Veal, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties


Veal is the meat of a 4-5 month old calf. She’s more sophisticated
tastes like beef
and very tender, but from long cooking the meat can become tough,
due to the fact that it has a very thin layer of internal, and also
external fat.

The most delicious and expensive meat is the meat of young dairy calves,
they are fed only with milk. The color of the meat is pale pale pink,
almost white, the smell is very delicate, and the veal is firm to the touch
and velvety. The highest quality dairy calf meat is produced
in France, Britain and Holland. The cheapest meat from calves fed
grain cereals. This type of meat is redder and slightly sharper in smell.

Veal can be prepared from both sexes. But most veal
it is made from the male. Veal is in high demand and
is a delicacy.

How to choose

Choose veal with creamy pink or pale pink
the color of meat. The fat must be very white, hard and
non-sticky. Milk-fed calf bones with marrow
reddish tint.

The safest way to check the freshness of veal is light
finger pressing. If the meat quickly regained its shape, it is
means that it is fresh and of high quality. The remaining hollow testifies
about the mistakes made during the transportation and storage of meat.

How to store

Veal meat is very moist and therefore spoils very quickly. Keep
it can be in the freezer, tightly wrapped and no more than two

Reflection in culture

Almost until the .th century. did not eat veal. She is
was considered a “sinful, reserved food”, and this became the main reason
unpopularity of False Dmitry.

It has long been believed that if you eat veal in a dream, this is to
unexpected income and credibility.

Calorie content of veal

The meat of the dairy calf is covered with only a thin film
subcutaneous fat and it is very low in calories. 100 grams of product
only 96,8 kcal, which allows you to safely use it as a dietary

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal 19.7 2 – 1 78 96.8

Useful properties of veal

Composition and presence of nutrients

Veal contains lipids (1-9%) and a large amount of proteins
(18-20%). The meat contains various vitamins: PP, B1, B2, B5,
B6, B9, E, as well as magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus
and copper. The liver is the richest in iron. Abundance of digestible amino acids
and minerals makes veal the most useful
meat. Even with heat treatment, the meat does not lose its useful properties.

Extractives are a distinctive feature of veal.
They do not carry a special energy value, but they stimulate an active
the production of digestive juice.

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Veal is considered lean meat, because in a lean piece there is less
1% fat, tenderloin fat is only 2,8%, and the maximum
the content in the brisket is 18,7%.

Useful and healing properties

The rich vitamin and mineral composition of veal contributes to
good regulation of the amount of glucose in the blood. Dairy calf meat
for the health of the skin, mucous membranes, digestive and nervous
systems. Veal is especially recommended for small children and seriously ill
to people.

Veal has much less cholesterol (per 100 g 105 mg) than
in lamb or beef. It also contains gelatin, which contributes to
better blood clotting. That is why veal is constantly recommended
use for patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Doctors also advise diabetics to include veal in their diet,
hypertensive patients, and people suffering from anemia.
In this case, it is best to serve calf meat with sauerkraut,
because the iron in meat is well absorbed together
with vitamin C. Calf liver contains the most iron
– 8 milligrams. It is good to eat veal as a prophylaxis of urolithiasis
illness and heart attack. It is also indispensable for quick recovery.
after injuries, burns and infectious diseases.

Dairy calf meat is good for everyone who cares
about the state of their health.

In cooking

Veal is extremely popular in French and Italian cuisine.
It can be fried, but it is healthier to eat it boiled
or baked.
When baking, be sure to keep in mind that the meat of a dairy calf
non-greasy and so that it does not dry out, wrap it in foil.

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Veal makes excellent first courses. There is one small
advice – after the first boil, drain the broth and replace it with clean
water, so nitrogen-containing substances remain in the first broth and

Cook the broth. The meat should be placed in cold water and not cooked.
less than an hour from the moment of boiling. After the broth has boiled,
do not remove the lid until the end of cooking. You should also not remove the foam,
since it’s a healthy protein. After the end of cooking, the broth should
brew for 10-20 minutes.

Tender and lean veal is cooked like a poultry. Cooking method
depends on the purchased piece. But regardless of that, fry, stew
or cook meat, do not cook it for a very long time, otherwise it, instead of
tender, will become tough. Stew veal at a temperature not
above 180 degrees.

In dietetics

Veal is widely used in dietary nutrition, as
all useful substances, vitamins and amino acids are concentrated in it.
It can be included in the diet not only for the sick, the elderly
people and children, but also those who adhere to a rational diet
and diets for weight loss, since veal is very low in calories

Dangerous properties of veal

Veal has a wide variety of beneficial properties, reducing
no possible harmful effects on the body. Also, this meat
contains neither fat, nor cholesterol, nor coarse fiber, and
does not increase the acidity of gastric juice. The only thing that can
harm when eating veal is the release of nitrogenous substances
in broth when cooking meat. However, if this broth is not consumed
in food, then any negative consequences can be avoided.

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In addition, the use of veal is contraindicated for gout.
and deep stages of arthritis,
since some of the salts that are formed during the digestion of veal,
can be deposited in the joints, which will increase the symptoms of these ailments.

Also, veal in most cases is taken from young dairy
bulls – they often try to feed heifers to get milk. therefore
if the meat is undercooked or undercooked, it may retain its characteristic
the smell of gobies. Therefore, when preparing dishes, it is worth acting in
in full accordance with the recipes, then both the smell and taste are exactly for you

It should also be noted that allergenicity
veal is higher than beef. Poor quality
veal, overeating, the wrong way of cooking. It causes an increase
cholesterol, can lead to diseases of the stomach, kidneys, intestines,
heart, liver. In the presence of these diseases, fried form is prohibited
eat veal.

From the video you will learn how to cook delicious veal steaks.

See also properties of other products:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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