Broccoli, Calories, benefits and harms, Benefits

Broccoli contains a huge number of nutrients that
are included in the composition of drugs for the treatment of diabetes, various
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, cardiovascular system, etc. Broccoli
almost free from even the “side effects” (associated with purine
compounds), which are characteristic of the rest of the cabbage. But get
Getting the most out of broccoli is not easy. Some elements
collapse when heated, some – when frozen, some –
in the light. Therefore, for truly healthy cooking
you need to know some of the features of its storage and processing.

Useful properties of broccoli

Composition and calorie content

Raw broccoli contains (per 100 g): .

Calories 34 Kcal

Vitamin C 89,2 Potassium, K 316 Vitamin
B4 18,7 Calcium, Ca 47 Vitamin E 0,78 Phosphorus,
P 66 Vitamin
B3 0,639 Sodium,
Na 33 Vitamin B5 0,573 Magnesium, Mg 21

Full composition

Of the minerals, macro- and microelements presented in the table,
it should be noted potassium, which removes water and excess salts from tissues,
phosphorus and calcium for bone strength and functionality
brain tissue; iron and copper involved in the processes of hematopoiesis.
There is also iodine in broccoli,
necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid

Among the vitamins in broccoli, vitamin K occupies a special place (about
140-150 μg / 100 g, which is 15-20% higher than the daily requirement for
adult) and vitamin C, according to the content of which per 100
g asparagus, even boiled and frozen, easily outperforms
almost all citrus fruits. Moreover, vitamin C is present in broccoli
in the form of ascorbigen – a precursor of ascorbic acid, which
almost not lost during storage. A lot in broccoli and
precursor of vitamin A – carotene. For this indicator, asparagus
cabbage “loses” only carrots,
and stands out favorably against the color background
cabbage, where there is very little carotene. There is in this vegetable and some
amount of omega-3
(about 0,12 g / 100 g) and Omega-6
(0,05 g / 100 g).

Broccoli contains more protein than potatoes,
sweet corn
and spinach.

By the content of various essential amino acids
(lysine, leucine, isoleucine, methionine, valine, etc.) presented
in asparagus protein, it competes with beef,
and by the content of tryptophan, isoleucine and lysine – with egg white.

It is also important that, unlike all other types of cabbage, protein
which contains purine substances deposited in the form of urinary
acids in the kidneys and aggravating gout,
there are few purine substances in broccoli (compared to cauliflower
less by almost 4 times), which significantly reduces the risk of formation

The benefits of broccoli are not limited to this. A whole range of compounds,
found in asparagus cabbage, has pronounced medicinal
properties. Consider their importance in therapeutic practice

Medicinal properties

Broccoli shoots (as well as cauliflower shoots) contain
a record amount of glucoraphanin, a precursor to organic
a compound called sulforaphane, which provides
prevention of certain types of cancer., and which has antibacterial
properties.… For glucoraphanin to transform
in protective sulforaphane, just chew the cabbage
(and not swallow in large chunks) or cut, because this
mechanical action activates the plant catalyst
– the enzyme myrosinase. Heat treatment with high temperatures destroys
and myrosinase and glucosinolates, but if not boiled, but only steamed
asparagus cabbage, the benefits can be fully preserved.

With the help of asparagus extracts, scientists expect to suppress
the development of the herpes virus.
The first subtype of the hsv-1 virus (which infects more than half of humanity)
manifests itself mainly as a rash on the lips, neck, around the eyes,
affects the central nervous system, but there is also evidence that it may be associated with
the development of the disease
Alzheimer’s and genital cancer. Another subtype (hsv-2)
reliably capable of dangerously affecting the genitals, and he lives
in about every 8-10 adults on the planet. Insofar as
the rate and extent of the spread of the virus depends on the work of genes,
regulated by NRF2 protein, stimulation of protein activity can inhibit
spread of viral infection.… Broccoli extracts in this
bonds are considered as potential activators of the protein and, accordingly,
as an effective remedy in the fight against the herpes simplex virus of both

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Broccoli & Greens Smoothie

The therapeutic effect of sulforaphane has been investigated in the treatment of
prostate. During the experiments, the substance selectively suppressed
growth of cancer cells (by restoring reduced activity
gene PTEN) without affecting healthy cells. Work is underway to study
the ability of sulforaphane to treat colon, stomach, pancreatic cancer
glands, lungs.

Sulforaphane is also known as a substance used in rehabilitation
programs that stroke patients undergo.
More recently, highly concentrated broccoli extracts with
high content of sulforaphane is considered as an effective
remedies for the treatment of sugar
type 2 diabetes (or at least to get rid of
from diabetes-induced kidney and vision problems). In antidiabetic
therapy, such extracts can complement the treatment with metformin, moreover,
Sulforaphane (unlike Metformin) is safe for the kidneys.

In diabetes therapy, we are talking about concentrated extracts,
a daily dose of sulforaphane which is equivalent to a dose of 5 kg
ripe asparagus cabbage. However, the preventive and therapeutic effect
broccoli can be greatly enhanced by eating sprouted seeds
of this cabbage (3-day-old sprouts) as they contain
10-100 times more glucoraphanin than in already ripe vegetables
.… Thanks to this, seedlings better protect against carcinogenesis,
mutagenesis and other forms of toxicity of electrophiles and reactive
forms of oxygen. At the same time, in mature cabbage, valuable glucoraphanin
are also preserved, but in the relatively recently developed variety “Beneforte”
it is three times more than in other varieties.

In addition to glucoraphanin, broccoli glucosinolates contain
goitrin and its inactive form is progutrin. In case of shortage
iodine in the body, goitrin is able to slow down the development of goiter
disease by increasing the secretory activity of the thyroid
glands. But broccoli has much more progoitrin than goitrin,
and in order for it to pass into an active form, enzymes are needed, and they are destroyed
during heat treatment. Therefore, to preserve the benefits, it is preferable
cook asparagus cabbage at a temperature not exceeding 50-60 C.

Broccoli and other types of cabbage

Cruciferous in general and asparagus in particular were
the compound 3,3′-Diindolylmethane, known under the name
DIM, which, due to its anticancer potential, is considered
as a means to fight various types of cancer, but not only.
DIM can mitigate the effects of radiation therapy (for example, when treating
cancer) and protect healthy cells from intense
gamma radiation.

DIM is also being studied as a treatment for rare recurrent
papillomavirus disease
human – papillomatosis, characterized by inflammation of the upper
respiratory tract..

Another compound called Indole-3-Carbinol in the composition
asparagus cabbage activates the body’s detoxification system,
which, among other things, allows you to slow down
aging processes.

See also  Trepang, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Phenolic compounds accumulating in broccoli are able to provide
choleretic, diuretic, laxative effect. They can reduce
blood pressure, fight bacteria and suppress inflammatory
processes. Thanks to this, regular consumption of broccoli is potentially
can reduce the risk of ischemic
heart disease, asthma,
type 2 diabetes. By crossing different varieties of broccoli,
geneticists strive to get the most useful asparagus
with an increased amount of phenolic compounds, but also known
now the varieties are characterized by a high content of beneficial flavonoids

In medicine

Since the end of the .th century, a number of countries have produced drugs that include
biologically active substances isolated from asparagus.
Incomplete list of dietary supplements
and medicinal products with raw materials obtained from broccoli, represented

Broccoli inflorescences in a cut

  • Grapine от Nature′s Sunshine Products, Inc.
    American drug is consumed in 1 tablet
    per day to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve circulation
    blood. Grapine is listed as an antioxidant
  • Mastophyte from Evlar. Russian medicinal
    the drug is recommended for long-term (from 2 months) use
    with diffuse and / or fibrocystic mastopathy,
    reproductive disorders in women, uterine fibroids, and
    with premenstrual syndrome.
  • Iqualin from Enrich International Inc. More
    one US drug with broccoli concentrate to reduce risk
    inflammation and ulcerative
    processes in the digestive tract.
  • Rose Oaks from D&F Indastries… Dietary supplement with the declared
    antioxidant effect.
  • Solaray Broccoli Seed Extract. BAD c
    capsules with an extract activated by myrosinase. Intended
    for detoxification and prevention of cancer, aging,
  • 30% glucoraphanin (Wisepowder). Wisepowder Company
    releases purified 30% glucoraphanin powder, presenting
    it as a means of promoting weight loss and reducing
    negative symptoms of obesity,
    antioxidant, as a drug for the prevention of cancer,
    cardiovascular diseases, as well as a substance that relieves
    manifestation of autism symptoms
    and type 2 diabetes.

In folk medicine

The range of application of broccoli in traditional medicine is very wide. FROM
with the help of asparagus cabbage are treated:

  • ulcerative diseases of the duodenum and stomach (weakened
    pain, vomiting, nausea),
  • flatulence,
    and digestive disorders (dispersion),
  • liver disease, inflammation of the bile ducts,
  • type 2 diabetes (with obesity),
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels by eliminating cholesterol deposits,
  • sunburn,
    cuts and skin diseases,
  • insomnia,
  • eye diseases (clouding of the lens, senile macular degeneration).

Broccoli juice

Traditional use in folk medicine of freshly squeezed
broccoli juice to fight infectious diseases recently
received experimental confirmation: it was found that
such juice is able to suppress the bacteria of Staphylococcus aureus
and tuberculosis.
People’s experience of using broccoli shows high efficiency
in suppression of Helicobacter pylori infection, including those forms of bacteria
which show resistance to antibiotics.

Decoctions, infusions and drinks

In folk medicine, a recipe for a very simple broccoli broth is known,
where cabbage and water are taken in an approximate ratio of 100 g of vegetable /
300 ml of water, and the cooking time is 5 minutes. Sometimes such a decoction
prescribed for the treatment of prostatitis
in the mode “1,5 months of continuous use – a month of a break – a month
reception “. But the advisability of using broths of asparagus
– a controversial issue even among fans of traditional methods of treatment
due to the formation of amino derivatives of purine during cooking of broccoli
(guanine and adenine).

Infusions with broccoli juice are more common in folk medicine.
in the composition, intended for the prevention of cardiovascular
diseases, as well as infusion of broccoli seeds to combat helminths.

On the seeds of asparagus cabbage, the infusion is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l. seed
250 ml of boiling water is poured and infused for 30 minutes before
cooling. Then the liquid is filtered and either divided into two
portions to be taken in the morning and evening, or to be drunk at a time.

See also  Durian, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

For the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, you can prepare
the following broccoli juice drinks with additional ingredients:

  • Chokeberry
    mountain ash (50 g of fruit) is infused in boiling water (250 ml) for
    20 minutes, then the infusion is filtered, cooled and mixed
    with asparagus juice (120 ml). This portion needs to be drunk
    during the day, and the whole course lasts one and a half to two weeks.
  • Vegetable raw materials, which include the leaves of coltsfoot
    (10 g), birch leaves (5 g), dried licorice root (5 g), seeds
    flax (10 g), crushed in a mortar, poured with boiling water
    (200 ml) and after cooling it is mixed with broccoli juice (200
    ml). The resulting drink should be drunk throughout the day. Duration
    course 1-1,5 weeks.
  • Valerian roots
    (7 g) are crushed and poured with boiling water (250 ml) for half an hour,
    after which the liquid is filtered and mixed with cabbage
    juice (200 ml). Within a week, the remedy is taken in 30
    ml twice a day.

Broccoli sprouts from seeds

In oriental medicine

Dr. Yanbum Gyal, describing the traditions of using herbal
products in Tibetan medicine, about broccoli (known
also under the titles tёpe-whole, pulgebi, bykor-pecel, metok-nёcel
et al.) said that both sweet and salty, a little cool
product she:

  • heals inflammation,
  • relieves
    from parasites,
  • ensures the prevention of diabetes and cancer,
  • thins the blood
  • increases the seven components of the body,
  • enhances the digestive heat, while it is contraindicated in
    diseases of Cold and Mucus.

Some modern sources specify that in case of disorders
Mucus should be refrained from raw broccoli, but when
heat treatment, it can be included in certain cases
in the diet. Some of these authors, based on ancient traditions,
recommend with broccoli (and other foods in the diet,
containing vitamins A and C) to prevent demodicosis –
a skin disease caused by a parasitic mite.

Following the principles of nutritional health, the current Chinese experts
medicine introduce broccoli into the number of “unloading” spring products
to improve liver function. Cabbage is advised to be eaten in boiled
form with the addition of a small amount of lime

In scientific research

Scientists in their projects are exploring the possibility of creating drugs
from broccoli for diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases
and even schizophrenia.

Asparagus extract has been shown to be safe
agent in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

Scientists research broccoli

The highly concentrated product has been tested for three months
in an experiment involving 97 patients with diabetes.
In addition, all participants in the experiment had problems with more than
weight. Taking broccoli extracts in the experimental group receiving
high concentrations of sulforaphane derived from cabbage, provided
decrease in glucose levels by 10% compared to the control group.
Despite the seemingly insignificant difference in results,
according to project manager Anders Rosengren, this could
be enough to relieve patients of their associated problems
with kidneys and vision..

Regular consumption of broccoli reduces the risk of
prostate cancer, even if there is a genetic background to it.

Since the pathological changes leading to prostate cancer,
associated with the loss and loss of activity of the PTEN gene, scientists have studied
the ability to correct a gene defect with the help of excreted from broccoli
sulforaphane. The substance was tested first in cell culture
human prostate cancer, then in laboratory rodents
and at the final stage of the project – in public.

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In the second phase of the experiment, one mice with a disabled PTEN gene
were given regular food and others were fortified with sulforaphane. In the first
group there was a complex genetic disorder caused by
inoperability of PTEN, and in the second group, sulforaphane corrected
a defect such that no statistically significant difference was found
with healthy mice from the third control group.

Human testing was done by including patients in the diet.
in the precancerous stage of the test products Representatives of one
groups during the year were supposed to eat 400 grams weekly
green peas, and others – 400 grams of broccoli. Both diets influenced
on the work of dozens of genes, but the “cabbage” diet had an impact,
more similar to what sulforaphane had on mice in the second
experiment stages..

Sulforaphane-rich broccoli extract and zinc activate
metallothionein and Nrf2, respectively, protecting the body from cardiomyopathy
(dysfunction of the heart muscle).

In an 8-week experiment, mice were divided into 4 groups and all
were subjected to interval hypoxia. The first group was not treated with anything,
the second was given zinc, the third was broccoli extract, and the fourth
– broccoli extract and zinc at the same time. Then examined the heart
for pathological changes, fibrosis, inflammation and oxidative
damage. In those animals that were not treated with anything, it was clearly observed
cardiac dysfunction. With monotherapy, the changes were not so
essential, and in combination therapy (extract and zinc)
the best results were recorded..

Broccoli with leaves in the garden

Broccoli extract can probably be used in the future
in the treatment of schizophrenia.

Scientists have such expectations after carrying out three interrelated

At the first stage, scientists found out that in comparison with healthy
people with symptoms of schizophrenia have a different metabolism
in the brain. They have been found to have 4% lower glutamate levels
(one of the most important neurotransmitters), and there is also a shortage of
(3% and 8% in different parts of the brain) glutathione (part of which is

In the second phase, the researchers tried with the medicine
change the balance of glutamate in the brain of laboratory rats. They blocked
an enzyme that is needed to transform glutamate into an integral part
glutathione. The release of glutamate increased the number of signals that
which brain cells were sending, but it looked like a typical
picture with schizophrenia. Then they used sulforaphane extracted
from broccoli, in order, on the contrary, to increase the amount of glutamate,
converting to glutathione. Brain cells began to send
fewer signals, and it looked more like a healthy brain

The third stage is testing on humans. 9 healthy volunteers daily
within a week took 2 capsules of 100 μmol sulforaphane
in the form of broccoli extract. Such an extract on an empty stomach
may cause distress or gas formation, but is generally tolerated
OK. As a result, it was noted that the subjects increased by 30%
glutathione level.… And although the study has not been completed
(it is necessary to determine the optimal doses and find out how long it takes
take the extract so that the desired effect appears), the results
were rated as encouraging.

For losing weight

The 100-30 kcal contained in 35 grams of broccoli by themselves makes
asparagus is a dietary product. But, besides this, also
two characteristics help broccoli to be a very effective product
for weight loss:

See also  Pigeon, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Broccoli and other natural weight loss products

  1. 1 An abundance of fiber. In broccoli
    its about 2,6 g / 100 g, which corresponds to about 9-10% of the daily
    norms. Although asparagus is not the record holder for this indicator,
    but, for example, Peking cabbage,
    colored, red
    and white,
    she is ahead. Dietary fiber is not processed by the digestive system
    enzymes, but fill the digestive tract, serve as an object of microflora processing,
    improve intestinal motor function. In general, it creates an effect
    which is called “negative calorie” – the ratio,
    in which the digestion and utilization of the product in the body
    consumes more energy than he receives from this product during
    meal time.
  2. 2 The presence of tartronic acid.
    Tartronic acid, contained in asparagus cabbage, inhibits
    transformation of carbohydrates into fat and cholesterol deposits,
    inhibiting further weight gain and obesity in people with excess

Today, two broccoli diets are most widely used:
hard 3 days and soft 10 days. The three-day combines
two types of cabbage: asparagus and cauliflower. A total of daily
you need to eat 1,5 kg of vegetables with the possible addition of mild
spices and lemon
juice. Unsweetened tea is also acceptable
and still water.

The 10-day diet is much more varied and easier to tolerate:

  • 1-2 days. For breakfast and dinner – 200 g of broccoli with tea. For lunch
    – chicken
    broth, chicken cutlets (150 g) and cabbage (100 g).
  • 3-4 day. For breakfast and dinner – stewed broccoli with butter (200
    d), Bulgarian
    pepper (1 pc.) and mineral water. For lunch – broccoli stew
    (150 g), tomatoes
    (2 pcs.), Bulbs
    and fruit juice.
  • 5-6 day. Breakfast – cabbage (100 g) in sour cream, stew
    (100 g), yogurt. Lunch – steamed asparagus (200 g)
    with tea. Dinner – boiled beef (150 g) with mineral water.
  • 7-8 day. Breakfast – steamed broccoli (200 g) with boiled
    hard boiled eggs
    (2 pcs.) And fruit juice. Lunch – chicken broth (200 ml) and blanched
    broccoli (100 g). Dinner – asparagus cabbage (100 g), rye bread
    (70 g), tomato juice.
  • 9-10 days. For breakfast and dinner – blanched broccoli (100
    d) baked potatoes
    (100 g), tomato juice. For lunch – boiled cabbage (100 g), low-fat
    fish (100 g), tea.

Broccoli soup

In cooking

Using steamers in the process of cooking broccoli
and multicooker is due to the desire to save the maximum amount
useful substances. Chinese scientists even conducted a special
research examining the effects of five different cooking methods
broccoli for the safety of beneficial compounds. Among the tested
methods are as follows: cooking
in the microwave, boiling (boiling), frying,
frying with boiling, steaming. As a result of any
cooking method, in addition to steaming, significant
loss of vitamin C, soluble proteins and sugars, chlorophyll, except
additionally, the glucosinolates have undergone significant changes..

However, unambiguously single out the only cooking algorithm
as a priority is difficult. For example, glucosinolates are better preserved
with one minute steaming and begin to be lost already after two minutes.
The total antioxidant capacity remains high even at 5-10 minutes
steaming. In some cases, it is more appropriate to use
microwave oven. And although frying the product is the worst way
its preparation, if necessary, to retain maximum benefit,
further choice depends on the specific tasks of nutritionists.

Although broccoli can be eaten raw, the most
boiling is still a popular method of cooking
and roasting (or a combination of these treatments). An example of such
a culinary approach can serve as a salad with asparagus
in oyster sauce.

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Broccoli (1 small head) is divided into inflorescences and each
additionally cut in half. Carrot
(1 pc.) Shredded into strips. The oil heated in a pan is added
chopped vegetables and stir-fry for one to two minutes.
Then add sugar (1 tsp), oyster sauce (5 tablespoons) and
water (50 ml). Stew this mixture for about 3 minutes more, after which
served with cashew nuts.

You can also quickly cook broccoli with shrimp,
tomatoes, cheese, mushrooms and eggs. Soups are made from this cabbage,
casseroles, fritattu – traditional Mediterranean omelet with filling
from vegetables, cheese, sausages, etc. Broccoli goes well with meat
dishes, potatoes, pasta.

Broccoli puree

In cosmetology

Separately dry extract of broccoli (at a concentration of 0,5% to 10%)
today can be purchased for creating at home cosmetic
funds with various functions:

  • rejuvenation – due to the action of antioxidants and regenerating substances that can restore epidermal cells,
  • equalization of tone and light whitening,
  • humidification,
  • relieving inflammation,
  • cellular protection from ultraviolet radiation, activated by the action of sulforaphane.

Cold Pressed Asparagus Seed Oil
used in acne treatments
rashes, in care cosmetics for oily skin (since it
reduces sebum secretion), in lip products, nourishing
balms. Also, seed oil is recommended in the care of brittle
and dry hair, which due to the action of erucic acid from
Omega-9 families
allows hair to shine without making it heavy and “dirty”.
After such oil, there is no greasy feeling. Therefore not
surprisingly, broccoli seed oil is often added to shampoos,
rinses, hair styling products.

We’ve collected the most important points about the health benefits of broccoli
in this illustration and we will be very grateful if you share
a picture on social networks, with a link to our page:

Asparagus is interesting not only for its beneficial properties,
but also related stories, which we have combined in the top 5 curious
facts about broccoli:

When choosing broccoli, you should focus on color and density
plants. Ripe buds of classic asparagus cabbage will be rich
green (with some varietal variations in green tones)
from purple to sage). The pale color of the cabbage indicates
that it is not yet ripe. Yellowed buds indicate that
that the cabbage is overripe and must be discarded. Also a sign
overripe broccoli can serve as small yellow buds on the head

It is believed that dark green varieties with a purple tint have more
beta-carotene than in lighter vegetables, and in small inflorescences
(10-15 cm in diameter) – more sweetness. Solid, but not stiff,
stalk without mucous formations and rounded head with close fit
inflorescences up to 15-20 cm in size are a sign of a quality product.

Autumn and winter broccoli are considered the most delicious. Collected
in spring, summer and early autumn, cabbage is less pronounced
taste and juiciness. For the sake of keeping the sun-sensitive
To light vitamins, it is better to choose vegetables from the depth of the box.

Store-bought cabbage should be more than just rinsed before eating.
under running water (which can be done, for example, with your garden
broccoli), but it is recommended to leave it in the water with the handle up for
half an hour to be more likely to get rid of nitrate traces.

Before storage in the refrigerator (in a compartment with a temperature of 1-3 ° C)
it is not recommended to wash broccoli for several days (up to a week),
because water can provoke the onset of decay processes. But
to preserve for a long period, this method of freezing is practiced,
in which the cabbage is cut into inflorescences and stems, blanched in
boiling water for 3-5 minutes (the vegetable is immediately placed in boiling
water), and then abruptly moved into ice water. When broccoli
cools down, it is dried, laid out in containers and frozen
(in this form, cabbage is easily stored for six months or a year).

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It is believed that keeping broccoli in boiling water for about 3-5 minutes
also makes it possible to maintain a sufficient amount of flavonoids,
carotenoids lutein and beta-carotene, although, for example, sensitive
to the temperature, vitamin B1 will begin to rapidly break down. Chlorophyll in
adding salt to the boiling water will help to maintain this procedure.

Vitamins C, B2, B6, E are easily lost when the vegetable is stored in the light.
Also, the vitamin content decreases rapidly in chopped vegetables.
Therefore, for a long time, cabbage is most often frozen in closed
containers with large inflorescences. However, it must be borne in mind that freezing
broccoli reduces the activity of the enzyme myrosinase by 10 times, due to
which transforms glucoraphanin into valuable sulforaphane. therefore
today, methods of enrichment of frozen asparagus are being developed
cabbage myrosinase.

There are about 200 varieties of broccoli in the world, but in our
the country is cultivated only a small part of the varieties and hybrids,
although in a large part of the country the climate for growing asparagus
cabbage is favorable. Broccoli grows well in damp areas on
clayey deep soils and at a temperature of 18-23 ° C. With good
conditions, the crop can be removed several times a year – including
winter (which is considered one of the signs that distinguish broccoli from
related to Calabrese and Romanesco).

The classic type of broccoli is a plant with a height of
50 cm to 0,9-1 meter, the powerful stem of which ends tightly
folded inflorescence-“head”, as a rule, green. Depending on
from the variety (hybrid) there may be color variations of shades: light green
(Caesar, Koros F1), blue-green (Naxos F1, Karato F1), gray-green
(Curly head, Agassi F1), etc. But there is also asparagus
non-classical species, broccoli with inflorescences of white and purple
(purple) colors.

New hybrid plants are being created on the basis of broccoli. In particular,
Japanese company Sakata Seed Company since 1985 during
A hybrid of Chinese cabbage gailan and broccoli has been developed for 8 years,
which was registered under the brand name “Broccolini”. His
with a thin edible stem, the plant looks like asparagus,
and the head on broccoli. Broccolini and taste similar at the same time
for both parent cultures, but has a sweetish taste.

Often a hybrid of broccoli and cauliflower is called another cultivated
cabbage variety – Romanesco – a plant with a mathematically beautiful inflorescence,
forming a logarithmic spiral. By the content of some vitamins
this cabbage is even superior to broccoli, but generally a classic asparagus
cabbage is so healthy that it is difficult for it to compete.

Because regular consumption of broccoli can help treat
many diseases (from diabetes and gastrointestinal problems to cardiovascular
and cancer), the fact that this product is available
almost all year round, can be considered a great success, so do not
it is worth neglecting the opportunity to make broccoli a part of the daily

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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