Asparagus, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

What to expect from a plant that is officially named asparagus
or pharmacy? Indeed, the beneficial effect of using various parts and extract of asparagus
manifests itself and is confirmed by scientific research.
You just need to figure out under what conditions and in what form of asparagus
will be most helpful.

Useful properties of asparagus

Fresh asparagus contains (in 100 g): .

Calories 20 Kcal

B4 16 Potassium, K 202 Vitamin C 5,6 Phosphorus,
P 52 Vitamin E 1,13 Calcium, Ca 24 Vitamin
Магний, Mg
Витамин B5
See 2,3

Full composition

The most widespread common asparagus in the world (also known as
medicinal) is rich in biologically active substances. Roots
plants contain asparagine
(which was first isolated from asparagus), steroidal saponins,
flavonoids, organic
acids, traces of essential oil. Saponins are also found in the grass,
coniferin, succinic and chelidonic acids. In asparagus shoots
a lot of asparagine and arginine,
there is a small amount of carotene, lysine.

To specific compounds found in young plant stems,
refers to aspartic (asparagus) acid, due to which
after eating asparagus, the smell of urine changes. Allocations
begin to smell very unpleasantly of hydrogen sulfide, which was noted as
ordinary consumers of the product, as well as the first researchers of this
plants. Marcel Proust also wrote with irony that asparagus “transforms
[his] chamber pot in a bottle of perfume. ” Associate odor changes
urine with previous consumption of asparagus helped comparatively
rapid onset of signs. The smell begins to change after
15 minutes after eating the stems of the plant and usually only
within 4 hours, although the rate of elimination in different people is strong
(more than 40%) differs.

Washing fresh asparagus

Medicinal properties

Pharmaceutical asparagus exhibits diuretics and laxatives, pain relievers
and antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antineoplastic
properties. Asparagus extracts can have a beneficial effect on the nervous
system and improve cognitive function, dilate blood vessels and reduce
blood pressure, improve liver and kidney function, stimulate
immune and digestive systems. All these and other medicinal
properties of asparagus have been used by people for centuries in various therapeutic
practices. And today most of them are confirmed in laboratory
animal experiments, and some also in clinical studies
involving people.

Antitumor potential

Saponins obtained from old asparagus stalks (which are usually
are discarded in cooking) actually have a potential
inhibitory activity against tumor growth and metastasis.
This saponin extract reduced the viability of cancer cells
breast, colon and pancreas depending on
on its concentration in a laboratory experiment. But even more
effective it has shown itself in suppressing the mobility of tumor
cells by modulating the signaling pathway. .

Methanol extract of white asparagus shoots activated the process
the death of human cancer cells and inhibited the carcinogenesis of the
intestines in laboratory rats. .
Also isolated from asparagus
asparin A was shown in in vitro experiments (“in vitro”) and
in vivo (“in a living organism”) antitumor properties. but
scientists continue to find new active phenolic compounds in asparagus,
which could potentially exhibit comparable antitumor
the effect. .

Anticancer action against hepatocellular carcinoma
provided by asparagus polysaccharides (in vitro and in vivo). So, deproteinized
asparagus polysaccharide showed strong selective cytotoxicity
in relation to human hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Later
it turned out that it can also enhance the effect of antitumor
antibiotic mitomycin, provoke cancer cell death and
stop division in several cell lines. All this does
asparagus polysaccharides as potential therapeutic agents
for the treatment of liver cancer. .

Chinese scientists have identified other active ingredients from green asparagus.
compounds that sharply reduced the activation of cells leading
to the production of fibrous matrix. The protifibrotic effect was due to
inactivation of fat-storing stellate cells of the liver. .

Asparagus extract

Indian scholars, based on ancient Ayurvedic traditions,
considered asparagus extract as a replacement for synthetic
chemotherapeutic agents that cause many side effects
effects, have immunosuppressive properties and are cytotoxic. IN
unlike synthetic preparations, asparagus extract, on the contrary,
showed immunomodulatory properties and helped in recovery
organism after chemotherapy in experiments on mice. . The roots
asparagus has also shown the ability to provide a pronounced immunomodulatory
effect on the body, at least in laboratory animals. .

See also  Bee carpenter: description, lifestyle and habitat

Gastrointestinal organs

Protective effect of methanol extract of fresh asparagus roots
studied in various models of ulcers
stomach and duodenum. As a rule, with ulcers provoked
for different reasons, researchers have found therapeutic
the effectiveness of the effect of the extract on the state of the digestive tract. An exception
were ulcers caused by aspirin and ethanol, in which asparagus
the extract was ineffective. In this case, the study of gastric juice
and mucous membrane showed that the root extract still significantly
increased the protective factors of the mucous membrane (such as secretion
mucus, cell mucus, cell lifespan), and
possessed a pronounced antioxidant
effect. True, at the same time, he practically did not affect such aggressive
factors like acid and pepsin. .

Routine-rich asparagus reduced disease severity and damage
tissues after colitis.
Modulation of the colon microenvironment with asparagus food
supplementation in experiments with mice led to a decrease in inflammation,
restoration of damage to the mucous membrane of the organ, weakening
associated with colitis. .

In animal experiments, scientists have also found some
antidiarrheal activity of ethanol and aqueous root extracts
asparagus. .

Asparagus berries

Kidney and liver

In a number of animal experiments, ethanol asparagus extracts
prevented stone formation in the kidneys. Asparagus preparation not only
reduced the concentration of ions leading to the formation of stones (oxalate,
phosphate, calcium), but also increased the level of magnesium – one of the inhibitors
crystallization. .

Asparagus is considered to be an effective supplement for the relief of alcoholic
hangover and protecting liver cells from toxic damage. When
comparing the biochemical properties of leaves and shoots of a plant
efficacy in these processes has been demonstrated by rich in amino acids
and inorganic minerals asparagus leaves. .


Asparagus dietary supplements containing a source of active ingredients,
may open up new possibilities in diabetes care.
One of the plant species – racemose asparagus – was able to
stimulate insulin secretion and suppress the digestion of starch.
. But asparagus extract
medicinal also controlled blood glucose levels, improving
insulin secretion and β-cell function. At least such results
were obtained in laboratory animals with type 2 diabetes. Treatment
diabetic rats was carried out with asparagus extract in doses of 250 and
500 mg / kg, which reduced elevated blood glucose levels in
dose and time dependent. .

The aqueous extract of the lower root portion of the asparagus was beneficial for
preventing diabetic complications associated with hyperglycemia
and hyperlipidemia. .

Clinical study in which 28 volunteers during
10 weeks took 6 g of crushed lower “waste” per day
parts of asparagus stalks showed that it significantly reduced
fasting plasma glucose. In addition, taking asparagus
powder led to a decrease in blood pressure and indicators
total cholesterol. .

The chef recommends asparagus for potency


Various parts of asparagus, like many other plants and fruits,
traditionally used in folk medicine to improve erectile
functions of men. But, unlike many other herbal preparations,
asparagus extracts have been tested in the laboratory, where their activity
tested on male albino rats. It turned out that water
asparagus extracts, the effects of which were similar to those of testosterone,
really strengthened the erection of the penis and shortened the time
fluctuations in the phase of attraction to females. In addition, the phase
rest after ejaculation, and the average mating frequency increased. .

There is also evidence of a positive effect of asparagus root extracts
and on the development of oocytes. In one study, asparagus extracts
effectively stimulated the secretion of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal
systems and the number of ovarian follicles in adult female rats. .

Brain and nervous system

A whole layer of research (which we will consider in more detail below)
speaks of the positive effect of asparagus preparations on the condition
brain and nervous system. The results show that asparagus has
antidepressant and anti-stress properties. Funds for her
improve the quality of sleep and relieve mental stress,
improve memory. They have a preventive effect when
Alzheimer’s disease and therapeutic effect in violation
cognitive functions.

See also  Mussel, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Antiviral activity

Indian experts have found that asparagus extract can exhibit
antiviral activity against influenza virus
A and herpes simplex virus
1st type. . But
these results were obtained in the laboratory, “in a test tube”, therefore
it is too early to say that asparagus “for breakfast” will cure
flu. For this to be possible, numerous
additional research.

In medicine

Asparagus extracts in capsules, tablets and other forms from domestic
and foreign manufacturers are freely sold among other plant
additives with biologically active ingredients. In the instructions for
they are advised to use asparagus preparations as
adaptogen, immunomodulator, diuretic, tonic and cleansing

Despite the fact that asparagus is included in the Pharmacopoeia of various countries,
including China, France, Bulgaria, Portugal, Venezuela,
Mexico, etc., in our country its therapeutic use by representatives
official medicine is episodic. Although known
cases of systemic use of asparagus decoctions by some doctors
for the treatment of kidney diseases, cardiac neuroses,
hypertensive disease.

Nutritionists who specialize in eco-nutrition are willing to “prescribe”
asparagus for the treatment of diseases of the liver, prostate, urinary
bladder, kidneys, as well as diabetes, gout,
and heart pathologies.

In folk medicine

In folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used – from the roots
to berries, but the harvesting of raw materials occurs at different periods:

  • rhizomes are harvested in early spring or late autumn,
  • the grass is cut during the flowering period,
  • berries – at the time of their full ripeness.

Dried asparagus root and powder

Asparagus rhizomes in folk medicine are used in primary
stages of hypertension
and venous insufficiency. They are also prescribed to create a diuretic
effect and relieve inflammation of the urinary tract. For decreasing
toothache, healers advise simply chewing pieces of fresh
asparagus root. However, most often the raw material from the underground part of the plant
used in the form of decoctions and infusions.

To create an infusion of asparagus roots, usually take a glass of boiling water
a tablespoon of dried raw materials. When preparing a decoction, then
the same amount of raw materials is poured with 1,5 glasses of water, which at first
bring to a boil, and then keep on low heat for more
about 2 minutes.

To prepare a decoction of the herb, you will need 2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials
half a liter of water. The herb is first boiled for 5 minutes and then left
infuse until cool. Take half a glass of such a decoction
three times a day.

Although many of the healing effects of the underground and aboveground parts of the plant
coincide, a certain tradition has developed in folk medicine
the use of asparagus decoctions and infusions, taking into account the disease.

  • Infusion of asparagus rhizomes: kidney stone disease,
    with difficulty urinating, dropsy, epilepsy, tachycardia.
    In the latter case, add to the still hot decoction of the roots (350 ml)
    dry grass (2 tsp) and insist closed for 2 hours. For
    restore the heart rate take such a remedy 3 times
    a day before meals, 2 tbsp. l.
  • Infusion of young stems and herbs: stomach diseases
    kidneys, hearts.
  • Infusion of asparagus seeds: impotence.
  • Rhizome decoction: neuroses and hysteria, pyelonephritis,
    cystitis, adenoma
    prostate gland, urolithiasis, diabetes mellitus.
  • Decoction of rhizomes and young shoots: inflammatory
    skin rashes, eczema,
    acne, scrofula.
  • Asparagus decoction: diarrhea,

Also in folk medicine of some countries, beautiful, but tasteless
asparagus berries are used to treat gout, whooping cough
and diabetes. Often for this they are simply dried, grinded,
and the resulting powder is used for brewing, replacing coffee.
However, it must be borne in mind that a large amount of asparagus berries
are harmful to health, so it is more advisable to take drugs
based on them in therapeutic doses – teaspoons, not glasses.

See also  Cream, Calories, benefits and harms, Benefits

Asparagus sprouts

In oriental medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine uses 9 types of asparagus (asparagus).
Among them, the species with the most pronounced therapeutic effect is considered
light asparagus, Also known as South Vietnamese asparagus
or Cochin (by the name of the region in the Mekong Delta).
Chinese healers have been using it for at least 2 thousand years.

Asparagus in this tradition is classified as “bitter” and “very
cold “product that affects the lung meridian and kidney meridian.
However, it is practically not used independently, but is included
as part of multicomponent recipes that are prescribed for treatment
diseases of the respiratory system, spleen, kidneys.

In particular, asparagus preparations make breathing easier by moisturizing
lungs, and, therefore, are indicated for dry cough. In addition, they are effective
when sticky and / or bloody sputum appears, and therefore are prescribed
with tuberculosis
lungs and bronchitis.

Since from the normal functioning of the lungs indirectly
the condition of the skin depends, it is believed that prolonged use of drugs
based on asparagus root provides its elasticity and softness.

In order not to harm the digestive tract and spleen, from eating asparagus
should refrain from people for whom “cold” is contraindicated.
According to traditional and modern views, avoid asparagus
should also be used by pregnant women due to the threat of miscarriage.

In the therapeutic formulas of Chinese medicine, Cochin asparagus can
meet next to ginseng,
calamus, remania, mother-and-stepmother
and other plant components. Below are examples
healing combinations and their purpose:

  • Fu Zi Tian Men Dong San – to strengthen Qi,
    prolongation of activity and inhibition of the aging process. Formula
    includes asparagus, aconite, costus, calamus and a number of other plants.
  • San Cai Tang – to get rid of the deficit
    fluids, diabetes, dry mouth, and fever associated with an imbalance
    Yin. The composition of the product, in addition to asparagus, includes ginseng and common
    in the East, remania is sticky.
  • Tian Men Dong Wan – to restore appetite,
    getting rid of pulmonary pathologies caused by typhoid, as well as stopping
    cough and wheezing caused by damage to internal organs.
    In this recipe, the asparagus is “helped” by a shirokokolokolok,
    black cohosh (cimicifuga), etc.
  • Tian Men Dong Jiu – to restore functions
    numb limbs, getting rid of dryness and sore throat,
    normalization of the gastrointestinal tract with

Bunch of white and green asparagus

Asparagus fruit in traditional Chinese medicine is used to restore
potency and, in general, improve erectile function. For medicinal
effect 1 tsp. dry chopped berries are poured with boiling water (200
ml) and insist in a warm oven (or oven) for about 7-8 hours.
Take the remedy 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals, 1 tbsp. l.

In Mongolian folk medicine, asparagus berries are recommended
already with lumbar pain and swelling
(as a diuretic). In traditional Indian therapeutic practices
from the roots of asparagus racemose preparations are prepared for the treatment of epilepsy.
Also asparagus (colloquially – Shatavari / Shatavari) is mentioned
in Ayurvedic ancient Indian texts, in sections dedicated to
treatment of stomach ulcers, diarrhea, dysentery, cancer.

In scientific research

Asparagus is a popular subject of scientific research. One of the reasons
this was the widespread and effective use of asparagus in folk
medicine in different countries, where this plant has created an excellent
reputation as a generic drug. Scientists today
actively test those numerous therapeutic properties,
for which asparagus is famous among the people. And one of the most demanded
became the topic of the influence of asparagus extracts on brain performance
and the state of the nervous system. Examples of such works are given below:

Methanol extract of asparagus roots has a significant
antidepressant activity (in laboratory rodent models).

To assess the effect of plant root extract on the condition of animals,
they were given asparagus preparations at doses of 100, 200 and 400 mg / kg
daily for 7 days, and then subjected to the “forced test
swimming “and” the test of learned helplessness. ” In both cases, behavioral
factors clearly indicated the antidepressant effect of the extract,
which, according to scientists, is mediated with serotonergic and
noradrenergic systems, as well as an increase in antioxidant

See also  Cherries, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Asparagus soup

Aqueous extracts of asparagus stalks prevent deterioration
memory in mice. .

Effect of asparagus extracts on memory and activity related
with acetylcholinesterase, in the scopolamine-induced amnesia model,
studied in an experiment with 60 mice, which were divided into 6 groups.
In three of them, animals received low (1,6 ml / kg), medium (8
l / kg) and high (16 ml / kg) doses of the extract. The results showed
that the average dose significantly improved cognitive impairment in
mice in the new object recognition test, in the Y-maze and some
other tests. Analysis of biochemical parameters confirmed the behavioral
indicators and made it possible to assert that the extract of asparagus stalks
protected learning and memory function in mice, enhancing activity
cholinergic nervous system. Potentially, such an extract can
prevent cognitive impairment in age-related diseases,
such as illness

Fermented asparagus extracts reduce mental health
stress and improve sleep efficiency in healthy adult men
with psychological stress. .

Japanese scientists conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled
crossover study that examined the effects of asparagus on sleep
and hormones associated with stress. Actual sleep time is essential
did not differ between the “asparagus extract” group and the placebo. But,
when participants were divided into two categories according to the criterion of effectiveness
sleep or average nighttime sleep was found to be
the drug was effective in modulating sleep patterns in humans
with poor sleep efficiency or excess sleep time.

Asparagus with fish

For losing weight

Due to its low calorie content (about 20 kcal), very low
the amount of fat (0,12 g / 100 g), diuretic properties, and
balanced complex of vitamins and minerals asparagus is considered
excellent product to include in diets aimed at getting rid of
from extra pounds.

Indirect evidence that eating asparagus can help
in weight control, are the results of experiments with laboratory
animals fed a high fat diet. .
High-calorie diets predictably lead to obesity and negatively
influenced the state of the liver of animals. But when the guinea
for 8 weeks concurrently given food asparagus supplements
(water and ethanol extracts), measurements showed that they have significantly
decreased the rate of increase in body weight. In addition, it is essential
lower levels of total serum cholesterol and “bad” cholesterol
(low density lipoprotein), increased total antioxidant
ability and improved a number of other indicators.

And although directly transferring the results of experiments with animals to
a person is not allowed, reviews of people who have tried a diet with the inclusion
asparagus, allowed some profile publications to include asparagus
top 10 products for weight loss. Moreover, thanks to
an abundance of dietary fiber, green asparagus retains its feeling longer
satiety, prevents overeating and simplifies the process of losing weight.

Asparagus with meat

In cooking

Unusual sweetish taste of fresh asparagus with a light aftertaste
sulfur, people have appreciated for a long time. In one of the most ancient culinary
books of the ancient Roman semi-legendary gourmet Apicius “De re coquinaria”
you can already find recipes from this plant. Historians claim
that asparagus lovers were Julia Caesar, Louis XIV, Thomas Jefferson,
Lev Tolstoy.

Before cooking green asparagus, the bottom of the sprouts is usually
breaks off, and the remaining stem is most often peeled off, although
this rule is not universal. Some cooks don’t peel asparagus,
they just choose the most tender young shoots. Wherein,
in any case, the best product is the one that has been prepared
on the day of harvest.

The easiest and probably the most popular cooking method
plants are left to cook quickly for 3-4 minutes. Plant stems
tied into a bundle (up to 10 pieces) and lowered vertically into a narrow
a saucepan with enough boiling water that the heads remain
on the surface and “reached” for a couple. Overcooked asparagus becomes
tasteless, and this method allows you to synchronize the cooking time
stiffer stems and softer tops. However, others
there are already enough ways to prepare stems in our country
common. Today asparagus is baked
canned, added to soups and side dishes.

See also  Corn grits, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

In the classic version, boiled asparagus is served with Dutch
sauce, but it also goes well with cheese, fish, seafood,
rice, beans, vegetables, bacon, beef, rabbit meat, meat
chicken, eggs.

Dessert dishes are also prepared from asparagus, in which this vegetable culture
“Friends” with grapefruit,
honey. And in Japan and Italy, the roots of the plant are generally made sweet
candy. By the way, in the northern Italian province of Bolzano-Bozen
asparagus must be served as an appetizer for the best wines,
since it is believed that its shoots are able to emphasize the taste and
aroma of an exquisite drink.

Fresh asparagus basket

In cosmetology

In medical cosmetology, shoots and roots of medicinal asparagus are used
in the treatment of allergic and atopic dermatitis, urticaria,
eczema, purulent skin lesions caused by the spread
cocci, as well as
psoriasis, lichen planus. Asparagine of different parts of the plant
used in the treatment of vitiligo.

Asparagus contains a lot of folic acid, which makes
the skin is velvety and prevents the appearance of fine wrinkles. Thanks to
anti-aging effect in some spas alone
prepare asparagus gruel for recovery procedures.
This “technology” has survived to this day since the days of the “gallant
century “. At the same time, the effectiveness of asparagus components in the prevention
the aging of the skin is also scientifically proven. In particular, Japanese
scientists have found that enzyme-treated asparagus extracts
can prevent skin aging by significantly weakening
reactions to oxidative stress in dermal fibroblasts. .

A number of Asian and European brands introduce asparagus extracts
in the composition of their products as the main active element.
An example is the face masks from Dr. Jart + (Yu.
Korea), cream-fluid Vegetable Beauty (Italy), regenerating serum
Casmara Renovating Regenerating (Spain), etc. For cooking
masks and creams at home are sold separately dry, water
and alcoholic asparagus extracts.

Dangerous properties of asparagus and contraindications

Since asparagus components can irritate mucous membranes,
stimulating the secretory activity of the digestive tract, with chronic
inflammation and especially with exacerbations of diseases of these organs,
it is better to refuse the use of asparagus.

Green asparagus contains a lot of fiber, with which the digestive
the system of children is difficult to cope with. Therefore, up to 2 years old, this vegetable
should not be included in the child’s diet at all, and then it’s better to start
culinary “acquaintance” not with raw, but with boiled asparagus.

Also for asparagus components in both a child and an adult sometimes
reaction, with the appearance of urticaria. In rare cases, rashes
can appear on the skin even with a simple touch of young

We have collected the most important points about the beneficial properties of asparagus
in this illustration and we will be very grateful if you share
a picture on social networks, with a link to our page:

The benefits of asparagus

Selection and storage

When buying asparagus, you should choose evenly colored bright shoots.
with tightly pressed shiny scales 15-20 cm long and with a diameter
in 1-2 cm.The tops of the shoots should be dense, small in size,
and the stem is elastic to the touch.

Frozen asparagus

To determine the freshness of the product, you can focus on the cut,
which stale asparagus will be dry. This is important because
to preserve the richness of taste and aroma, it is advisable to eat asparagus
on the day of collection. If this fails and cooking
need to be postponed for a day or two, then it is better to wrap the shoots with a damp cloth
and place in the refrigerator. In this case, the asparagus bunch should be untied
and spread the shoots in one layer, otherwise the inner stems are in a bunch
may start to rot.

See also  Crocodile, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Asparagus can be stored on the middle shelf of the refrigerator for about a week,
if you cut off the dry ends of the stems, and immerse the stems themselves by 2-3
cm in water and wrap them in cling film. At temperatures from 0 ° С
down to -1 ° С and humidity 90%, shoots can be stored for up to a month, however
if during this period the humidity rises, then an unpleasant taste will appear

It is believed that frozen
in the form of asparagus shoots can lie unharmed until the next
season. But not all chefs share this point of view. Somebody think,
that after thawing, the asparagus largely loses its special
taste and is more suitable for fillings and adding to hot dishes.

Interesting Facts

Asparagus has a very long history that goes back thousands of years.
During this time, the product has gone from an elite vegetable culture “for
the chosen ones ”to the daily food of millions of people.

Asparagus in the history of different countries

Asparagus has been known to people since the days of Ancient Egypt, where it was grown.
and for food and medical needs. In this capacity
it was also used in the ancient world. But there the plant was perceived
also as an attribute of a wedding ceremony – from asparagus stalks in the Ancient
Festive wreaths were woven in Greece. According to one version, such a wreath
had to guarantee the family large families, which is probably due to
with the reputation of asparagus as a libido-influencing product.

Asparagus with salmon

However, despite these advantages (or thanks to them), already in the Middle Ages
asparagus gradually ceased to be perceived as an everyday product
on the tables of people of different classes. She began to acquire elite status
food, appearing only in the diet of the nobility. In the .th century in Germany to the peasants
it was strictly forbidden to grow asparagus for free market sale,
since the entire crop had to go to the kitchens of the representatives
higher light. Moreover, a bias towards the elitism of this product
existed in a number of other European countries.

In France, for example, King Louis was a big fan of asparagus.
XIV. He even ordered his gardeners to build an asparagus greenhouse.
for all-season cultivation of this plant, for which asparagus received
in this country the alternative name is “food of kings”. However, according to
big holidays and less eminent residents of the country allowed themselves
enjoy asparagus dishes. So, the French have a fairly wide
the tradition was widespread on the night before the wedding to serve the newlyweds
3 changes of different asparagus dishes.

Today, some of the most famous farms involved in the cultivation of
asparagus, located in Provence, near Volcuse. As it turned out
relatively recently, local conditions allow the inhabitants of this region
grow wonderful asparagus, which is considered one of the most valuable
and delicious in the world. But, being great lovers of this vegetable culture
and remembering the royal traditions, the French en masse plant green
asparagus and in greenhouses, thanks to which it can appear on the market
counters since February.

There are also many asparagus lovers among Italians. Spring vegetable season
in some provinces of this country traditionally opens “for weeks”
asparagus. Asparagus festivals with tasting, appraisal of new culinary
recipes, concert programs and other festive events
held in May and in the USA. One of the centers of veneration of asparagus here
became the small village of Empire in Michigan.

However, asparagus is considered a truly strategic product in Germany.
In the German town of Schwetzingen, as a sign of respect for her, a
street sculptural group “Trade of asparagus”. The special love of the Germans
to this vegetable crop surprises other Europeans. In many restaurants
there is even an additional menu made exclusively from asparagus.
And this is despite the relatively high price of the product, which reaches
sometimes 8-10 euros per kilogram. Moreover, unlike other countries
we are talking mainly about white asparagus, which has become for many
not just food, but a status symbol.

See also  Useful and dangerous properties of spelled, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Asparagus white, purple and green

Three colors of asparagus

In general, on the shelves you can see asparagus in 3 colors: white, purple
and green. They can all represent the same species (and even
variety) plants, only in varying degrees of maturity. White asparagus –
these are the softest and youngest sprouts that have not yet broken through to the surface
and did not see the sun. They are even cut right underground. To prevent
their exit to the surface, an earthen mound is poured over the sprout.
Although nowadays to facilitate harvesting, asparagus is often grown immediately
under a darkened film. In home gardens to close
plants from the sun and prevent it from turning green, often use
and just inverted boxes that cover the landing site.

The legend about the discovery of white asparagus says that once,
at the beginning of the .th century, a strong hail destroyed all asparagus plantings.
The peasants had to collect what was left – immature whites
shoots that first survived underground, and then, when they sprouted,
never saw the sun’s rays because of the dense clouds. But collected
The “extreme” harvest turned out to be so tender and tasty that
the local population has already deliberately switched to a new way of growing
this vegetable crop.

In some regions of Europe, the fashion for white asparagus has been very long-lasting.
In his autobiography, Auguste Escoffier, who became famous as one of the most famous
culinary experts of the XIX century, noted that in Provence all asparagus was harvested
still at the white stage of maturation, until he persuaded the farmers to open
plant the sun and grow green.

In general, both due to the difficulty of harvesting, and due to the more tender
to taste, white asparagus is considered the most expensive. If the plant is not
close from the sun, then, once in the light, it first becomes
purple, and then quickly turns green.

Thanks to anthocyanins,
purple shoots show a slightly bitter taste. To save
original taste and color, such a product is eaten raw, because when
When cooked, purple asparagus usually turns green. But we must take into account
that recently varieties have already been bred, which, under the influence
lights remain purple.

And also it should be borne in mind that, despite the high consumer qualities
white asparagus, green – still more common and affordable
a product in which, moreover, there are significantly more vitamins and microelements,
than in white.

Confusion with names

Korean asparagus

Asparagus is called not only plants of the genus sparrow grassBut
and products that have nothing to do with it.

«Korean asparagus“, For example, is called a soy semi-finished product,
which is made from the foam that appears on the surface of the languishing
on the fire of soy milk. It is sold in the form of elongated bars of milky white
color, which may have caused the visual association with the vegetable.

Under the name “Prussian asparagus»Can be found in
sale and another perennial plant – milkweed,
which belongs to the same family as Asparagus and even has edible
bulbs, but does not belong to the classic asparagus. But if you
offer stems “Hare chill”, “horse mane” “goat
beards “,” fly agaric “
or “Magpie’s eyes”then know
that this is just the classic asparagus seller and has in mind.

However, asparagus is worth trying not only so as not to be confused
her with soy semi-finished product. Due to its medicinal properties, the plant
you can safely include in your daily diet at least for the period of asparagus
season, and experience for yourself how asparagus can improve health
and quality of life.

See also properties of similar products:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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