For many of us, it is exotic, although there are places – for example,
Central Asia – in which this product is as popular and irreplaceable
as our sunflower oil. But the largest consumer and producer of
cottonseed oil is the States, where this product has long been loved
on a par with peanut oil .
Cottonseed oil is used in the food, chemical and cosmetic
industries. Linseed oil is made on the basis of unrefined oil
. It is also used as a lighting, in places where there is
lamp oil lighting. Vegetable
stearin is also produced from it .
Extracted cottonseed oil, which is known as the Gossypium
barbadense and Gossypium hirsutum L . First of
all, everyone knows cotton as the main raw material for the production of cotton and
cotton fabric. This plant belongs to the mallow family ,
once it was exported from South America.
Cold pressing is usually used to extract oil. The
product yield is 18% of the total weight of the raw material, this is a small percentage
and under other circumstances could increase the cost of oil.
But getting cottonseed oil is beneficial because the seeds are still
considered a waste product from cotton processing.
Raw cottonseed oil smells very strong due to its very high content of
non-glyceride components, which give it its characteristic dark
reddish brown hue. But after refining, the product becomes
light and loses its aroma. It is the refined oil that can be used
for food.
How to choose
When choosing cottonseed oil, experts advise focusing
on color, aroma and taste (it should not be bitter). The product
should not be too thick, as this indicates improper
storage. There should be no oil and sediment, as this indicates
that the product has been stored for too long.
How to store
Refined cotton oil can be stored for quite a long time.
If during long-term storage in a bottle of oil a precipitate appears
in the form of white flakes – do not be alarmed. This is normal, because
30% of the composition of this plant product is solid fats, which
settle over time in the form of flakes. If you do not want to allow the
appearance of sediment – you can store this type of oil at zero temperature
– in this case, the product will solidify into a homogeneous mass.
In cooking
The healing properties and noble taste of cottonseed oil are best
manifested in cooking. If you are not a pastry chef and do not dream of
getting an impeccable pastry fat for cakes, pastries, waffles,
then you can simply find refined salad oil in the store –
its use is very diverse.
The honorable role of cottonseed oil in world cooking is its use
for pilaf. Classic mutton, Fergana, wedding and other
various options – all this is prepared in cotton
oil. Many people say that the unusual cotton flavor can
make pilaf a true Asian dish, but there are those who argue
that it is too heavy.
Another interesting find is cottonseed oil instead of sunflower oil
in pies, buns and tortillas. With it, the dough gets a delicate nutty
flavor and becomes very fluffy.
Some homemade preparations play great on cotton fats , for example, eggplant caviar and lecho.
And also this oil can be used to season vegetable salads – the
combination with radish is especially interesting .
You can also season sauerkraut, vinaigrette, pickled
The most popular salad with cottonseed oil is an apple,
cucumber and radish dish . They need to be grated, salt and pepper,
add a little apple cider vinegar and season with cottonseed oil.
Caloric value
Of course, the calorie content of the oil is very high – 884 kcal. Therefore,
it should be consumed in moderation.
Nutritional value per 100 grams:
Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal – 100 – – – 884
Benefits of cottonseed oil
Composition and presence of nutrients
The chemical composition of cottonseed oil includes vitamins
B, E and PP, monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids, which
are the main source of omega-3
and 6
into the body.
It should also be noted that the oil is especially saturated with tocopherols,
of which more than 70% belongs to tocopherol A. Naturally, the composition of
cottonseed oil depends on the raw material – on the plant variety and growing places.
However, in any case
, saturated, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated fatty acids are found in large quantities in this oil .
Due to this composition, cottonseed oil is ranked among the especially useful
oils. Arachidonic and linoleic acids, which are
polyunsaturated, are synthesized very little by the body, and
cotton oil can compensate for their deficiency.
Useful and healing properties
Cottonseed oil is considered an excellent antioxidant,
prevents aging, affects the elasticity of blood vessels and the functioning of the
Fatty acids in cottonseed oil have anti-inflammatory
and antihistamine properties, and have a positive
effect on the immune system.
Vitamin E acts as a very powerful antioxidant: it protects against
early aging, strengthens the immune system and provides a positive
attitude and strong nerves.
Fatty acids are able to help the rapid healing of wounds and the resorption of
inflammation, fight diabetes,
allergies, and heal burns perfectly.
Phytosterols, which are very rich in cottonseed oil, help
reduce cholesterol, dissolve cholesterol plaques, and prevent the
development of myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis. They also
have the ability to reduce the absorption of cholesterol by the intestine,
which reduces the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.
The unsaturated fatty acids contained in the product belong
to fat-soluble vitamin-like substances, which are
collectively called vitamin
F. They have a pronounced antihistamine and anti-inflammatory
effect, restore immunity, and also exhibit wound healing
properties. Together with vitamin D, they help better absorption of phosphorus
and calcium, which is necessary for the normal formation of bone tissue.
Indications for the use of vitamin F are diabetes, autoimmune
and allergic inflammatory diseases, dermatoses and eczema.
The oil is perfect for the skin of children and adults, restoring
full cell metabolism, healing any bites, abrasions and cuts,
perfectly nourishing, removing pimples.
However, care should be taken to uncontrolled
use of pure cotton oil, as too much of it is
not safe. It is worth noting that for people who are allergic
to peanut butter, a cotton product can be a perfect
Use in cosmetology
In home and industrial cosmetology, cottonseed oil has long occupied a
small but stable niche: it perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the
skin, relieves irritation, relieves peeling, while being instantly
The unsaturated fatty acids in cotton oil are involved in the production of
ceramides. This product is used as a base for home balms,
creams and masks, and in its pure form, as it can cope
with many skin problems and dryness, improving its structure
and making it more elastic. Butter can be added both to ready-made
mixtures, and you can make your own, including in combination with essential
oils. Together with olive and other base oils, the
cotton product smoothes wrinkles, heals cracks, removes
dryness and nourishes the skin with useful vitamins.
One thing but – if you want to wipe your face with this oil or apply
masks, keep in mind – it often provokes comedones on the face.
Therefore, to prevent the oil from clogging the pores, dilute it with other oils,
various beneficial ingredients, use face scrubs
and steaming baths.
Cottonseed oil also enhances the protective functions of the skin, strengthening
it and improving its structure. It works great when the skin becomes
rough from frost and wind, showing its softening and regenerating
properties and promoting the production of ceramides.
Cottonseed oil is the best transporter for other
nutrients, such as essential oils. Due to its rapid absorption,
all active substances enter the deeper layers of the skin faster.
One of the legends about cotton assures that the pickers of this plant grew
old quickly under the sun, but their hands remained tender and young
because of the healing fat seeds. It is not easy to believe in this – after all
, fluffy boxes were collected, not butter, but if you buy a bottle of a
cosmetic product, you
will definitely be able to feel the healing power for your hands .
You don’t have to make difficult masks: you can simply rub the skin with
cottonseed oil and wear gloves when you plan to wash the dishes.
Half an hour – and your hands will be like from a spa.
For its healing and nourishing properties and its ability to restore
cellular metabolism, cotton oil has long been recognized as an excellent
hair care product . It awakens dormant bulbs, activating the growth of
hair, and also softens and makes hair manageable,
heals split ends well, removes excess oiliness and returns
shine, relieves dryness and inflammation of the scalp.
But remember that you cannot use pure cotton oil.
To get luxurious curls, it is advised to use two methods.
So, you can add cotton emulsion to store-bought ready-made products:
balms, shampoos, serums and masks. The main thing is that the amount of
oil does not exceed 5% of the total volume of the selected product. Alternatively
, you can mix cottonseed oil with a 1:10 base oil
– peach, olive, or coconut. You can add 2-3 drops of
any essential oil – mint,
geranium, grapefruit, etc.
It is necessary to rub such a fragrant mixture into the head, distributing it along the entire
length, and wrap it with a towel for an hour. Then you need to thoroughly rinse
with shampoo – you can do it in two passes. The effect will delight you – the curls will be
much more obedient, softer and will be able to keep clean and fresh for longer.
All of the above qualities have made cottonseed oil a popular
base for various cosmetic emulsions, creams, balms, and products that
protect the skin from the sun’s rays.
Dangerous properties of cottonseed oil
There are no products in nature that have no contraindications at all,
due to possible allergic reactions to any of the components.
Let’s apply this fact to cottonseed oil as well. You should be careful
about the choice of oil: you can use exclusively
refined oil for medicinal and domestic purposes , which, in addition to labels, can be identified by its light
Unrefined cotton oil is not advised to be
eaten due to the presence of gossypol in its composition – a pigment that
gives raw oil a specific brown color. It is capable of
suppressing spermatogenesis and often leads to reproductive
dysfunctions, and also blocks the activity of
enzymes involved in metabolism . And although an antitumor
effect has now been found behind gossypol , the study of this substance has not yet been completed. Perhaps
cotton gossypol in the future will become a panacea for incurable
diseases, but today it should be treated with caution,
since accidentally exceeding the permissible dose can lead to
severe poisoning, even before death. In the process of
oil refining , gossypol is removed, therefore, this product
is harmless in its purified form .
A contraindication to its use is exclusively individual
intolerance. As for the allergenicity of this oil, experts
agreed that it does not cause allergies even in people prone
to such manifestations.
From the proposed video, you will learn how to cook real Uzbek pilaf with chickpeas and cottonseed oil.