Hibiscus, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Hibiscus is the dried flowers of the Sudanese rose, which has the name
hibiscus… The flower itself is considered a relative of the Chinese rose.
A drink from it, despite the fact that it grows only in warm climates,
popular all over the world.

Sudanese rose – an annual plant of the Malvaceae family,
has an erect and branching stem at the base, reaching
up to two meters in height. The leaves are alternate, in the form of an ovoid, and towards the top
three-bladed. The flowers are bright red, fleshy, large,
have a deeply dissected bowl and a five-membered rim.

Homeland Sudanese rose – northeastern regions of Africa.
There the plant is cultivated for both food and technical purposes.
Hibiscus is successfully grown in Southeast Asia. In the CIS countries hibiscus
not grown, but successfully imported, which allows you to purchase it
and a pharmacy, and in any grocery store.

How to choose

The quality of hibiscus directly depends on maintaining the harvesting technology,
special processing and storage of raw materials. Red hibiscus petals
they become brittle during drying, but even when they dry out, they still retain
rather large sizes, and that is why it is difficult to confuse them with a simple
dry tea.

When buying a hibiscus drink, be sure to pay attention to it
color. If the flowers have been dried correctly, their color should be rich
burgundy shade. In the case when the leaves are faded or very dark
– they sell you hibiscus of poor quality. Such shades of a flower can
acquire only when it has been dried stale, or dried
in the wrong conditions.

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The size of the hibiscus also matters a lot when choosing. It is better
do not buy a drink, ground into powder, or packed in bags,
since this is already an ordinary tea with a hibiscus flavor. Beneficial features
can only be obtained from whole Sudanese rose petals.

How to store

The hibiscus should be stored in a ceramic sealed container, not
more than one year.

Reflection of hibiscus in culture

In ancient medical Arabic treatises, hibiscus is called medicine
from all ailments
.During its existence, this drink
received a large number of flattering names, for example “drink
“Or”royal drink“. Tea, by the way,
it is not worth calling it, because it has nothing to do with any of the varieties
of this popular product. This is a herbal drink, and even the ancient
the nobility was popular, especially among the oriental nobles, and
also among the Egyptian pharaohs.

Calorie hibiscus

Hibiscus drink is very useful and has a number of beneficial properties.
It is used for both medicinal and dietary purposes. Hibiscus without
problems can be consumed while adhering to a diet,
since its caloric content is only 0,9 kcal.

Nutritional value of hibiscus drink in 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal 0,09 – 0,13 – 99 0,9

Useful properties of hibiscus

Composition, presence of nutrients

The beneficial properties of hibiscus are due to climatic and geographical
growing conditions, special technology of collection, processing,
and also a way of storage, as well as transportation. That’s why
hibiscus drink obtained from different countries may well differ
taste (salty, sweetish), color (bright red, cherry,
purple) and the ratio in the composition of nutrients.

Useful substances and properties of hibiscus in rather large quantities
are explained by the rich chemical composition:

  • polysaccharides and pectin including;
  • 13 amino acids, including 6 essential;
  • antioxidants;
  • anthocyanins;
  • vitamins (A, groups B, C, P);
  • trace elements (sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium);
  • flavanoids (quercitin);
  • carbohydrates (fructose and glucose);
  • organic acids (gamma-linolenic, citric).

Medicinal and useful properties

Hibiscus stabilizes blood pressure, increases elasticity,
strength of blood vessels, strengthening the walls, lowers the level
cholesterol and removes “bad” from the body, heals the gastrointestinal
tract, effectively fights viruses and bacteria, stimulates work
liver and cleanses it, relieves hangover.

A delicious drink drunk hot increases blood pressure, and
if you use a cold one, the pressure decreases. This property gives
the ability to use hibiscus in the treatment of hypertension and hypotension.

The drink has a pronounced anthelmintic effect. This environmentally
a pure product can be consumed by almost everyone. Hibiscus positive
affects the human body with food toxicoinfection, dysbiosis,
viral and bacterial infections of the intestines, as it kills
pathological, harmful microflora and stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Hibiscus lowers the temperature and helps to get rid of the infection,
feverish state due to the content of a large amount
citric acid. During a flu epidemic, the drink is not only great
preventive, but also curative. Hibiscus has a soft
diuretic and choleretic properties, copes with the lethargy of the bile
bladder, edema, dissolves stones, and also removes salts from the body
with gout.

Hibiscus drink successfully fights insomnia, neurotic disorders:
it relaxes, soothes and relieves spasms. More included
hibiscus antioxidants tend to bind free radicals
and thus prevent the development and growth of cancerous
cells. Also, the drink has a rejuvenating, tonic effect.
on the body.

Since hibiscus does not contain oxalic acid, it is quite
can be used by people suffering from kidney disease. Drink
restores men’s health, the genitourinary system, strengthens
immunity and the whole body.

In cooking

Hibiscus is used as a pure herbal drink and with the addition of
various additives: small pieces of fruits and berries, cardamom,
vanilla ice cream, lemon balm, mint.

The people of tropical countries use fresh hibiscus leaves in cooking
vegetable salads, and the seeds are used as a seasoning in soup. Often
you can find hibiscus in recipes for making fruit drinks, jelly and

If all the rules for brewing a hibiscus drink are followed, then
all the beneficial properties will bring maximum benefit to your body.

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To prepare a drink, you need to take 50 grams of hibiscus and pour
them with three liters of boiling water, boil everything together under a closed lid
for three minutes. Serve hot or cold

In cosmetology

The herbal drink hibiscus has found its application in cosmetology.
As an extract, it is part of a large number of regenerating,
anti-aging creams. On the basis of hibiscus, all kinds of
hair shampoos and bath foams, it is also used during
perfume production.

Hibiscus infusion is good for body care. Water for
rinsing hair based on hibiscus helps to reduce oiliness
hair. It is prepared by insisting for an hour and fifty
gram hibiscus in one liter of boiling water.

Rubbing with ice cubes made with ice cubes will help improve the complexion.
from infusion of hibiscus. After the procedure, you must carefully
rinse your face with water and apply a nourishing cream. You can still do
masks for oily, dry skin, with acne.

Hibiscus is also used for weight loss. After all, the accumulation of slags,
– this is one of the reasons for the appearance of excess weight. The drink helps to cleanse
from toxins and toxins the body, it also lowers cholesterol levels.
Regular use of hibiscus improves metabolic processes. IN
in order to reduce weight, it should be drunk daily for three weeks,
take a week break, and then drink hibiscus for another 10 days.

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Dangerous properties of hibiscus

Of course, hibiscus is very healthy and you might think that drinking it
can be immeasurably and in any quantity. But not everything is so simple,
because if you drink more than three glasses a day, it can
cause harm, as the acid-base balance will be disturbed and die
intestinal microflora.

Hibiscus is not advisable for people suffering from the following
diseases: gastritis
with high acidity, duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer, stones
in the bladder and gallbladder, allergies,
including red fruits and vegetables.

Also, doctors do not recommend giving the drink to children under one year old.

Acid also negatively affects tooth enamel, so immediately after
drinking tea, you need to rinse the mouth.

If you do not like hibiscus, then you do not know how to brew it correctly. This video will teach you the real tea ceremony!

See also properties of other products:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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