anti
inflammatory drugs, but it should not be used indefinitely as
it can cause hypofunction (weakening) of the
thyroid gland .

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Botanical description

This is a semi-shrub perennial of the Labium family (Yasnotkovye).

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Origin of the name

Other names for thyme, fixed to the plant in the folk
tradition: incense, savory, zhadobnik, Bogorodskaya grass, lemon

Generic scientific name thyme – ” thyme ” (. Latin ” Thymus .”)
One of the versions of the origin of the word is the ascent to the derivative
form of the Greek verb meaning ‘to fumigate incense
(incense). “


Modern botany numbers over 200 species of the genus thyme.
The following types of thyme are widespread and best studied:

  1. 1 Creeping thyme – widely represented
    throughout Eurasia. A plant with significant medicinal
    potential, used in both traditional and official
    medicine. Highly productive honey plant;
  2. 2 Thyme – growing area
    northwest of the Mediterranean, French south, Spain, selected
    regions .. Used in medicine as a source of medicinal
    raw materials;
  3. 3 Hill thyme is the birthplace of the
    Transcaucasian plant . Efironos used in the perfumery, cooking,
    canning industry;
  4. 4 Callie thyme – endemic to the Crimean
    peninsula, melliferous plant, which is also of fodder value;
  5. 5 Early thyme – found in the
    European, Caucasian regions. The look is decorative .
  6. 6 Kochi thyme – grows in the
    Middle East region and Transcaucasia. Used as a medicinal
    plant and spice;
  7. 7 Marshall thyme – meets
    in Europe, Central Asia and the Far East. The species is threatened with extinction;
  8. 8 Thyme Talieva – grows in the northeastern
    part of Europe, in the Urals. Listed in the Red Data Books of certain Russian

Types of thyme (thyme): creeping, common, mound, Callie, early

Creeping thyme is a low shrub (
about 20 cm high), with creeping shoots and
straight thin stems extending perpendicularly from them. The
foliage is opposite, the leaves are ovoid, on short petioles. Small flowers of lilac-pink
or purple color are collected in an inflorescence head. The flowering period
is mid-summer. Fruits (nuts) are formed in August. Thyme grows
in forest glades, on dry sandy soils, in pine forests,
on hills, slopes, in the steppes .

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Growing conditions

The plant is classified as thermophilic. The method of propagation is seed, the main
condition for obtaining seedlings is high soil moisture.
Mature plants do not adapt well to moisture. Lack of light
and heat negatively affects the rate of germination, and leads to a further
decrease in the essential oil in the raw material. The plot for thyme is plowed to a
depth of 0.3 m. In the autumn months, the plowed land is cultivated.
In early spring, the soil is re-cultivated and the seeds of thyme are
sown (sowing depth 1 cm), maintaining an inter-row spacing of up to 0.5 m.
The sowing rate is about 70 g of material per 100 sq. m. Before sowing, the
soil is fed with organic fertilizers. Flowering and formation
fruit occurs in the second year of the plant’s life. Crops must be
regularly cleared of weeds, the soil at the site must be softened and plowed up .

Thyme perfectly tolerates wintering under the snow, requires moderate
watering and takes compost and bone
meal well as fertilizer . When the plant has faded, it is advisable to cut the bushes by 2/3.
In hot weather, watering is best done at the root. Throughout
the growing season, thyme can be propagated by dividing the bush .

The collection of thyme occurs at the time of flowering (mid-summer).
Fresh cut raw materials are immediately processed to obtain essential oil
or dried. Thyme should be dried in places with sufficient access to fresh
air, under a canopy, spreading the grass in a thin layer and
stirring from time to time . Properly dried thyme is determined by the degree of
brittleness of dry stems. Dry grass is threshed and the resulting
mass is purified from coarse stems. The shelf life of raw materials is up to 2 years .

Useful and dangerous properties of other herbs:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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