Anise benefits, properties, calorie content, useful properties and harm

Annual herb of the Selerov family
30-60 cm high. Anise root is thin, fusiform.
The stem is straight, rounded, barbed, short-set,
branchy at the top. Anise leaves are shiny, simply feathery,
basal – petiolate, ovate or oblong,
lobed, pointed at the end. Anise blooms in June-July.
Anise flowers are small, collected in complex umbrellas. Fetus
anise – ovoid or heart-shaped brown-gray
aromatic aromatic two-part two-part
(semi-fruit), ripens in August.

Anise is native to Asia Minor.
anise plant was used in Ancient Egypt, Rome
and Greece. Ania ended up in Central Europe in the middle
XVI century, where it was already used in baking flour
products. Anvi is cultivated in many countries.
But, as A. Bazarov emphasized back in 1891, the main
he divorced, mainly in the provinces
Voronezh, Kursk, Kharkov, Yekaterinoslav,
Kherson, Psidolskaya and Tavricheskaya.

First, the seeds of the main umbrella ripen (the top
stem), and then lateral umbrellas located on
the ends of the branches.

The maturity of anise seeds is determined by their sufficient
hardness and earthy gray color. Seeds are collected
in clear, dry weather, early in the morning before the dew disappears
or in the evening. Scissors cut the umbrellas with the seeds
as they mature. Umbrellas are tied in small bunches
and dried in a well-ventilated area. Dried up
the plants are threshed, the seeds obtained are aired, and
then they are sieved on a sieve to clean them of debris.
Dried fruits of anise outdoors or in a dryer
at a temperature of 50-60 ° C. Store them in a closed container in
dry and ventilated place 3 years.

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Aniseed essential oil is obtained by water distillation.
Before this, the anise is soaked in water for 12-24
hours. In this case, you should not grind the anise, since
anise oil in contact with air is very easy

Since ancient times, anise has been prized as a spice. Fatty oil used
in soap making, in perfumery, and its dense part serves as a substitute
cocoa butter. Essential oil is used to flavor confectionery
products, soups, sauces, stews, fish, pickles. Dense part
fatty anise oil proposed as a substitute for cocoa butter
in medical practice and confectionery. Anethole is synthesized
anisaldehyde used in perfumery. Anise and its preparations are used
also for the destruction of bedbugs, lice, cockroaches, moths. In the last
For years, anise oil has been used by amateur fishermen to make
bait. It goes well with fennel, cardamom, cloves.

Useful properties of anise

Composition and calorie content

Raw anise seeds contain (in 100 g):

Calories 337 Kcal

Vitamin C 21 Potassium, K 1441 Vitamin
Calcium, Ca
Vitamin B5
P 440 Vitamin
B6 0.65 Magnesium, Mg 170 Vitamin
B1 0.34 Iron,
Fe 36.96

Full composition

Anise essential oil is used to treat broncho-pulmonary
diseases, asthma, loss of voice, and also serves as
expectorant, antipyretic, general excitatory, improving
digestion and appetite-enhancing agent. Anise
essential oil, regardless of the route of its administration, is released
through the mucous membrane of the bronchi and is irritating
action on the bronchi, promotes reflex excitement
respiration, causes an increase in the secretion of bronchial mucus,
both direct and reflex way. Anise for a short time
stimulates the nervous system, reduces spasms smooth
intestinal musculature, enhances lactation. Act
antibiotics are enhanced when combined with anise
essential oil. Anise and its preparations are prescribed if there is
diarrhea, intestinal bleeding and painful periods,
aerophagia, heaving, dyspepsia of nervous origin,
nervous vomiting, migraine, palpitations, asthma, scurvy.

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Anise essential oil is included in the formulation of inhalation
mixtures, cough sweets. 0 anise decoction is recommended
together with licorice root for diseases of the uterus, for removing
spasm of smooth muscles of the uterus with painful menstruation.
A decoction with sugar is given to women in childbirth to drink to eliminate
yellowness of the face, to increase milk separation in nursing
women, neutralizing and eliminating dangerous
poisonous substances. Anise essential oil mixed with egg
protein is used to treat burns. For the treatment of these
above diseases, an essential oil is prescribed, 3-4 drops per
a lump of sugar 2-3 times a day. Apply an infusion of
fruits of anise: 1-3 teaspoons in a glass of boiling water, insist
15 minutes, filter and drink during the day.

They also use a decoction: 4 teaspoons of fruit per 200
ml of water, cook for 6-7 minutes, strain and drink 2 tablespoons
spoons 3 times a day. Chopped Anise Seeds 3 x
g or anise oil 3-5 drops are taken orally
to enhance libido and eliminate delay
menstruation. Anise seeds have a diuretic effect.
The broth is prepared as follows: 2 teaspoons of seeds
anise is poured with 1 glass of boiling water, insisted for 30 minutes
in a water bath, then cooled for 10 minutes, filtered,
add 1 tablespoon of sugar and drink 2 tablespoons
spoons 3-4 times daily before meals.

To improve the function of the skin, 1 teaspoon of anise fruit,
pour 0,5 liters of boiling water, insist 1 hour and filter.
Take 1/2 cup 4 times daily before meals.

Eating boiled anise inside helps relieve melancholy
and nightmares.

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Dill, fennel and caraway seeds have properties
in many ways similar to the properties of anise.

Fresh anise leaves are used for salads and side dishes.
The fruits are used as a spice in the manufacture of sauces.
to meat dishes, kvass, fermented milk, and bakery products.
Anise seed oil is used to make ammonia-aniseed
drops, breast elixir, toilet soap, dental
powder and paste. A solution of the oil in alcohol or other solvents
(1: 100) kills ticks, lice and fleas.



improves digestion,
increases appetite,
reduces intestinal spasms,
enhances lactation,
enhances the effect of antibiotics,
eliminates yellowness of the face,
clears the uterus from liquid white effusions,
enhances libido,
eliminates the delay in menstruation,
increasing milk production in lactating women,
removes dangerous toxic substances from the body

Used like:

general stimulant,

Used to treat:

intestinal bleeding,
painful periods
nervous vomiting
loss of voice,
dyspepsia of nervous origin,


Vitamins C, P

essential oil 2-6%
fats, choline 10-30%


anethole 80-90%
anisic acid


Dangerous properties of anise

Do not use anise preparations during pregnancy and people suffering from
any chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

It should be noted that anise oil in high doses (with
ingestion) may cause stomach irritation and dizziness.

Anise not only helps in the treatment of many diseases, but can also become the basis for a delicious vodka tincture. Find out the recipe from the video!

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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